Chapter 18

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  Dean woke when somebody jumped on him. He rolled over, punching his attacker. "Ow!" Dean groaned and pulled the covers over his eyes, trying to go back to sleep. The covers were pulled away.

  "You know, you really should learn to be nicer." Dean rolled his eyes. "Bitch." Dean said, his words slurred with sleep. "Jerk!" Sam said back, jumping off Dean. Dean sat up and threw his pillow at his little brother. Sam caught it, laughing.

  "Come on, Dean. It's Christmas! Get your ass out of bed!" Dean smirked at Sam. He had totally forgot in was Christmas. He climbed out of bed and pulled Sam into a tight hug. "Am I the last one up, Sammy?" Dean asked as he realized the absence of his boyfriend. Sam pushed Dean away, nodding.

  "Stop calling me Sammy." Dean smirked. "Okay, Sammy." Sam glared, but laughed. Christmas always put him in a good mood. The smaller boy's happiness was contagious. Sam grabbed Dean's arm. "Come on! Hurry up!" He said excitedly. Dean ruffled Sam's hair, making his little brother glare. Sam's hair was just past his ears. Dean thought he needed it cut.

  San pulled him into the sitting room where Bobby and Ellen sat on the coach, Jo and now Sam crouched in front of the tree excitedly, and Cas sitting silently and contentedly in a chair. Dean walked over to him and say on the arm of the chair. He leaned down and kissed the top of Cas' head. "Morning, Angel," he whispered into Cas' messy hair.

  Cas smiled and took Dean's hand. "Merry Christmas, guys," Dean announced to the room. They all repeated the words, then Ellen stood up. "Would you like some coffee, sweetie?" she asked Dean. He nodded and thanked her. Sam and Jo chattered happily on the ground. Dean smiled at them.

  "Hey, Bobby?" Cas said, not taking his eyes of his sister and Sam. "I think Sam and Jo are gonna explode if they don't get to open these presents soon." Bobby laughed and Sam and Jo cheered. "Yeah, okay. We were just waiting on this idjit, anyway," he said, pointing at Dean.

  Ellen entered the room and handed Dean his coffee before taking her spot next to her husband. Cas leaned against Dean. Sam started pulling gifts out from under the giant Christmas tree.

(A/N: I wasn't really in the mood for writing this, so I didn't. But, if y'all are interested, I might add it in. Also, if you do want that, and you had ideas for gifts Dean and Cas get each other, they would be appreciated.)



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