Chapter 19

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Dean's arm was still draped across Cas' chest when he woke. Cas had to stifle a laugh. As tough and strong as Dean acted, he was just as vulnerable as everyone else. Not to mention, he liked to cuddle. Cas had never really enjoyed being touched by people outside of his family, but Dean was an exception.

He snuggled closer to Dean, wrapping himself in his boyfriend's warmth. Dean stirred, but didn't wake. He glanced to the clock on his bedside table. The time read 9:23 and the date was December 28. Happiness hit him as Castiel saw the date. This was the day that he and Dean would be heading to London.

  Excitement flooded Cas and he gently turned to wake his slumbering boyfriend. He thought of waking Dean nicely, with a kiss on the cheek, but then he smirked. A better, but meaner, idea came to mind. He knew this was probably not going to end well.

  He jabbed Dean's side, somewhere he knew Dean was ticklish. Dean woke with a jolt, hitting Cas. "Ow!" Cas whined, rubbing his shoulder. "Dean, that hurt." Dean groaned and sat up. "Well, then maybe you should be nicer about how you wake me up," he replied groggily.

  Cas just shrugged and continued rubbing his shoulder. Then, he remembered why he had woken Dean up at all. "Dean!" He shouted happily. "What?!" Dean replied, mocking Cas' tone. "It's December 28th! We're going to London!" Dean's face lit up.

  He leaned over, quickly kissed Cas, then rolled out of bed. Cas stared at Dean; he was once again shirtless. He had decided that he no longer cared now that Cas had seen his scars. He wore sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Cas wore a simple blue t-shirt and shorts.

  Cas found the longer he stared at Dean, the harder it was to breathe. Dean caught his gaze and winked at him. Cas grew a deep red. Dean knew exactly what would make Cas blush. Castiel looked away from Dean and pulled himself out of bed, walking to his dresser to get his clothes for the day.

  He felt Dean come up behind him. Dean pressed his bare chest against Cas' back, laced his arm around Cas' waist, and rested his chin on Cas' shoulder. Cas put his hand over Dean's, which rested on Cas' stomach. Cas leaned into Dean and closed his eyes. Cas could feel Dean's breath on his shoulder.

  Dean kissed Cas' shoulder, then neck before whispering, "You know I love you more than anything, right?" Cas didn't respond to Dean's question. Instead, he turned in Dean's arms, so he was facing him. He placed one hand on Dean's chest, the other running through Dean's  light brown hair. Cas stared into those beautiful green eyes.

  As always, they melted him. He felt his knees go weak. If Dean hadn't been holding onto him, he might have fallen. He brought his hand from Dean's hair to his cheek. Dean kissed his palm. Cas smiled before putting his arms around Dean's neck and pulling him closer. He pressed his lips to his boyfriend's.

  Dean pulled Cas closer, practically lifting Cas off the ground as the kiss deepened. "I love you, too." Cas said against Dean's lips. Dean pulled away with a smile. Cas pressed one more kiss onto Dean's lips before moving away from his boyfriend's embrace. Cas pulled his shirt off, replacing it with a different one.


  After breakfast, a little bit of homework, and a 'Be safe' talk from Ellen that they smartassed their way through, Cas and Dean were prepared to leave. "Do you guys have everything?" Ellen asked. Cas nodded in response. "Money?" Dean nodded. "Do you need your wands?" Cas sighed.

  "No, we'll be fine, Ellen. Besides, we're not allowed to use them anyway. I don't want to get expelled." Ellen nodded, then hugged the boys. Cas had to smile at her protectiveness. "We'll be all right. Nothing to worry about." He heard Dean tell her. "I love you, mum." Cas whispered in her ear.

  Cas knew it was the best way to stop her from worrying. He and Dean pulled away from her. Cas and Dean waved goodbye to Sam and Jo, who weren't really paying much attention. "I want you idjits back by 9:30, you hear?" Bobby said. Cas nodded and waved goodbye to his father.

  They left the house and walked to the bus station, hand in hand. The boys openly sharing that they were a couple earned them some disgusted looks, but Cas and Dean completely ignored them. Once they got on the bus, Cas asked, "So, where do you want to start?" Dean shrugged. "I'm kinda hungry."

  Cas laughed. "Okay, fine, we can start with lunch. There's a place not too far from here. Next stop, I think." When the bus came to a halt, Cas and Dean jumped off. Cas took Dean's hand, pulling him down the crowded streets. When they entered the restaurant, a waitress led them to a table for two.

  She handed them menus, then walked off to serve somebody else. Dean stared intently at the menu, while Cas gazed at him lovingly. Dean glanced up and saw Cas staring. His cheeks were tinged pink, but Cas kept watching him. "What?" Dean asked him with a raised eyebrow.

  Cas shrugged. "Nothing. You're just really hot." Dean blushed, but covered it with a smirk. "You're not so bad yourself, Cas." Castiel smiled at his boyfriend. Their waitress came back, looking shy and blushing. "I know it's probably not my place to say this," she began, "but you two make a really cute couple."

  Both boys smiled and Dean thanked her. "How long have you known each other?" Dean smirked, then reached across the table to grab Cas' hand. "Five years," he answered. She gave a small, shy smile, then proceeded to take their orders. When she left, she was mumbling. "Wish I had a relationship like that." Cas caught her say.

  He laughed and squeezed Dean's hand. Dean smirked in return. Cas felt his smile fall and he pulled his hand from Dean's, sighing. "As much as I love you, Dean, I really hate that smirk." It fell from Dean's face, being replaced by a confused glare. "Why?"

  "Because you have absolutely no idea how many girls I've seen you give that smirk to. Our waitress, for instance." Cas said, gesturing to the girl two tables away. Dean gave Cas a sad look. "Even at age 11, you were stopping girls' hearts with that. And for 5 years, I had to sit back and live through it."

  Dean looked as if Cas had just stabbed him. He stood, then knelt next to Cas. "Well, you're the only person I've ever given this to." And with that, Dean pressed his lips against Cas'. Castiel melted into it, although he almost wished he hadn't. Dean pulled back, but kept their foreheads touching.

  "Cas . . . Sure, I throw that smirk around, but it doesn't mean anything. You should know that. It's always you. I tried getting over you. I tried moving on because I thought you didn't like me back, but it never worked. I always came back to you. I probably always will. I'll never let you go. So the next time you see me smirk at some random girl, just remember who I love. Remember that I love you and that I always will."

  Cas felt tears form at Dean's words. Dean wiped them away with his thumb. He kissed Cas' forehead, then hugged him. "I love you, Dean." Cas whispered into Dean's neck.  Cas pulled away from Dean and stared at the tablecloth. He heard Dean move back into his seat as the waitress came back, giving them their food.

  Cas gave her a nod of thanks and she smiled sweetly, while Dean kept his eyes fixed on Cas. Dean had taken Cas' hand again and was running circles into his palm with his thumb. Cas blushed under Dean's bright green gaze. "Why are you staring at me?" Dean shrugged and smiled.

  "Because you're beautiful."

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