Chapter 20

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  Cas and Dean left the restaurant, walking no place in particular. Dean swung his hand, catching Cas' in the middle. "Big Ben isn't too far from here. You wanna go?" Dean nodded and smiled. Cas returned the smile, then leaned over to kiss Dean's cheek. However, Dean turned as Cas attempted to do so, making the kiss land on Dean's lips instead.

  Cas pulled away with a red face. Then he began running, pulling a laughing Dean along with him. They weaved their way through the crowd. As Cas turned a corner, somebody rammed into him. he cried out in pain as he fell to the ground. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" The other person said. Cas began to apologize as Dean helped him up, but stopped short.

  "Lucifer?!" The other person stared at him for a while. "Cas?" Beside him, Dean raised an eyebrow. "Cas, you know this guy?" Cas nodded slowly. "Yeah, th-this is my older cousin Lucifer Milton. My aunt, Anna, was my mother's sister. Merlin's beard, I haven't seen you in years, Luci." Lucifer nodded and smiled at his cousin before holding a hand out to Dean.

  "Like he said, I'm Lucifer Milton. And you are?" Cas watched as Dean took Lucifer's hand. "Dean Winchester. I'm Cas' boyfriend." Cas paled at Dean's words. Oh, Dean really shouldn't have said that. Lucifer looked between the two boys, looking angry. "Boyfriend? Really, Cas? Well, I'm surprised at you. You know that's a sin." Cas looked to the ground.

  "I know that you're very religious, Lucifer, but I am not. I'm not a Milton. Bobby, Ellen, and Jo are my family and they couldn't care less if I'm gay." Lucifer sighed and shook his head. "Doesn't matter, Castiel. It's still a sin. And I'm going to have to deal with that, aren't I?"

  Lucifer rolled up his sleeves and Cas flinched as he did so. He pulled back his fist. Lucifer hit Cas in the stomach and he doubled over in pain. Lucifer threw another punch, this time hitting Dean square in the jaw. Dean stumbled backwards as Cas attempted to sit up, but he was stopped when Lucifer kicked him. He pulled his fist back again, aiming it at Dean, but he stopped as a new voice filled the air.

  "Luci, Luci, Luci." Cas clutched his stomach and looked up; he recognized that voice. A boy with long, light brown hair came up, standing in front of Lucifer. "Lucifer, you are my brother and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks." Cas groaned as he sat up. "Gabriel?" The boy turned.

  "Hiya, Cassie!" He held out a hand and helped Castiel up. Dean grabbed Cas' shoulders, hugging him. Gabriel turned back to his older brother. "Okay, Lucifer. Show's over. Leave them alone." Lucifer glared at him. "Why?" Gabriel scoffed. "Because he's our cousin, you arse."

"He's an abomination. A sin." Gabriel scoffed again. Cas shook his head. For a 12 year old, this kid was brave. "Why? Because he's gay? News flash, big brother, I am, too! So shut your pie hole and go away." Lucifer practically growled at his brother. "What does a 12 year old know?" Dean moved his hands away from Cas and stepped next to Gabriel.

  "He knows you're a dick." Cas took a painful step forward and placed a hand on Dean's arm to stop him from angering Lucifer further. Dean's tensed muscles relaxed at Cas' touch and he turned to hug Cas again. With an angry sigh, Lucifer started walking away. "Hey, Lucifer!" Cas called and Lucifer turned when he did. "If God thinks being gay is such a sin, why did He make me this way?"

  Castiel's response was Lucifer's fist in his face. He walked away, leaving Cas on the ground, groaning in pain, Dean sitting next to him, clutching his sore jaw, and Gabriel staring at his retreating brother in shock. Gabriel knelt next to Cas. A bruise was already forming over his eye. "I'm starting to wish I'd brought my wand." Cas joked and Dean smiled.

  Gabriel hugged Cas tightly. "I missed you, too, Gabe. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in 2 years." Gabe pulled away. "At least this time it was better circumstances." Cas glanced to Dean. Gabriel held a hand out to Dean. "Gabriel Milton."

  "Dean Winchester." Gabriel looked shocked. "Dean? As in Dean 'best-brother-in-the-world-who's-totally-gay-for-his-best-friend' Winchester? Sam's brother?" Cas' mouth dropped open. "You're Sam's Gabriel? As in 'I'm-not-gonna-tell-you-anything-about-him-even-though-I-clearly-like-him' Gabriel?"

  Gabe turned to face Cas. "Wait, Sam fancies me?" Dean nodded. "He won't admit it, but it's obvious. He blushes at the mention of you." Gabriel smiled to himself at this. Dean stood up, then helped Cas. "We should go home." Dean whispered to Cas. Castiel nodded, then turned to his cousin.

  "You want to go with us, Gabriel?  Sam will be there. Besides, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo love having you around." Gabe nodded.


  When they reached the Singer household front door, Cas fumbled with his key. The bruise around his eye was now so swollen that Cas had trouble seeing. When he almost dropped the key, Dean reached over and gently took it from his hands, unlocking the door. They found Ellen sitting on the couch, reading a book. When she saw them, she jumped up with a gasp.

  Cas imagined that they looked horrible. Cas with a giant bruise and his stomach still hurting where Lucifer had punched and kicked him, Dean with a red and slightly bruised jaw, and Gabriel randomly showing up with them.  Ellen ran to Cas, who was the most injured. "Sweetie, what happened?!"

  Cas flinched as she touched his sore face. "I'm fine, mum."

  "Bullshit, you're fine. What the hell happened to you?" Gabriel, who stood in the corner of the room, answered her. "Lucifer," was all he said. She didn't even ask why he was there; she just beckoned all three boys to her and hugged them tightly. She released them as Jo came down the stairs.

  "Mum, who are you - Oh my God, Cas!" She ran to him. Jo also didn't question Gabriel's presence, just waved at him as she hugged her brother. Sam came next. "Why is everyone shouting about Cas? Did something - Merlin's beard, what happened?!" Cas had to stifle a laugh. He had no idea why he found what was happening funny.

  Sam's eyes landed on Gabriel. "Gabe!" Sam said, both happy and confused. He ran to hug Gabe, stopping to hug Dean on the way. Then Bobby entered. He took one look at the room and sighed. "What. The hell. Happened?" Dean took a step forward to explain.

  "Well, Cas and I were on our way to Big Ben when Cas literally ran into Lucifer. He found out that Cas was gay, beat us up for it, then Gabriel intervened. Just as Lucifer was about to leave, Cas made a smartass remark, landing him a punch in the face."

  The room went silent when Dean finished. Dean held hands with Cas, who was still being hugged by his mother and sister, Gabriel held Sam's hand, and Bobby just looked angry. "Jo?" Bobby said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Bring me the phone and find Anna's number. I think she needs to know what her son has been up to."

  Jo nodded and left the room. Cas shook his head. "No, Dad, just leave it." Bobby glared. "No. I'm not leaving this. I'm not gonna let that son of a bitch hurt you and get away with it." Ellen stepped away from Cas and he immediately moved to Dean, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

  Ellen walked to Gabriel and hugged him. "Why don't you spend the night here, Gabriel? We'll talk to your mom about it." Gabriel nodded. Cas saw Sam squeeze his friend's hand and Gabriel smiled at him.

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