Chapter 2

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  The train came to a slow stop. Cas still sat across from Dean, both of them now in Hogwarts robes. Next to Cas sat a girl who had joined them about halfway through the trip. Meg Masters was her name. She seemed hellbent on being in Slytherin. She had sassed Dean the entire trip, making Cas laugh.

  He liked this girl. The three of them grabbed their things and pushed their way off the train. On the platform, Cas could hear someone shouting. "Firs' years over here. Firs' years!" Cas followed the voice, losing Meg and Dean in the crowd. He found a giant of a man holding a giant lantern with a dog at his side. Kids around him were saying 'Hi' and calling Hagrid.

  After Hagrid had successfully gathered all the first years, he led them down a path towards a lake. They got into the boats waiting for them; then the boats floated across the lake, towards the giant castle awaiting them.


Now all the first years stood in the front of the Great Hall, waiting to be sorted. The girl from the train, Meg, had just been sorted. Slytherin, as she had hoped. "Novak, Castiel!" Cas felt his veins go cold. He was frozen to the spot. Professor McGonagall looked at him expectantly, but Cas stayed where he was. He felt someone nudge him. He turned to find the boy from the train.

  He suddenly couldn't remember his name. What was it again? Dean. Dean Winchester. Dean flashed that stupid smirk at Cas. Cas turned around and slowly walled to where McGonagall was waiting. As he approached she put a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to sit on the stool. Cas' breath shook as she placed the Sorting Hat on his head.

  It mumbled to itself for a minute or so, before giving a curt nod and shouting. "HUFFLEPUFF!" The table decorated in yellow and black banners erupted in cheers. Cas let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. The hat was taken off his head and he jumped off the stool.

  He shook hands with someone who introduced herself as Melissa Sumners, a Hufflepuff prefect. Cas watched the rest of the sorting. The last person was Dean Winchester. Gryffindor. Cas clapped as Dean went to the Gryffindor table. As he passed, Dean gave Cas a smile, making Cas blush.


In the morning, Castiel made his was to his first class, Charms. Because the castle was so gigantic, Professor Sprout stood in the hall, directing students to their classes. When Cas finally reached Charms, most of the students were already there. He took the first open spot he saw. He sat next to a Slytherin girl.

  "Hiya, Clarence." Cas gave Meg a confused glare. "Who's Clarence, Meg?" Meg scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "I'll tell you later, Cassie." Cas glared at the nickname. "Please don't call me that." Meg raised her hands in mock surrender.

  Then a boy wearing a red and gold tie plopped down in front of her. The boy spun around, revealing Dean. Meg let out a groan while Cas smiled. Dean winked at Cas, making him go a deep red, then glared at Meg. He turned back to the front of the classroom.

  Cas was confused at himself. Why was he blushing? He looked to Meg. She was glaring daggers at the back of Dean's head. Cas let out a laugh. Cas wasn't sure what it was that these two had against each other, but they certainly weren't going to be friends. Later Cas found out that he had Potions and Transfiguration with both Meg and Dean.

  Both Dean and Meg would be seeing way more of each other than either wanted. They would fight non-stop and Cas would have to be the mediator.

Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now