Chapter 13

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  Dean knelt, placing a hand on Cas' shoulder. The boy was freezing. Cas ignored him. Dean sighed, hurt. When Cas had told him that he fancied him, Dean had been too shocked to react properly. By the time Dean focused again, it had been too late. He hadn't seen Cas all day, with the exception of Quidditch.

  Dean's heart really hasn't been in the game. He made it easy for Hufflepuff to win. Then, a couple hours ago, Charlie came running up to him, shouting something about Cas. They looked all over the castle for him, but couldn't find him. Now Cas sat in front of Dean, shivering and silent.

  He shook Cas' shoulder slightly, trying to get his attention. "Cas. Cas, please talk to me." He earned no reaction. "Cas, please. At least look at me. Please." Hurt filled Dean. He touched Cas' face, causing him to flinch. Dean pulled his hand away, tears welling up.

  "Cas, talk to me. I'm sorry, Cas. Cas. Please don't make me say it here. I didn't want to tell you like this." Cas shifted slightly, almost like he was going to look at Dean. "Cas. . ." Dean said, his voice breaking and on the verge of tears.

  "Son of a bitch. Fine. This isn't how I wanted to tell you, but I'm gonna say it anyway." Dean took a deep breath. Why was he even nervous? It was only Cas. Dean leaned closer until his mouth was by Cas' ear. "I like you, too, Cas." He whispered slowly. Before he pulled away, he pressed his lips to Cas' cheek.

  Cas' eyes widened as he turned to look at Dean. "What?" He whispered to Dean. He smiled at Cas. "I like you, Castiel. I have for about 3 years. I'm bi, Cas. I kept it a secret. From everyone." Cas continued looking shocked, making Dean give a soft chuckle. He took Cas' hand, making his best friend smile a little.

  "Are you telling the truth, Dean? Or are you lying because you feel bad?" Cas' voice wavered a little and Dean's smile faltered. "Cas. . . Of course I'm telling you the truth. I'd never lie to you." Castiel's gaze met Dean's and he gasped. He got lost in the pool of sharp blue. Dean loved the color of Cas' eyes. And he loved Cas.

  Dean slowly leaned forward. He placed a hand on Cas' neck, pulling the blue eyed boy to him. He pressed his lips against Castiel's. He felt Cas melt into the kiss. Cas' arms snaked around Dean's waist. Dean placed his hands on the sides of Cas' face as he pulled away. Castiel's face was red and Dean could feel his own growing warm.

  "I should have done that the moment you told me you fancied me. I'm so sorry, Cas. I love you." Dean said without thinking. Cas went bright red and smiled at Dean. He hadn't meant to say that, it had just come out. "I love you, too, Dean. I always have." Dean gave a sigh of relief.

  A small glare formed on Cas' face. "What about Lisa?" He asked. Dean huffed out a laugh. He pulled Cas in for anther quick kiss. "I told you. She kissed me. I might have felt something for her at some point, but with you around I never could. I love you, Castiel Novak. " Cas smiled and wrapped Dean in a hug.

  Cas ran a hand through Dean's hair as he buried his face in Cas' neck. He wished this hug could last forever and that they would never have to move. He felt Cas kiss his cheek and Dean sighed of contentment. He finally had Cas. He'd told him he loved him. He had kissed him. He was happy.

  He kissed Cas collarbone before reluctantly pulling away. "I suppose there's no point in asking, as I already know the answer, but I'll ask anyway. Will you be my boyfriend, Cas?" Cas nodded, glowing with happiness. Dean smirked and pressed his lips back against Castiel's.

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