Chapter 16

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  Cas woke up in warmth. He attempted to sit up, but was unable due to an arm drapped across his waist. It was Dean's. Cas sighed and smiled at his sleeping boyfriend. After the events of yesterday, he really didn't want to wake Dean up. He hadn't fallen asleep until after 1 a.m. Cas snuggled closer to Dean, wrapping himself in Dean's warmth. Dean stirred and smiled in his sleep.

  Cas laced his fingers through Dean's. Cas heard Dean mumble in his sleep. Cas tuned into it, trying to make out what he was saying. "Love you, Cas. . ." Cas closed his eyes, happiness flowing through him. He turned, no longer able to keep from waking Dean. He placed a hand on Dean's cheek and kissed his forehead. Dean woke, glaring, but with a slight smile. "Too early, Cas. Want . . . Sleep . . ." Cas laughed.

  "Sorry, but it's already 9 and they'll be coming up to get us any minute anyway." That might not have been the real reason, but it was true. It was proven when Bobby opened the door. "Come on, lovebirds. Get your asses out of bed before Sam eats your breakfast for you." Cas and Dean stared at him. "Oh, don't look shocked. I'm old, not stupid. I didn't even need five minutes to know you boys were together. Now, come on, you idjits."

  When he left, Dean broke out laughing. Cas looked at him, slightly annoyed, but Dean just shrugged and jumped out of bed. Cas gathered his clothes, then went to change in the bathroom. He looked in the mirror. His raven hair was messy and sticking up everywhere. His eyes were a bright blue, like normal, and his skin pale.

  He ran a hand through his hair, attempting to flatten it and failing. He sighed and put on his clothes. He walked back to his bedroom to find Dean putting  on a flannel. He learned again the door frame with a smirk. "Hey, Dean?" Cas said. Dean looked to him with an eyebrow raised. "I love you, too." Cas said, thinking back to Dean taking in this sleep. Dean went a deep red and Cas laughed.

  He ran to the kitchen before Dean could catch up and sat next to Sam. Dean came down a minute later and took the seat across from him. Cas grabbed the mug of tea that had been waiting for him and took a sip of the hot liquid. Bobby and Ellen had already left for work. Cas and Jo had complained about their patents having to work on Christmas Eve, but they had shrugged it off, saying, "We've got to support this family somehow. If that means working on Christmas Eve, then so be it."

  Jo struck up a conversation. "So, Sam. . . Who's this Gabriel you keep mentioning?" Dean and Cas looked up, also interested. Sam blushed. "He's a Slytherin second year." Dean looked confused. "How'd you meet a second year?"

  Sam looked down. "We had detention together," he mumbled, his words barely audible. Everyone gaped at him. Cas had spit out his tea and Jo dropped her food. "You had detention?!" they all shouted at once. Sam nodded, ashamed.

  "Professor Binns was being a jerk, so I made a smartass remark that landed me detention. Gabriel had played a prank on him the same day, so we got detection together. He's actually really nice. His nickname is 'The Trickster', but he's a good person."

  Jo spoke again. "Sam, don't piss off Processor Binns. That was stupid. However, is somebody developing a liking for a certain Slytherin boy?" Sam tried to make out the words of denial, but none came. Cas had to stifle laughter. "I think it's time I met this guy." Dean said, and Sam nodded, eager to change the subject.

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