Chapter 4

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  Dean could hear people around him mumbling.

  "Is he gonna be all right?"

  "He'll be fine, Sam. Dean's tough and Madame Pompfrey is the best healer around."

  "He did take a rather nasty fall, though."

  Somebody grunted agreement. Dean felt a throbbing pain in his head. Dean groaned as he willed himself to move. He shifted his body and opened his eyes. He counted 4 - no, 5 - people around him. Two he recognized easily. "Cas. Sammy." Both let out a sigh of relief. Also there was the Gryffindor captain, Chris, the other beater, Alex, and Jo. Worry was the focus of all their faces. 

  "You lot look worried. What happened? Where the hell am I?" Dean said, attempting to sit up, but Cas pushed him back down. He glared at his best friend and Cas glared back. "You're in the Hospital Wing." Jo explained. 

  "What? Why? What happened?" He tried to sit up again, but Cas now firmly held his shoulders, not letting him move. Dean tried to swat Cas' hands away; Cas wouldn't let him. Cas' glare softened slightly and he sighed. "You fell off your broom in the middle of the game. A Bludger hit you in the head. You were above the tallest goal post when it hit you. Dean, that was really high. What were you doing up there?" Dean glared.

  "Keeping the goddamn Bludger away from my team." Cas gave him a look of strong annoyance. Now Sam spoke up. "You got a concussion and broke about 10 bones. Madame Pompfrey fixed it all, but she says you have to stay here for the next few days." Dean sighed.

  "Awesome." He mumbled. Then he smiled at Sam and held his hand out to his younger brother. Sam pulled a necklace out from under his shirt and pulled it off his head. He placed it in Dean's hand, then Dean pulled it over his own head, the necklace coming to rest on Dean's chest. It was an amulet that Sam had given him for Christmas 3 years ago. Dean had worn it every day since, with the exception of Quidditch games, when he would give it to Sam in fear of losing it.

  "So . . . Why are you all still in Quidditch robes?" Everyone groaned loudly at Dean's question and Cas glared at them. "Because Cas, here," Jo said, jabbing a finger in the direction of her brother, "refused to keep playing after you fell. So because the game didn't have any points anyway, they're calling a redo, which will be decided at a later date."

  This earned Cas a glare from Dean. Cas shrugged as if to say 'just leave it, Dean', so that's what Dean did. Over the next few minutes, everyone dispersed. First Alex, who was soon followed by Chris, then Jo and Sam who had homework. Cas chose to stay with Dean. The boys sat in silence for about 5 minutes before Dean sighed loudly.

  "Cas. . . What are you doing?" Cas gave him a confused look. "I mean, why are you still here? You're still in your Quidditch robes, soaking wet and shivering. If you stay like that any longer you'll get sick." Cas smiled, blushing a little as he looked to the ground and pushed his wet hair out of his face. Cas shook his head.

  "Cas, I'm fine. You know I've had worse injuries. Remember that fight in 3rd year? Seriously, man, just go. Get a change of clothes or something." Cas laughed. "You shouldn't be talking Dean. You're the most stubborn person I know. If our places were switched, you would stay, too. You wouldn't listen to a word I was saying." Dean scoffed.

  "Well? Am I wrong? Would you?" Dean laughed and shook his head. "You're right. I probably wouldn't. But you're not Dean. You're Cas. So go change before I get out of this goddamn bed and force you the hell out of here." Cas laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender.

  "Fine. You win, Dean." Cas stood up and began walking away. "Hey! Stop by the kitchen and get me some food while you're at it!" Cas scoffed, but Dean smirked and watched him go. Dean was very grateful to have Cas. Sure, they fought and annoyed the hell out of each other, but Dean couldn't imagine a better best friend.

  He made jokes with Cas that he couldn't make with anybody else. Dean wasn't one for smiling, but found he couldn't stop around Cas. To be honest, Dean wasn't even sure why he had ended up talking to Cas on that train. There was just something about his bright blue eyes, ruffled raven hair, and worried look that had captured Dean that day.

  When Cas came out as gay in 2nd year, Dean was shocked. Cas had certainly hidden it well. But honestly, Dean was slightly pleased. No one knew - not even Sam - but Dean was bisexual. He hid it well. And in 3rd year, when he was playfully teasing Cas and Cas had denied fancying Dean, Dean lost hope for he and Cas. He had given up, but he hadn't let go.

  He had spent 2 years trying to let Cas go, but he liked him too damn much. Dean sighed loudly. The Hospital Wing was empty except for him. Madame Pompfrey had decided that Dean would be fine by himself and went to the feast. Dean rested his head on the pillows, closed his eyes, and waited for Castiel to return.

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