Happy family

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To be honest, I'm proud of the previous chapter. It took me some time but I don't regret writing it :) It was cute and 100% fluff and from what I saw, you also enjoy it!

Thank you for the support and all the nice comments and I hope you will stay till the end!

Everything in this chapter is platonic!



It was early in the morning, around 7 am when the sun finally peeked inside their room, interrupting their slumber and eventually forcing their eyes open. One of the boys grumped, turning his back to the wall and gripping thighed the boy beside him. The younger one only mumbled something, hiding his face in the neck of his lover. 

"What..?" The other asked, not understanding what the other said.

He pulled his head up, smiling softly and repeating himself.

"Good morning.." he mumbled once again, this time louder and clearer.

"Oh, good morning Tom's" his head buried back in the soft pillow, trying to go back in his beloved dream.

"I gotta wake up" Tommy said, trying to sit up only to be blocked by the strong arms around him.

Purpled shook his head as a no, not letting go of his platonic husband. Tommy tried to push away his hands, but to no avail. Purpled wasn't going to let go off the only surface of the hear he was receiving now, especially since the weather wasn't so nice.

"But I'm hungryyyy" Tommy whiled, playing with Purpled's hairs.

"No" Purpled said, closing his eyes a little and enjoying the attention.

Tommy played with his hairs for a moment, hoping to distract him so he could sneak out. He leaned closer, kissing Purpled's forehead and quickly tried to escape. However, Purpled wanted more attention and didn't let go of his partner, only bringing him closer and snuggling to his back.

"I'm going to starve to death" Tommy said, praying that someone would save him.


I see You're stuck a little


Might as well enjoy the warmth


But chocolate chips🥺..

Someone punch him before I do it


Someone is coming

Hearing what Melanthios said, Tommy only prayed that whoever it was, they would come here and call them for breakfast. Even though they had a wedding last night and there was a lot of food, he got hungry through the night. And now, Purpled wasn't going to let go off him. They cuddled the whole night and yet he still wasn't satisfied. What a clingy alien.

The single and quiet knock made him excited, as he hoped they would come and free him from this torture. He loved cuddling, but he also loved food. And right now, the warm breakfast sounded like the best thing ever.

"Breakfast is ready-" there in the doors stood Maggie, one of the maids.

Tommy looked at her with pleading eyes, pointing at Purpled and trying to get away from him.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to hold back her laugh.

"I went in for a kiss and no he's got me and won't let me go" Tommy said, crying and laughing at the same time.

Happiness you never felt // Golden DuoWhere stories live. Discover now