Chapter 22

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  Dean and Castiel prepared to leave. They'd already told everyone what they planned to do. Sam, who was the only other person who knew what had happened to Dean, had protested strongly. Dean had given him a sad, pleading smile. Sam argued for a few more minutes, before he finally sighed in defeat and gave his older brother a hug, telling him to be safe.

  "I'll be fine, Sammy. What's the worst that could happen? I'll even bring my wand to make sure." Sam nodded reluctantly. "I know, I know. I know you can handle yourself, but I'm worried. I know what happened last time. I saw what happened, Dean. Be careful. And do me a favor and just . . . just make sure he's sober."

  Dean smirked at his little brother. "Of course . . . Bitch." This got Sam to smile. "Jerk." He mumbled before walking to stand by Gabriel. Their conversation had been quiet and private, but Dean was sure Gabriel had picked something up by the look he was giving them. Dean smiled at them before walking over to Castiel.

  Bobby and Ellen had already left for work, leaving the boys money for bus expenses. Even though he tried to cover it, Dean could see the worry on his boyfriend's face.

  "We'll be fine, Cas." He said, giving him the same reassuring smile he'd given Sam. Although he said these things, Dean himself wasn't sure. He had firsthand experience with his father's anger. The ride to Dean's was silent. Neither boy knew what to say.

  When they finally arrived, they were still silent. As they was walked the block to the Winchester household, Cas finally broke the silence. "Dean, I don't want to do this." Dean stopped to look at him. He sighed and quickly kissed Cas' cheek.

  "Cas, this is something I need to do. I know you don't like it, but I need to." Castiel swallowed slowly and nodded. They walked to the porch of the house where the Winchesters hid a spare key under a flower pot. As they entered, Dean heard the television two rooms over. They walked to the living room, knocking on the door frame instead of scaring the hell out of Dean's father.

  John looked shocked to see them, but Dean could have sworn there was joy there, too. "Boys! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Bobby and Ellen's?" Dean nodded to his father, thinking silently to himself. He sounds sober. That's good, right?

  "Well, yeah, but, I, um. . . I wanted to see you, and Cas said he'd come with," he lied, his mouth dry. John nodded before smiling and hugging his son. Dean tensed under his father's hold. His father wouldn't be hugging him for much longer. As his father pulled away, he asked where Sam was.

  "Oh, he stayed behind. Cas' cousin came to visit, so they're getting to know each other."

  "Well, it's good to see you. I'm sorry I wasn't home for Christmas," John replied.

  "Oh, it's fine, sir. We love having them around," Cas spoke for the first time. Dean realized his breath was shaking. He suddenly really didn't want to do this. His heart beat sped up. He grew nervous. He felt as if all the wounds on his back were opening like they were brand new. But he was the one who wanted to do this. He had to go through with it.

  He looked to Castiel. As always, he looked perfect. His hair was messy, his mouth formed into a perfect smile, and his blue eyes sparkling in the living room lighting. Looking at the boy he loved and thinking about everything they'd done together gave him strength. This was the boy he loved. The boy he never imagined himself without. This was his boyfriend and he didn't care who knew.

  Dean took a deep breath and stood up straighter. "Dad, I have something to tell you," he blurted out before John could say anymore. His father looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  "I'm bisexual and Cas and I are dating," he blurted out before his nerves took over and stopped him. His father's face went stone-like and expressionless.

  "Dean . . . Could you go get me a beer?" he said, his voice too calm for the situation.


  "Just get the damn beer!"

  Dean flinched at the calm anger in John's voice. He mumbled a 'Yes, sir' and went into the kitchen. He pulled a beer from the fridge, but when he turned around, he met a fist colliding with his face. He fell to the ground, dropping the beer bottle. As much as Dean tried to stop it, a yelp of pain escaped his lips, causing Cas to come running into the room.

  Dean motioned for him to leave, but Castiel ignored it, running to Dean's side. John's fist hit Dean again and now he could taste blood. "Cas . . . please . . . go . . ." He tried pushing Castiel away, but his now crying boyfriend didn't move. John picked up the fallen beer. He threw it at Dean and Cas. It shattered on Dean's chest, some of the shards flying into Cas.

  Castiel gave a cry of pain and Dean winced at the sound. John hoisted Cas up, only to push him right back down. As he hit the floor, there was a distinct 'crack!' and Cas screamed. Dean tried to stand to stop John from hurting Cas further, but he felt something whip across his back.

  "How many fucking times to I have to tell you?! This is wrong, Dean! It's a horrible abomination!" John whipped him again with his belt. The pain was now so strong that Dean couldn't even make noise. He looked over to Cas, even though he was now seeing spots. Cas held a phone in his hand.

  Dean heard the pings as Castiel dialed a number. He prayed with all his might that John wouldn't notice. Dean began slowly losing consciousness as John continued yelling and beating him, losing the belt in favour of his hands. "Cas . . ." Dean whispered before everything went black.

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