Chapter 23

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  Dean woke up in complete pain. His head throbbed, his jaw felt bruised, and he could barely move; his side hurt so goddamn badly. He quickly opened his eyes, only to slam them shut a moment after. The lights were way too bright. He groaned in pain and from the brightness. Dean didn't dare move as he once again opened his eyes.

  He found himself in a very clean white and pale blue room, in a strange bed with a needle sticking into his arm. He was in the hospital. He turned to the doorway, wincing as he did so. He sighed in relief as he saw Cas standing in the doorway, talking to either a nurse or doctor.

  "Cas?" Dean said weakly. In a moment, Cas was practically jumping on Dean, but he stopped before he hurt him. The doctor walked over with Cas. "Mr. Winchester?" he said calmly, but Dean made a point to ignore him.

  "Oh my God, Dean! I can't believe you're finally awake! Are you okay? Do you remember what happened?" Dean nodded, feeling anger fill him. Dean heard the doctor say his name again, but he once again went ignored. "Yeah, I remember. Are you okay? He threw you pretty hard."

  Cas smiled sadly and glanced to the ground. "I'm fine, Dean. Just a couple cuts and bruises and, well . . . he broke my arm." Dean now finally focused on his boyfriend. How had he not noticed Cas was wearing a sling? Dean winced at the sight and focused on Castiel's face. Cuts and bruises were spread across the left side of his face.

  Dean glared, hatred filling him. "That bastard. I'm gonna kill that son of-"

  "Dean, no! It's okay. You . . . You don't have to. They arrested him." Relief flooded Dean. The doctor said his name once more and now Dean barely even heard him. It was painful as hell, but Dean sat up just enough to kiss Cas. "I'm sorry," he whispered, and Cas shook his head in return. "It's not your fault, Dean. He would've found out eventually."

  Cas kissed Dean quickly. "Sam's out in the hall," he whispered and Dean smiled. "Mr. Winchester, we have some questions," the doctor said loudly, clearly tired of being ignored. Dean turned and glared at him. "I understand that, and I'll answer your goddamn questions after I've seen my damn family."

  The doctor looked appalled, but he left the room. Cas let out a laugh as he did so. "I'll go get Sam," he whispered, following the doctor out of the room. He returned with a teary eyed Sam Winchester, who ran to hug his brother. Dean fought the pain and hugged his little brother back.

  "I told you to make sure he was sober."

  "He was, Sammy," Dean replied, hating the horrified look on his brother's face. Sam cried into Dean's shoulder. Dean ran a hand through his brother's long hair to calm him. Sam pulled away as everyone else filed into the room. Gabriel helped pull Sam from Dean and hugged the crying boy, smiling at Dean.

  Cas had taken a seat on the edge of the bed and grabbed hold of Dean's hand. His blue eyes were brimmed with tears. Ellen and Jo gently hugged him and Bobby looked grim and angry. Gabriel walked Sam to Bobby as his crying subsided. Ellen placed a hand on Dean's shoulder.

  "I talked to the doctor. He and the police have some questions for you, but you can leave tomorrow. And I'm sorry, but you still have to go back to school on Sunday. You and Sam will be staying with us until the court case will your father is over."

  Dean nodded, sighed, and rested his head on Cas' shoulder. A nurse came into the room. "I'm sorry, everyone, but I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. We have questions and Mr. Winchester needs rest." Bobby nodded and led everyone but Castiel out of the room.

  The nurse asked him to leave, but Cas shook his head. Dean smirked at his boyfriend's stubbornness. "Sir, you have to leave now." Castiel shook his head again and looked to Dean. Cas pointed his eyes at the nurse, clearly wanting Dean to do something.

  "I want him to stay." Dean said, without taking his eyes off Castiel. The nurse sighed, annoyed, but she wasn't about to deny a patient's request. Cas smiled triumphantly as he slid off the bed into the chair next to it, not letting go of Dean's hand.


  They'd been back at Hogwarts for 3 days now. Dean and Cas had gotten plenty of questions about their injuries, but they all went ignored. So everyone had moved on to asking Sam and Jo, but they also refused to answer. No one but Charlie and Meg had been told.

  Now Dean sat at the Gryffindor table, talking to Jo and Dorothy, a girl in Jo's year that Charlie had taken in interest in. Cas had been running late and had told Dean to go to breakfast without him. Dean picked up a piece of toast, nibbling on it absentmindedly. 

  "DEAN!" he heard someone shout. He turned to find Cas running toward him, Sam and Gabriel following closely. They looked overly excited. About what, Dean had no clue. He and Jo stood up to great them, but before they could even say hello, Cas started waving a paper in their faces.

  "Listen, listen, listen. 'Dear, Cas, we mentioned this before, but thought we should let you know. We've talked to a handful of judges, lawyers, and even Sam and Dean's extended family. After arguing for hours upon hours, it's finally been decided. Sam and Dean Winchester will be put under our custody and we are their legal guardians, effective immediately. Tell Sam and Dean they'll be moving in with us! Love, Bobby and Ellen!"

  Dean and Jo cheered, earning looks from other students. The 5 teens cheered together, and Dean hugged Cas tightly. "Everything will be fine. You'll never have to see that bastard again." Dean laughed and kissed Cas. Dean was practically crying tears of happiness.

  "I love you so much."

  "I love you, Cas."

Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now