Chapter 15

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  Dean no longer felt like eating. He felt Cas' eyes studying him, but he couldn't bring himself to look back. He'd never admitted to anyone that his father had hurt him. Sam was the only one who knew, and that was because he was there when it happened.

  Dean still had the scars on his back from when his father had thrown a beer bottle at him and it had shattered. He hadn't told Cas about that. He didn't want to, either. He'd already broken down in front of Cas. He didn't want him to stay looking at him like he was some broken, lost puppy.

  He had never wanted to show Cas any weakness at all. But he had. And Cas had just hugged him and comforted him. Dean loved him for that. Cas was one of the only things that could make Dean better. Dean would have crashed years ago without Cas.

  Dean finally looked up from his dinner plate to look at Cas. He expected to meet a worried look from his boyfriend, but what he found was completely different. Cas' eyes were filled with nothing but love. Dean calmed as he stared into the deep blue pool of Cas' eyes. Dean returned the look and gave Cas a genuine smile.

  He felt Ellen place a hand on his shoulder. "You okay, Dean?" He smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired," he lied. Bobby glanced at the clock. "Well, it's already 10. You lot can head off if you want." Jo stood and cleared her dishes first. Then Sam, Dean, and Cas did likewise and headed to Cas' room.

  Cas fell on the bed and Dean laid next to him, snuggling up to him. Sam snickered. "You guys should probably tell Bobby and Ellen." Cas sat up and shrugged. "Ellen already knows." Just then, an owl hit the window. Dean and Cas jumped as it did, but Sam ran to the window and opened it. "Hey, Erick," Sam said to the owl.

  Dean and Cas exchanged a look, confused. "Sam? You know this owl?" Sam nodded as he removed the letter attached to the owl's leg. Dean walked over to him. "Well, who's it from? Your girlfriend?" Dean teased. Sam grew red. "No, Dean. I don't have a girlfriend. Besides, it's from a guy."

  Dean shrugged. "Boyfriend, then." Sam went scarlet. He tried to respond, but it only came out in stutters. He ran out of the room with the owl and letter. When he left, Dean and Cas broke out laughing. "Definitely boyfriend," Cas said as he caught his breath. Dean nodded and moved his things, pulling out pajamas.

  Dean went to the bathroom to change. He pulled on his pair of flannel sweatpants, then pulled off his shirt to replace it with his AC/DC one. He looked for it, then realized he'd left it in Cas' room. "Son of a. . ." Dean walked back to Cas' room. He opened the door to find Cas reading a book. Cas looked up and blushed deeply. Dean glanced down and realized he was still shirtless.

  He looked back to Cas. He had to admit, Cas was adorable when flustered. Dean pretended to not notice how uncomfortable his boyfriend was. He turned his back to Cas as he tried talking. Cas had made out one word when he stopped short. "Dean." He whispered. Dean immediately knew. Dammit, he thought. He'd turned his back to Cas. Now Cas had a perfect view of the scars. Dammit, he thought again.

  He felt Cas come up behind him. Cas placed a hand on Dean's back, making him flinch. He began tracing a scar on Dean's shoulder blade. Dean shuddered. He turned quickly to get Cas' hand away. Cas had a look of worry and shock on his face. Dean looked to the ground. "Don't," he whispered, pleading with Castiel. "Just don't. Please." Cas titled Dean's chin, forcing him to look at him.

  Dean worried his lip as he stared into the blue eyes of his boyfriend. "Who and what did this, Dean?" Dean really didn't want to tell him, but the blue of Cas' eyes made him give in. "My dad. He threw a beer bottle at me and the glass shattered across my back." Cas took Dean's hands. "How can you live with that man, Dean?" Dean shrugged. "It only happened once. And besides, I couldn't leave Sammy."

  Dean gave a shaky sigh. He felt Cas' arms weave their way around his waist, pulling him into a hug. "Cas, can we. . . Can we not do this right now? I just want sleep." Cas nodded, sitting on his bed and pulling Dean with him. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas and buried his face in his hair. He forgot to put on his shirt. He didn't care; he just wanted to forget the conversation.

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