Chapter 7

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Dean leaned back in his chair. Cas sat opposite him, his nose buried in a book. Dean gave a small smile as he looked at Cas. Dean loved the way that Cas' face scrunched up when he concentrated. A smirk formed on Dean's face. He had no clue what it was about the boy sitting across from him that he liked, but Dean didn't care. After 4 years of trying to figure it out, Dean had given up. 

Maybe it was the way Cas' smile lit up his face. Or the sparkling blue eyes. How about his kind, yet brutal, honesty? Or the way he made Dean's heart leap when they touched, or . . . or maybe it was all of him. Maybe Dean couldn't find a single reason because he liked everything about Cas. As Dean realized he was still staring at Cas, he looked to the ground, his face warm.

Just then, Cas looked up. "Can you pass me that Astronomy book?" Dean nodded and passed it to Cas. Their library table was scattered with textbooks for their homework. Dean picked up his quill, dipped it in ink and scribbled something on a sheet of paper. He had no idea if it was right, but he'd ask Cas later. 

"Cas, I still don't get this. What the hell am I supposed to be doing?" Dean whined to his best friend. Cas looked up at him. "What's not to get, Dean? We've been doing the same thing all week." Dean glared at him. "How am I supposed to know that? This is the first time I've been to class all week." Cas made a face as if he was just now remembering this, causing Dean to glare harder. "Did you forget that or something? No offense, Cas, but you're not the best teacher. Or helper." 

Cas nodded, looking at the ground, making Dean immediately regret what he'd said. "Sorry, that was mean. I'll just. . . I'll just run it by McGonagall tomorrow." Cas nodded again. Dean sighed, determined to cheer Cas up. "Come on, Cas. This is boring the friggin' hell out of me. Let's get out of this goddamn library and go practice Quidditch or something." 

Cas gave him that smile that lit up his face, making Dean smirk. "I'll take that as a yes?" Cas slammed the book shut, nodding." Dean stood up and laughed at Cas' enthusiasm. "Race me to the field?" Cas shook his head. "No. I learned a long time ago to never race Dean Winchester." Dean shrugged.

"Fine, we'll walk. But we'll have less time on the field." Dean taunted. "Still not racing you." Cas replied as he stood. Dean groaned, giving up. The entire way the boys joked and laughed. As they walked onto the Quidditch field, Dean slowed. "Cas?" He said. "We forgot our brooms." Dean said slowly. Cas scoffed and brought a hand to his face. "We. Are. Idiots."

Dean nodded, then pulled out his wand. "Accio broom!" He shouted, then Cas did the same. When they zoomed out of the castle, Dean caught his and mounted it. He kicked off the ground and Cas followed soon after. Once they were high enough in the air, Dean asked, "Race me now?" Cas rolled his eyes, but nodded. They decided to go across the field.

"Ready. . . Set. . . Go!" Dean shouted. Dean flew as fast as he could, not bothering to look where Cas was. The cool wind of the fall night hit Dean's face sharply, blowing through his hair. Dean glanced downward. Cas flew below, only slightly behind. Dean knew that Cas would catch up if he wasn't careful.

The opposite goalposts from which they had started were serving as their finish line. Dean flew past the post and spun his broom to see where Cas had ended up. "Beat you!" he heard someone shout. Dean looked down to see Cas already on the ground and off his broom. Dean swore under his breath before flying to meet Cas.

"Damnit, Cas! How the hell did you do that?" Cas shrugged, looking proud of himself. "Guess you're not as good as you thought." Dean swung a playful punch into Cas' shoulder. Cas tried to dodge it, failed, and laughed. "Seriously, Cas. How the hell did you beat me?" Cas shrugged again.

Dean shook his head, sighed, and they walked back to the castle. As the approached the Great Hall, a girl with tan skin and dark brown hair passed. "Hi, Dean." She said sweetly as she walked. "Hey, Lisa." When she had moved past, Dean turned to watch her walk down the hall. Damn, there was no denying, that girl was pretty. Lisa was a year under Dean and Cas. She had fancied Dean for ages.

Dean had never fully reciprocated the feelings; he liked Cas way too much for that, but he certainly felt something for Lisa. They'd hung out a couple times, not anything serious. If Dean didn't like Cas so much, he felt like he'd gone out with Lisa ages ago. But he did like Cas, so every advance Lisa had ever attempted to make had been turned down.

Dean turned around to find Cas standing there looking at the ground, looking upset. Dean nudged Cas' shoulder. "You okay?" Cas took a deep breath. He nodded, clearly lying. But Dean chose to ignore it. He smirked and pulled Cas along with him.

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