Healing time

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So, I changed the style of Melanthios sentences, since I didn't realized it would appear like boxes or something else and not words. If you couldn't read it, then you can read it now since I changed it to normal. For better understanding the book, please read the sentences.
Sorry for the trouble and hope you enjoy!


Purpled closed the cupboard above the counter, holding a few bandages and water to clean the wounds from the small fight they had. He wasn't the one who got hurt, it was Tommy, since he fought with these guys. The was no chance that Tommy would get out if this without any scratches. And there he was, small cuts around his wrists. It wasn't deep, luckily but it could get infected from the dirt. So for Tommy's own good, Purpled had to clean them up a little, so he wouldn't be sick later.
Luckily Shroud still wasn't home and he didn't saw what happened to Tommy. It would probably end with a few tears and sadness, which would also hurt Tommy. At the end, he promised Shroud we won't be ever hurt and he will be home with no scars. And he wasn't willing to break that promise.

Meanwhile, Purpled slowly cleaned the first few cuts, trying his best to do it gently. Unfortunately, Tommy could feel the burning pain.
He hissed in pain, looking away from his hands.  Purpled quickly apologized, trying to be even more gentle if it was possible.

"It's not your fault, don't worry" Tommy said through his teeth, looking on the ground.

"I went to help you but in the end, you were the one who helped me" Purpled said softly, still focusing on his arms.

"Yeah, but if I was more careful, then no one would have to save anyone" Tommy said, another hiss escaping his lips.

"Sorry" Purpled apologized "You couldn't expect them to attack, no one could. It happens and you can't do anything"

"Yeah.." Tommy whispered, still blaming himself.

How could he be so stupid and now watch his back? They were stalked, it was easy to expect from someone to observe them and possibly, attack. It was just that he didn't expect them to attack in the day. But now, they had to watch their back even in the morning or in the afternoon, since they could be everywhere. They could be even closer than they except.

Stop blaming yourself, Purpled is right

He's right

Not your fault

Couldn't expect it


Tommy sighed, looking over at Purpled. He was bandaging up his wrists, careful not to hurt him more. He notice that whenever it comes to him, Purpled was nice and gentle. He acted like Tommy was a butterfly that was so small and delicate.
But much to his surprise, he liked it. It was new for him, that someone was willing to protect and take care of him. That was everything he needed, someone to be on his side and love him.

He needs you and you need him

Melanthios's soft voice said, while Tommy still kept his eyes on the purple man. He couldn't take them off, cause if he did, he felt like it would all disappear. The nice feeling, love and that gentle touch.

Purpled is like no one else, he cares

Tommy blinked two times, his eyes blurring a little.

You started trusting him way faster than anyone else. He's like you. Pushed away his whole life, not once loved and without a family. Just like us.

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