Anything else?

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Here we go with another chapter! Hope you enjoy and have. Have a good day/night.


Tommy stood in fron of the window, heavy sigh escaping his lips. Purpled stood being him, arms crossed over his chest and his eyes piercing Tommy's head. He waited for answers, for anything. He knew it wasn't easy but he had to know everything.

"Well?" He asked, blinking his eyes.

Tommy's fingers tapped the wood around the window. He wanted to disappear right in this moment. He wasn't enjoy any if that, yet he had no choice.

"I will ask again. Is there anything more I need to know?" Purpled asked, growing more and more impatient with every passed second.

"I have a second base, far away" Tommy siad, eyes trailing around the field in front of his house.

"Is there something important about that place?" Purpled asked, hand running through his hairs.

"It's a place I found long time ago, it's very sentimental." Tommy said.

"That's where you go? When you aren't in L'manburg" Purpled assumed.

Tommy nodded, debating if he should tell him about Shroud or not.

"We will move in" Purpled said after a moment.

Tommy was caught of guard, not getting what he meant at first.

"We?" He asked, looking over his should at His alien friend.

Purpled walked closer and put his hand on Tommy's shoulder. Tommy flinched slightly, not used to people's touch and attention.

"I will live with you, so I can make sure you are okay. Plus, they on where you live now. We can't risk that they will come here and attack" Purpled said, turning away.

Tommy stood still, small panick setting in his heart. Click sound of opening doors shaked his awake.

"I don't live alone!" Tommy yelled, before Purpled could even close the doors.

"That's fine, you will introduce me to your roommate" with that, he walked outside and closed the doors, imidiatelly disappearing in the dark.

Oh well, for sure Purpled didn't expect for a spider to be his roommate, not even mentioning of him being his son.
That will be rather a big surprise for the boy. Who would even expect Tommy to have a kid and be able to take care of himself and another person. He turned around walked to the kitchen, snatching an orange before pilling the skin off. He looked out of the window at many lights from the buildings and groaned, throwing the small piece of fruit in his mouth. Tomorrow will be a long day.
He had to pack his things, get food and warm clothes. He will have to get Purpled and take him to his second base. Then, the hardest thing to do will be introducing Purpled to Shroud and vice versa. Purpled did really liked monster, while Shroud didn't like other humans that weren't Tommy. They will have only one choice, they will have to get along ans live under one rooftop, even if they don't want to.

"It's their problem not mine.." Tommy whispered to himself before showing the last piece of fruit inside his mouth and chewing on it.

Later he cleaned himself, changed his clothes and went to bed, trying his best to fall asleep. He had to have anergy, since if he fell asleep during their way to his second base, Purpled for sure would get lost and that would be it for meeting Shroud and being safe.


Someone wake him up

But he looks so peaceful!

Give us five more minutes!

Wake up


Get up you kid!

Wakey wakey

Look at his cute face!

Just like a baby!

Please Tommy, just wake up already. I can't listen to them anymore.

Melanthios's voice rung through his head and woke him, startling him a little bit.

"Gee guys, chill down. It's 7 in the morning" Tommy said rubbing his eyes tiredly.

It's a great time to wake up. You have to get ready before Purpled comes here.

Sorry not sorry

Alien boy!


Tommy shifted back and sit on the corner of his bed, all of the voices slowly waking up and talking again. He got used to them after so many years, yet they stoll sometimes annoyed him and sometimes even surprised him. They were acting different, depending on his own emotions. They were better than Philza's or Techno ones and it was nice to have them. You know, when you are all alone it's nice to have someone to talk to, even if people think you are insane and you are talking to himself.

He walked over his closet, picking blue hoodie, black jeans and dark green jacket. It was ideal for blending into the surrounding and even if it was winter, the forest was so thick that there was barely any snow on the ground. It helped a lot, especially when it comes to hunting or running.
He took a fast shower, refreshing himself and changed into his set if clothes, before walking down to kitchen. He took milk from the fridge and cereals before mixing it in the ball. He was really hungry, so he ate it and then packed more food to his bag along with other jacket and some golden apples. He placed his sword on his hip and threw his bag on his shoulder, taking the last look on his house. He didn't bother writing a note or something if someone ever come to visit him, since that wouldn't even happen. He didn't care if they decided to look for him, if they needed something from him. He was done with it.

When he opened the doors, the cool air hit his face as he snuggled his face further in his scarf. Purpled wasn't here get, they agreed to met at the front gate. So Tommy pressed his back against the cold wall and focused on the forest before him. The good thing was that he knew this place like his own pocket and if he ever had to run away from someone, he knew exactly where he could hide and be safe. No one knew that many hideouts like him, no one knew where the most dangerous part of the forest was. They were useless in the forest, while he was a great map that would take you everywhere where needed. And that was what made him special, he had great memory to places. He could even go in there blinded and find many caves along with his home.

"Hey Tommy!" Familiar you reached him couple minutes later.

Unfortunately, that wasn't Purpled. He looked up and was met with chocolate eyes looking at him. Karl.

"Hello" Karl was neutral to Tommy.

He didn't do anything to him, but they also didn't talked much or spend time together.

"What are you doing here? I saw you walk out of your house couple minutes ago" Karl said, putting his finger on his chin.

"I'm waiting for Purpled, we have ti get some supplies" Tommy said, sending Karl a small and barely noticeable smile.

Karl smiked back widely, ready to say something but someone else interrupted him.

"Alright Tommy we can go- Oh, hello Karl" Purled said noticing the boy.

"Hello, we we talking about you" Karl said smiling happily.

Purpled smiled awkwardly back, his hand on his neck as he looked at Tommy. They looked at each other for a moment before Purpled finally spoke.

"It was nice to talk to you, but we kinda have to go. Bye!" He quickly dragged Tommy away, leaving the confused boy alone.

Karl looked as they left, walking quickly. He raised one of his eyebrows before struggling his shoulder and walking to the town.

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