Chapter 10

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  After the entire day of being ignored by Cas, Dean couldn't stand it. What in Merlin's name did he do? Had he said something? When Dean entered the common room that night, he went immediately to where Jo was sitting. He plopped down in front of her, scaring her a little bit.

  "Hey, Dean. What's up?" Dean sighed loudly. "Have you seen your brother? Or have you talked to him? Do you know why he won't talk to me?" Jo looked up at him, confused. "Cas isn't talking to you?" Dean shook his head. "Oh. Well, um. . . I haven't seen Cas all day. But I could try to talk to him if you want. He'll listen to me." Dean shook his head.

  "No, it's fine. Thanks, Jo."  Dean stood up angrily. A couple of his friends called his name, but he ignored them. He stormed out of the common room, running into Lisa on his way out. She reached for his arm, but Dean tore his arm away from her grasp. "Lisa, I swear to God, get the hell away from me. Why is it so hard for you to accept that I don't feel the same?"

  Dean sighed at the hurt expression on her face. "Look, you're nice and you're pretty, but I like someone else. I like them a lot. So please, leave me alone." He pushed past her, ran out of the common room, and ran down the steps of the Gryffindor tower. He needed to talk to Cas.

  He ran down to the first floor, past the Great Hall, past the kitchens, coming to a stop at the barrels. He swore at the sight of them, but he didn't know what he expected. It's not like the door was going to be open for him. Then he saw a Hufflepuff with bright red hair. "Charlie! Hey, Charlie!"

  She turned to him and smiled. "What's up, bitch? What are you doing down here?" Dean smirked at her. "I need to talk to Cas. Can you get him for me?" Charlie shrugged. "Sure, why not? I'll be right back." Dean thanked her as she entered the common room. She returned a couple minutes later, alone.

  Dean's shoulders sank in disappointment. "Sorry, Dean. I just mentioned your name and he got up and left." Dean felt disappointment flood him. "Okay. Okay, thanks, Charlie." She gave him a quick hug before walking back into her common room. Dean leaned against the wall. "What the friggin' hell . . ."

  Then Dean got an idea. It was stupid as hell, but even if it failed, it would get Cas to talk to him. Probably. But what the hell? Dean was too desperate. He took a deep breath, then stepped in front of the barrels. He pulled his wand from his robes. This isn't going to work. . .

  He raised his wand and tapped a barrel. Then another, then another, until he had tapped all 15 in a random order. Dean flinched as the barrels began moving. A stinging liquid filled his eyes and ears. Dean yelped as he continued to be soaked in vinegar. His clothes dripped with the awful smelling liquid.

  He tried to wipe it off his face, but only succeeded in getting more in his eyes. "Son of a bitch. . ." He mumbled. "Bloody hell, that was a lot more than I was expecting."

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