Chapter 14

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*4 Weeks Later*

  Cas felt a familiar hand rest on his shoulder. He turned to look behind him with a smile. "Hello, Dean." Dean smirked and sat down next to his boyfriend. Dean grabbed Cas' right hand and laced together their fingers. Cas sighed.

  "Dean, I need that hand. I'm trying to do homework, and I can't do that if I can't write. I love you, but I'm busy." Dean glared and let out a deep breath. "The only part of that I heard was 'I love you'." Cas scoffed and took his hand from Dean's to pick up his quill.

  It had been 4 weeks since the boys started dating. The news had spread quickly. Sam and Jo couldn't have been happier for them. Lisa had been furious, but no one cared. As Jo had put it, Lisa was "a stuck up bitch who needs to get over herself".

  The Quidditch season was over and now Christmas approached. Cas could feel Dean's eyes watching his every move, which was very distracting. Cas tapped his quill against the library table a couple times before looking at Dean. "What are you doing for the holidays, Dean?"

  Dean shrugged. "Dad's out of town, so Sammy and I will be staying here." Cas stared at him. "What? Seriously?" Dean nodded, and Cas responded by shaking his head. "No. No way you and Sam are staying here alone. You guys are coming home with Jo and me. Bobby and Ellen would love having you guys." Dean shook his head.

  "No, Cas, we can't. We'll be fine. We wouldn't want to intrude." Cas took Dean's hand and brought it to his lips. " What do you mean 'intrude'? You guys have been over for holidays all the time. I'm not letting you and Sam be alone. You're coming, and that's final. Besides, Bobby and Ellen have already invited you."

  Dean laughed. "Okay, fine. Damn, you're bossy. Let me go tell Sammy." Dean stood up, then tilted Cas' chin up to kiss him. Cas smiled against Dean's lips. He watched Dean walk away with a smirk.

  Before he left, Dean turned and winked at Cas, making him flush red. Cas packed his things and left the library. He walked in the direction of the owlery; he would need to inform Bobby and Ellen that Sam and Dean were coming.


  Cas, Dean, Sam, and Jo made their way off the train together. Cas felt Sam pull on his sleeve. "I'm gonna go say goodbye to a friend." Dean raised an eyebrow as a way of asking who. Sam blushed a deep red. "Gabriel." He mumbled. Cas laughed. Whoever this Gabriel kid was, Sam clearly liked him. Dean nodded.

  As the younger Winchester ran off, Dean grabbed Cas' hand. Cas looked around the busy station, trying to find his parents. Cas nudged Dean with his elbow when he found them. Jo was already there, saying hello. Cas reluctantly pulled his hand from Dean's. The boys hadn't exactly told Bobby, Ellen, or John about their relationship.

  Dean called Sam's name and soon the younger boy appeared next to them. Cas led the two Winchesters to where his family was waiting. When they approached, Ellen pulled the three boys into a hug and kissed the top of Cas' head.

  "How are you, boy?" Bobby asked ruffling Castiel's hair. Cas groaned and attempted to flatten it, making Dean laugh. Cas glared at his boyfriend for laughing. On the ride home, Sam, Dean, and Jo blurted out random stories of their year so far.

  Cas sat in silence, admiring the way Dean lit up as he spoke. Jo caught him staring and nudged him, smirking. He glared at her, then looked away, his face heating.


  When they arrived, Jo and Sam ran off to do who knows what, Bobby and Ellen worked on dinner, and Cas and Dean went to Cas' room to unpack. Cas worked silently, thinking. He stopped, now watching Dean who had his back to Cas and was humming. Cas sighed. This has been on his mind for 4 weeks and he needed to get it off his chest.

  "Dean?" He said quietly. Dean stopped humming and turned to face Cas. "Why. . . Why didn't you tell me?" Dean looked confused. "Tell you what, Cas?" Cas tiled his head. "That you were bisexual." Dean let out a low breath, looking to the ground.

  "I mean, I'm gay, Dean. It's not like I was going to react badly. So why didn't you tell me? Or Sam, for that matter?" Dean continued staring at the ground. He cleared his throat before looking up, but he still didn't meet Castiel's eyes. He began mumbling. "It's not that I didn't wasn't you to know, Cas. I wanted to tell you the minute you came out in second year, but . . . I was . . . scared."

  Cas gave him boyfriend a confused look. "Scared? Scared of what, Dean?" Dean looked back to the ground. "Of my dad finding out." He mumbled barely loud enough for Cas to hear. "If I told you or Sam then he'd find out. If he found out . . . I'd be dead, Cas." Dean's voice broke, shattering Cas' heart.

  Dean, his Dean, who was always strong and smirking, who never showed weakness, was on the verge of tears. "He thinks it's wrong, Cas. He thinks it's wrong to fall in love with a person of the same gender. He hit me once because I stood up for you. He said you were an abomination for being gay. He was drunk and calling you awful things. I told him he was wrong and . . . I got beat for it."

  Dean broke down. Cas ran to wrap him in a hug as he cried. Cas was too shocked to respond, so he just hugged Dean. "The next morning, when he was sober, he apologized for hitting me, but not for saying those things about you. So I was afraid. If he found out . . . I think he'd kill me, Cas. Or beat me and never let me see you again."

  Dean sobbed into Cas' shirt. Cas couldn't believe what he was hearing. He tilted Dean's head up and wiped the tears with his thumb. "It's okay, Dean. It's okay. He won't find out. I promise. And even if he does, you don't have to stay with him. You and Sam can come live here."

  Dean gave Cas a sad smile. "I hope you know what an angel you are. What the friggin' hell would I do without you?" Cas smiled and kissed Dean's forehead. "I love you, Cas. I love you so goddamn much." Cas pulled Dean into a hug. "I love you, too." Dean pulled back for only a moment before pressing his lips again Castiel's.

  Cas ran a hand through Dean's hair and pulled him closer. Cas felt Dean smile and put his arm around Cas' waist. Cas heard the door open suddenly. He pulled away from Dean, his face red and more heat rising up his neck.  He looked to the doorway to find Ellen standing there, hands on her hips and a stern glare on her face.

  Oh no . . . I'm so grounded. Cas thought. He began to stammer out an explanation. She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. Cas looked to the ground, at a loss for words. Then Ellen broke out laughing. Cas looked at her, confused. "Well, it only took you boys 5 years."

  Cas stared at her. "You're not . . . You're not mad?" Ellen laughed again. "Mad? No, of course not, sweetie." Cas gave a sigh of relief and could feel Dean relax next to him. He grabbed his hand. Ellen smiled. "However, maybe don't tell your father, Cas." He asked her why. "Because if I know anything about that man, he'll be making Dean sleep on the sofa. I have a feeling you boys won't want that?"

  Dean and Cas shook their heads and Ellen nodded. Cas studied Dean's face. His eyes were red and his faced strained with tears, but Dean put on his signature smirk to mask it. It worked, but Cas knew the truth. He sighed and looked back to Ellen. "It's time for dinner, boys." Cas nodded, and together he and Dean walked out of the room.

  As Cas passed Ellen, she leaned down to whisper in his ear. "He's a keeper, Cas." Cas smiled and squeezed Dean's hand. Before the reached the kitchen, Dean pulled his hand from Cas'. Castiel missed the warmth of Dean's hand as soon it was gone.

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