Chapter 5

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(A/N: On Pottermore I was sorted into Hufflepuff, so what you read when Cas is entering his common room is mostly true. I can't give away all the secrets.)

Cas walked down the empty corridor, still laughing at Dean. Cas found it hilarious when Dean bossed him around. Cas would playfully fight back, but in the end he'd always give in. Cas sighed as he walked. Some of the paintings stared at him as he went past, some chattered at him, but Cas ignored them.

He turned down the hallway leading to the Hufflepuff common room. Cas breathed in deeply as he passed the kitchens. As always, it smelled like heaven. Cas stopped walking when he reached the 15 stacked barrels at the end of the hallway. Cas pulled out his wand.

Using the tip, he tapped the barrels in a specific order, like he always did at Diagon Alley. They slowly rumbled, then shifted, revealing the Hufflepuff common room. Cas gave a sigh of relief as he stepped inside. He hadn't been sure that he was tapping the barrels correctly. If he hadn't, the barrels would have opened and doused him in vinegar.

Cas looked around at the almost empty common room. It was cozy, scattered with plants, filled with fluffy yellow and black sofas. On the wall was a giant fireplace, warming the entire room. Placed above the fireplace was a beautiful portrait of the Hufflepuff founder, Helga Hufflepuff. She smiled at Cas and he waved in return. Cas walked past their giant bookshelf that used potted plants as book ends, and down the short hallway to the boy's dormitory.

He knelt by the trunk in front of his neatly made bed and dug through it until he found a navy sweater and a pair of jeans. He peeled off his wet Quidditch robes and laid them out to dry.He quickly pulled on his clean clothes, glad to be in something dry. He raced out of his common room, waving to his friend, Charlie Bradbury, as he went. As he ran towards the Hospital Wing, he remembered what Dean had said.

Cas skidded to a stop and backed up, stopping at the kitchens. He opened the doors and was bombarded by house elves offering him food and drinks. Cas politely declined with a shake of his head, gently pushing his way through the short creatures. Suddenly, an apple came flying at Cas. He caught it and shook his head, smirking.

"Hey, Meg." A brown hair girl dressed in green robes smiled at him. "Hiya, Cassie." Cas threw the apple back to her and she took a bite from it. "What are you doing here, Meg? Why aren't you at dinner?" She shrugged at him. "Lilith was being an obnoxious bitch and I didn't want to deal with it. The house elves were more than welcoming. Why are you here?"

Cas sat down next to her. "I was with Dean. I was coming down here anyway and Dean got hungry, so I figured I'd get him some food." Meg groaned at the mention of Dean. The two of them still weren't exactly each other's biggest fans. Cas sighed at her. "I know you don't like him, Meg, but you could at least try to not be so obvious about it." Meg raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I am being subtle, Clarence." Cas sighed again and shook his head. He grabbed an assortment of foods and pumpkin juice. He waved to Meg, who grunted in return. He quickly walked back to the Hospital Wing. When he returned he found a tired looking Dean staring up at the ceiling. Cas whistled to get Dean's attention. Dean looked at him with a slight glare.

Dean's bright green eyes stared into Cas, causing Cas to find himself blushing. He looked away from Dean, more heat rising up his neck. Merlin's beard, he hated when that happened. Cas wondered how Dean was so damn oblivious to Cas fancying him; he blushed, stumbled, and stuttered so much. Cas cleared his throat and forced himself to look back to Dean. Cas tried to ignore the blush on his face as Dean smiled at him.

"What took you so long, Cas?" Dean asked with a smirk. Cas smiled and sat down next to him, his face still red and butterflies exploding in his stomach.

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