Chapter 17

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  Dean sat in Cas' room, working on a late Herbology assignment when he heard shouting. "But Ellen!" he heard Cas say. "No buts, boy. You heard her." He heard Cas groan loudly. Dean hadn't even realized that Bobby and Ellen were home. He left Cas' room. He stood in the doorway of the sitting room, where Cas, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo stood.

  "Why not?" Cas whined. Dean raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the topic was. The all seemed oblivious to him. Ellen placed a hand on her hip. "Because you came to spend Christmas with your family, not your boyfriend." Jo spoke up. "Mum, we still have an entire week before we have to go back to school. Christmas is tomorrow, so why can't they go after?"

  Ellen gave her a look of annoyance. "Joanna Beth, you stay out of this." Dean gave a confused glare. He was still unnoticed. "You'd let Dean and I go if we weren't dating." Cas mumbled angrily. Now Dean fully stepped into the room. "What are we talking about?"

  Cas looked to him with a smile. "Dean! Do you want to go to downtown London with me? We haven't been there in years. We could go see the London Eye or Big Ben!" Dean nodded eagerly. He lived about 2 hours away from London, so the only time he got to go was when he was headed to Kings Cross Station for school.

  "No!" Ellen screamed. Cas looked at her with pleading eyes. She stayed back sternly for a while before her shoulders dropped and she sighed. "Fine." Cas cheered at his victory. "Fine, you guys can go. December 28th." Cas smirked and hugged her. "Thanks, mum."

  Dean knew Cas rarely called her that. Only when he was desperate to get something from her or if he was extremely happy or upset. Dean heard Ellen sigh as she hugged back. When it came to Cas, she gave in pretty quickly. It took her longer to say yes to Jo, which Dean knew she had always been jealous of.

  Cas released her, grabbed Dean's hand, and pulled him down the hallway towards his bedroom. "Keep that door open, boys!" Dean heard Bobby yell after them. Dean flushed red, but Cas rolled his eyes and left it open. Cas plopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Dean joined him, intertwining their fingers.

  Cas snuggled closer to Dean, laying his head on Dean's shoulder. Dean kissed Cas' messy hair. "Why were you begging Ellen to let us go to London, Cas?" Cas sat up and looked to Dean. He gave a soft smile before lightly pressing his lips to Dean's.

  "Well, I realized that we've been together for 4 weeks, but we've never been on an official date. We've never had a first date." Dean smirked. "Aw, that's sweet. You know, you're kinda romantic, Cas." Dean sat up and pulled Cas into a kiss. Cas' arms snaked around Dean's neck.

  Dean pulled Cas closer and ran a hand through Cas' hair. Dean pulled away, resting his forehead on Cas'. Both boys were breathing heavily. Their breaths mingled together and Dean smiled. "Love you, Cas." Cas made a face. "Yeah, and I'm the romantic one." Dean laughed, shaking his head at his boyfriend. "But I love you, too." Cas added.

  Dan pulled Cas closer until the smaller boy was practically sitting on his lap. "It's Christmas Eve, Cas. What do you want to do?" Dean whispered. Cas smiled at him. "I don't know." He replied in a low voice that sent shivers up Dean's spine. "I'm pretty happy right here."

  Dean smiled. "I am, too. But you heard Ellen. You came to spend Christmas with your family, not your boyfriend." Cas groaned and put his face in Dean's neck. "Come on, Cas. I'll carry you out of here if I have to." Cas groaned again, but stood up. Dean followed him and together they walked out of the room.

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