Chapter 9

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  Dean ran to catch up with Cas, but he was already gone. What the hell was that about?   Dean thought. Cas had been acting weird all day. He hadn't said 'Hi' during breakfast, he'd ignored Dean and was fidgeting during class, and he hadn't shown up that morning.

  Dean gagged at the thought of what had happened at the portrait. Like any given morning, Dean had been standing by the shouting witch, waiting for his best friend, when Lisa came up. She struck up a conversation, and thinking it was her normal, harmless flirting, Dean played along, ready to ditch her when he saw Cas.

  After a couple minutes, he realized that Cas was running a little late. "Lisa, I gotta go. I have some stuff to do." He tried to move past her, but she grabbed his upper arm. Dean tried to brush off her hand, but the attempt failed.

  "Come on, Dean. It can't be that important." She said in a sweet voice. Dean scoffed. "Yeah, it kinda is." He tried to protest more, but before he could, she pulled Dean's face towards hers, kissing him full on the mouth. Dean was too shocked to pull away. When he finally came to his senses and tried to push away, Lisa just pulled him back in.

  Finally, Dean pulled away, glaring. "What the bloody hell was that?!" She just shrugged with a smirk. "Lisa, you're nice and all, but I like somebody else." Lisa gave him a shocked look. "I like somebody else, so just friggin' stop. Leave me alone." Dean turned and walked away, leaving a shocked Lisa. He didn't care; he needed to find Cas.

  After that, Dean hasn't talked or looked at Lisa. The one time he did, he found her fuming. Now that, he understood the reasoning behind, but why was Cas acting so strangely? As far as he knew, he'd done nothing to cause this. Dean had no idea how long Cas would ignore him, or how long he could stand it.

  The last time Cas had stopped talking to him, it had made Dean feel like he was going crazy after only two days. Dean couldn't stand not talking to Cas. He needed Cas, and he needed to figure out why Cas wasn't talking to him. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, he made his first attempt. Cas sat directly in front of him, next to Meg.

  As Cas tried to move past Dean and sit, Dean grasped his arm. Before Dean could say a word, Cas yanked his arm out of Dean's grip and sat. "Cas!" Castiel shook his head and continued facing forward. "Cas!" Dean whispered violently. He was ignored. He tapped Cas' shoulder. Castiel responded by scooting his chair forward. Dean sighed loudly as class started.

  Dean leaned back in his chair, tapping his wand on the desk. "Cas, please, what the hell is going on? Please talk to me." His calm whispers earned him a glare from the professor. Throughout the class, all of Dean's attempts to get Cas' attention failed. He threw bits of parchment at him, jabbed Cas' back with his quill or wand; hell, he even asked Meg to get his attention, but nothing worked.

  What the friggin' hell did I do?  Dean wondered as Cas once again ran out of the classroom. During lunch, Dean looked for Cas, but was unable to find him. Then Dean turned to look at the Slytherin table. "Damn, I must be friggin' desperate." He stood up, walked to the table, and plopped down next to the last person he wanted to talk to.

  "Meg." Meg turned, a glare already on her face. "Hiya, Dean-o. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Dean glared. "I hate you, too, Meg. But I have a question." Meg raised an eyebrow at him. "Have you seen Cas? Do you know why he's mad at me? Has he talked to you?" Meg scoffed. "No, no, and no. And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you."

  Dean mumbled a goodbye, then walked back to his table. Dean ate in silence, confused and a little hurt. What did he do?

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