Chapter 3

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(Author's Note: Sorry for the huge jump, but I really didn't want to write 5 whole years)


  Rain splashed against Castiel's face and broom. The wind stung his face as he fought against it, trying to make it to the Quidditch goal posts. The Quidditch game was Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff with no points on either side and Gryffindor in possession of the Quaffle. Cas was star Chaser and captain of the Hufflepuff team. Cas was the best player on the team. He hadn't even finished his tryout when he got on the team.

  Thanks to Cas, the Hufflepuff team was doing better than it ever had and was the best team for two years in a row. But Gryffindor was easily their biggest competition. Their Keeper was Joanna Beth Singer, the best Keeper Cas had ever seen -- and she just happened to be his sister. Jo loved competition and her favorite person to beat was Cas.

  Then there was the Gryffindor Beater. Aggressive, competitive, and never willing to give up. He had the mouth of a sailor, a constant glare, and a smirk that made the girls swoon, while making Cas want to punch him. And Castiel was in love with him.

  His name was Dean Winchester and they had been next friends since first year. Around 3rd year on their first Hogsmeade trip was when Cas truly began to fancy Dean. They were outside Zonko's Joke Shop when a couple of Slytherin 7th years came up, teasing Cas for being gay. Cas tried ignoring then and walking into the shop, but Dean wouldn't have it.

  Dean had stood up to them, and had gotten beat up for it, but never once gave up. That was when everything clicked for Cas. He'd always harbored a small liking of Dean, but it was at that moment that Cas completely feel head over heels for that boy.

  The only person who knew was Jo. She had claimed to know all along and supported Cas completely, but Dean was oblivious. Cas saw the Quaffle fly past him. He dove to grab the ball. He caught it, even though it was wet from the rain and almost slipped through his fingers. Cas raced across the field, dodging a Bludger meant to hit him. Cas chucked the Quaffle at the lowest goal post. He hoped Jo wouldn't see it, but she zoomed down, hitting it away with the back end of her broom.

  Cas swore under his breath as a Gryffindor Chaser caught the ball. He glanced up to where the Seekers fought to find the Golden Snitch. Then Cas saw a golden ball fly past his ear. He looked up to the Hufflepuff Seeker, Delilah Shrowers, and whistled to get her attention. Thankfully she heard him and looked down. He pointed in the direction of the Snitch and she nodded.

  Cas went to get the Quaffle. He flew directly under the Gryffindor in possession of it. A Bludger flew past them, causing them to drop the Quaffle. It fell right into Cas' hands. He smirked as he spun his broom around, heading to score. As he pulled his hand back to throw the ball, he heard shouts erupt from the crowd.

  Cas looked behind him to see a figure in red and gold robes falling to the ground. Madame Hooch raced to him, signaling the other players to continue the game, but Cas but didn't care. He flew at full speed. Cas felt the Quaffle slip out of his hands and as falling player hit the ground. People from all around, players and audience together, screamed. Cas stumbled off his broom to the falling player.


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