Blaming for the past

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More of Tommy's backstory and some old good angst😌
But for now, hope you enjoy!


Tommy sighed, as he watched his people doing their job and chatting among themselves. They got close and Tommy saw that, especially from the happiness that was flashing from the young ones. It was amazing, how people that lived on tye street hated by everyone, slowly became happy and loyal towards their king. There was nothing, they wouldn't do for their ruler. They were ready to go on a war, only if their king would be the one to lead them the way to victory. None of them could be happier than now. They were laughing, smiling and greeting each other with such a glory.

However, Tommy's face was still. His eyes showed no emotions again, just like months ago. But this time, it wasn't because he was sad. No he was furious. The hatred flew through his veins, making him tighten his grip on the window frame.
Yesterday, when Sophie and Jacob brought Clementine to him, he decided to take her in. Two hours later, he told his medics to check up on her healthy and seek for any possible wounds. Unfortunately, the news weren't the best. Clementine, was a moth hybrid, which was easy to discover. With that, she liked light. And what is an good and warm light? Fire.
What terrified not only Tommy, but also his best medics, was the fact that her hands were burned. At first, Tommy felt quilt for the child, before the rage filled him. Who the hell could hurt a kid? That Young, especially. Who ever did that, wasn't a human. They were a heartless monster.
The wound of burns were permanent, which meant they will never disappear. This also meant that Clementine will have to accept these scars and live with them. Such a young kid shouldn't go through something like that. This only made Tommy think of himself Everytime when he looked at her. It happened to him once, years ago. That left painful memories, along with huge scar.

Tommy only wanted to get some snacks. Of course, they let him. What could possible go wrong anyways? Well, apparently everything. When he came down to the living room, he was met with emptiness and darkness. He felt something was wrong right away. Philza wasn't home, while Techno was out in the town. This meant that Tommy was left alone with Wilbur, his older brother.
The moment when he turned on the lights was the worst thing he ever did. When his hand smoothed the button, his whole body froze imidiatelly. He saw his brother sitting on the couch, like always. But this time, something in his hand lit up and died down. Without saying anything, he slowly stood up with his head low. The voices started yelling something, but there was too many of them for him to actually understand what they were saying.

"Wilby?" Little tommy asked.

However, he never get an answer. Slowly, ha tried to exit the room and go back to his own. Unfortunately, he managed to slip and almost fall. Strong grip hold onto his sleeve, pulling him on his feet.

"Thank y-"

The kid's words were cut off by a loud scream living his mouth. It was burning his skin, most likely ripping it off. He pulled his hand away from the older, eyes imidiatelly looking all over his hand. There, on his shoulder right where the neck started, was an red mark.The skin was burned, blood quickly dripping down the floor. It hurt like hell. Tommy has never experienced something worse than at this moment.
That day never left his head, reminding him of itself every once upon the time. That day, his father was having fun with his friends, his brother was enjoying himself. Meanwhile, he was going in and out of unconsciousness. It was supposed to be an normal day, when he could chill out.

He recovered from it with help of his friends, at least as much as he could. He told everyone he was okay and they shouldn't be themselves. However, the voices couldn't stop blaming themselves for what happened. They took it as their mistake, that they weren't able to protect him and warn him on time. Till now, everytime when Tommy would look or touch the scar, they began to apologize and blame themselves. It hurted Tommy, since he was the one who went there. None of them could do anything, since they only existed in his head. That day, they promised to keep him safe as long as they could till this day. They warned him about every single danger, it didn't matter if it was a zombie or someone else. They failed him once and they won't let it happen again.

And like before, he stood in front of the mirror. His eyes watching his neck, as his fingers trailed along the wound, carefully caressing it. The voices were quiet, knowing very well that in this state, he wasn't willing to talk.
It was huge, almost covering his whole shoulder. He held no emotions in his eyes, as he simply stared at his reflection, mostly at his neck. It was disgusting, he was disgusting. It nade him look like a monster, something that shouldn't exist. He only caused problems and bad look.

You are not a monster

We are sorry!

We failed you and we won't do it again


Please, don't say that about yourself, it wasn't your fault

We didn't protect you good enough

You will be okay, we all will help Clementine

Tommy could only listen to them, not able to say anything. God, they were too good for him.

"Stop saying that.." Tommy muttered, turning his look away frim the mirror.

But that's true!

Sorry Toms

We should know better that to let you go there

"What are they saying?" Another voice rang in Tommy's ears.

However, this one wasn't in his head. The rest of the voices, including Melanthios. Tommy felt someone hug him from behind, making sure to not to touch his neck.

"They are balming themselves" Tommy replied, his eyes focusing on the mirror once again.

Purpled stood behind him, hugging his waist. He was looking at his wound's reflection. Feeling Tommy's disgust of himself, he kissed his cheek and smiled warmly.

"It's beautiful" he said looking at Tommy's reflection.

Tommy didn't say anything, he continued to star at his scar with an disgusted look.

"Listen" Purpled turned Tommy around so he was facing him. "It's not yours or your voice fault. Everyone knows that Wilbur wasn't... Normal. It was stupid of Phil to leave you alone with him"

Purpled covered the wound once again with Tommy's shirt. Tommy only hummed, still not believing anything he said. Purpled only sighed, before walking towards the never chest that stood in the corner of their bedroom. Tommy followed him all the way there, before the other opened the chest and pulled something. Tommy's eyes shined, as his eyes focused not on his soon-to-be-husband but on the item he was carrying.

"Is that..?" He asked but couldn't end.

"A disk, yes. My very own one. I was planning to give it to you after our marriage, but figured out you need it more now" Purpled said.

He put the disk in the jukebox, before walking back to Tommy. He had a small smile on his face, as he wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist one again. Tommy hugged his chest, waiting for the disk to start playing. When it finally did, the soft and slow musik filled the entire room. Purpled started slowly swinging from side to side with Tommy in his arm. Everything was silent expect for the jukebox, as they both enjoyed the moment of peace and relax.

"I want to marry you" Tommy suddenly said.

Purpled Chuckled.

"I know, me too" He said.

Tommy went quiet once again, making Purpled look down at him.

"Can I have the disk?" Tommy asked.

Purpled sighed, before hugging Tommy closer to his chest so his face was hidden in his shirt.

"I knew you would ask that" He said.

There was silence for a moment.

"So, can I have it?" Tommy asked once again.

"Yes! Yes you can have it. I got it for you, so it's yours." Purled replied sleepishly.

"Thank you"

They continued swinging to the musik back and forth. It was enjoyable, really. It was something they needed after a long day of taking care of two children. Damn, two kids were way too chaotic even for Tommy. But, there was nothing he would give up his life for. Not now when he found the happiness of his life.
Even the voices relaxed and forgot about what was happening a moment ago, being the same how Tommy felt. Happy and calm.

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