"My best friend came back"

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I wasn't planning on updating today, but after 10 minutes of just staring at the walls and thinking about my life I decided to do it anyways. Sorry if it's short, I had less time than normal.

Hope you have a good day/night and remember to take care of yourself! I love you and if you ever need someone to talk to, just know I'm here!

Also, sorry in advance that the action this book is really slowly happening. It's just I have a lot of ideas and I want it to be a good book. Hope you understand.

Hope you enjoy~


They promised each other to never come back there and never ever interact with this people. But here they are, standing in front of the gate to the prison, deciding on whenever they should go inside or not.
From what Quackity told them, Ant was the new prison guardian, since Sam never returned and someone had to look over the prison to make sure Dream wouldn't try anything. And so, Sam haired Ant on his place mostly because he was storing at some point and trusted. Even tho the egg thing was still there, it wasn't as affecting as before. And as for the egg, both Tommy and Purpled were rather surprised to see that there was an overgrown egg in the middle of the nation. Not only that, but there was also Bad who was hysterically telling them about the egg and trying to get them to visit the egg. If Tommy was honest, he kinda wanted to have an omelette. And what eggs are the best for the omelette? The big and fresh ones. And if the egg gets in his way, guess they will be eating omelette's for the next few weeks. Not that he minded.

"Who are you and what's your business at the Pandora's Vault?" Ant asked almost imidiatelly when they went through the portal.

"We are here to visit someone, Dream, as you may" Tommy answered, looking at Ant with mocking look.

"And who may you be? Are you cosplaying as some weird royale ball or something?" Ant snickered, pulling out his sword as if he was ready to attack.

Techno smirked, pulling his own axe put and easily pressing it to Ant's neck. Any was startled, raising his hands in the air as he gave up.

"You know us pretty well, I would say. Techno, Philza, Tommy and Purpled" Quackity said from behind Techno, hands behind his back with swift smile on his face.

"Tommy.. didn't you disappear years ago? Ran away, if I'm correct?" Ant asked.

Tommy smiled, one of his hands resting on Techno's shoulder.

"The King Tommy, ruler of Resting Land's. I wish we could talk and catch up soke other times, when you wouldn't have an axe pressed to your throat." Tommy's smile faded away as his face turned into serious expression. "Now, you will kindly let us in and we won't have any problems. If you try something, remember that there's five soldiers outside ready to pierce you with their blades."

Ant shook his head, arms falling to his side.

"Everyone betted that you all died, what a shame it's not truth" he said, at which Tommy and Purpled smiled.

"You're not getting rid of us that easily" Purpled said, pushing Ant towards the many buttons and mechanisms. "And don't bother with weakening us, we have important things to do in there. You will do everything we will tell you, understand?"

Ant nodded, pushing some buttons and soon, the first doors opened. They walked inside of a long hall, walking towards the second end of it, watching Ant push another buttons. Techno trailed closely behind Ant, ready to kill him if something happened or if he simply tried anything. With the cold blade inches away from his neck, Ant had no other choice but to do what he was told to do.

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