I'm with the King

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Finally some moment of peace and relax. I have some more free time, so why not write some more?
Also, I have three ideas for a book that I will probably post when the holidays will start and I will be done with the one shot book. Not sure which one yet, but one of them will be out for sure. Maybe in the future the other two will be also released but no high chances.

As for now, a small reminder to drink some water and eat something, don't overwork yourself and remember to smile! :D

Have a good day/night and hope you enjoy today's chapter!


Tubbo paced around the room, many thoughts running through his head. The other people who were present were looking at him with worried looks, fearing that he eventually went insane. He hasn't said anything to them since when they appeared in the room. It was awkward, no one really saying anything to other.
Niki sighed in annoyance, already regretting her decision to come here. Next to her sat Sapnap and George who looked as bored as her, but they still waited patiently for Tubbo to speak. There was also Jack with bandage around his arm, pissed off expression visible more than anything else. It was clear than something happened but he refused to say anything, which resulted in them sending him weird glances from time to time and some whispers.

For the whole time, Tubbo was muttering something to himself, sometimes stopping and thinking about whatever he had in mind before continuing on his rambling. However, he never spoke to them, which slowly was creeping them more than it probably should.
Sapnap leaned closer to George, whispering into his ear.

"You think he finally got sick from all his jukes and all that shit?" Sapnap asked, eyes never leaving Tubbo's sign.

"Well, there's a high possibility for that. I mean, look at him" he pointed his finger at the boy. "He looks like he saw a ghost or something"

Sapnap nodded, eyes snapping towards Jack who held an bored expression mixed with anger, which really wasn't something new for any of them.

"And what happened to him?" Sapnap asked, looking away when Jack turned his head towards him.

"Maybe you should ask your Mr. President here" Jack pointed out, looking at Tubbo with somewhat disgust in his eyes.

Tubbo stopped in the middle of the room,  eyes darting towards Jack who was looking at him like he wanted to kill him. Tubbo narrowed his eyes scoffing at the man with two coloured glasses.

"The heck did you say?" Tubbo asked, arms crossed over his chest. "It's not my fault that it happened. It's your own fault for messing with wrong people, Jack"

Jack scoffed, looking away and acting natural. George and Sapnap looked at each other somehow intrigued and also confused.

"What happened between you two?" George asked, glancing questioningly at the ram hybrid.

"Nothing happened between us. It's about what happened between him and Tommy. I think we all know that Tommy isn't actually dead and he appeared in L'manburg after over two years." Tubbo said, everyone nodding as agreement. "It's really no surprise he reacted this way towards you, I mean, you tried to kill him. Not once. And you stole his hotel after all."

George though for a moment, before looking back at the ram hybrid with titled head to the side.

"Why did he come back?" George asked.

Tubbo looked at him for a moment, the lack of emotions not helping the situation at all. Then, curiousity flashed in his eyes.

"Apparently he came to get Techno's and Philza's stuff before they would leave again." Tubbo said, before giving George a weird look. "Why are you interested in this, hm? Gogy? Something wrong?"

"Ey, don't use that tone with George" Sapnap warned the younger, eyes filled with anger.

"Oh? And if I won't stop? What are you gonna do to me? Kill? Threaten me and my family? Hurt Michael again?" Tubbo locked him, chuckling darkly when Sapnap's eyes flashed with red colour.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you. Unless of course, you want to be a burn crisp" Sapnap said.

Tubbo smiled, mischievous hidden in his eyes.

"Make me"

Sapnap growled, his eyes slowly burning with red colour as he glared at the younger hybrid. His hairs were covered by small flames, kissing his skin softly. The long and black tail followed his movements, swinging back and forth.

"You really want to provoke me?" Sapnap asked but before Tubbo could answer, George stood between them.

"Sapnap, calm down. There's no time for arguing, nor provoking" he said, looking at the two boys. "What did Tommy say, Tubbo?"

Tubbo didn't answer, only turned around and left the room with straight face ignoring the rest. George sighed in annoyance while Sapnap took some deep breath trying to calm himself down. That's when Niki cut in, talking calmly like nothing ever happened.

"He said that he's a King of the Resting Land's, Purpled's husband and a father of three" she answered, looking at the small bracelet on her hand and ignoring all the stars she was receiving.

"So Tommy is a King? Not only that, but a king of Resting Land's and now Purpled's husband?" Sapnap asked, at which Niki nodded. "Oh shit"

"Resting Land's are said to be the strongest Kingdom for now, since it's the most peaceful and beautiful places. It's really surprising that The Tommy we know is the king of a place like that. I would never want him as my king" Jack said.

George glared at him intensely which forced Jack to turn his head to the side.

"He's not the Tommy we know, that's the point. We've lost the old Tommy. Plus, he's not alone, he has Purpled as the second King to help him. What surprised me the most is the fact that he has three kids." George looked at Sapnap, slowly realizing everything.

"Hell yeah, I've gotta meet those kids! Who knows, maybe they are hybrids like me!" Sapnap said excitedly, shaking George by his shoulders.

George laughed softly, holding Sapnap so he wouldn't shake him more. Niki looked at them in shock, her cheeks puffed out.

"Wait, you are on his side? Tommy's side?" She asked, shock and anger written all over her face. "How the hell can you even be on his side? After everything he has done, you still like him?!"

George glared at her, before nodding his head and turning around so his back were facing her.

"I'm on the King's side, no matter what you say. If he wants to have his own kingdom and rule it, he will rule like he wants." George said, looking at Sapnap.

"If he goes on a war, we won't go against him but we will go as a part of his army. If he wishes for us to help, we will do everything in our power to do so. We will be on his side" Sapnap said, turning around to leave the room.

Niki shot up from her seat, throwing her hand din the air and screaming.

"Y-you can't just do that! You are a part of L'manburg, not some Kingdom that was started by a kid!"

George laughed, looking at her over his shoulder.

"Try and stop me" he said, before leaving the room and shutting the doors with loud thud.

Niki stood there in shock, anger visible in her eyes. She screamed in anger, kicking the chair down and storming out of the room. Jack followed soon after, limping on his leg in the process.

"Stupid, just stupid!"

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