All time low

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For some reason I feel like I'm not giving my best, so sorry if the chapters are a little messy. I think that they are bad but most of you like it and it's really helping. Love you all.

But anyways, hope you enjoy.


It seemed to be okay, like nothing happened before. He was great at hiding his emotions, pushing them away as long as he could remember. He never cared about his emotions or state, be always looked after everyone else before eventually taking care of himself. A lot happened during the last month and everyone felt that. But they were able to move on and hope that the another month will be better for them all. However, Tommy couldn't keep some thoughts away. They were dragging him down, while he slowly began to sink deeper into the darkness. He was happy for a long time and of course, something had to go wrong. He thought he was finally safe and he found a place where he could be always happy. But nothing changed. He thought he was strong, he tried to be strong for his family and the whole kingdom. But it just wouldn't work. In reality he was weak, not only mentally but physically. He wasn't able to protect his lovely kid, so how was he supposed to protect the whole kingdom? He began to doubt himself, calling himself weak and blaming everything on himself. He wasn't going easy on himself, not untill he would be strong enough to protect everyone he loved. And it seemed like people didn't notice his struggling. They were relieved he had woke up and was safe. They knew about his physical state and the fight that happened back then, but the mental war was kept hidden from the light of the world. He decided to carry it himself, ignoring every single call from his family and their attempts to help. With that, the thoughts completely drowned him, looking him inside his own head. Still, he riled the kingdom the best he could and did all his taste as the king. He just wasn't seen so often and would disappear in his room for hours only coming out when the most needed. Purpled was worried about him, but decided it would be the best to leave him alone and give him space. As everyone else, he was also unaware of the mental fight that Tommy was carrying.
He would just lie on the floor in the middle of his room, black look on his face. The sun light shinned on his face, forcing him to close his eyes. When he did, another thoughts crushed in his head.

Am I strong enough to protect them?

You already ran away from your problems once, don't do it twice coward.

You're weak, can't even save your own family.

And to think that earlier this day everything was normal. They hunted him all days and nights. There were questions but no one could answer. And the voices who felt his emotions, also were slowly sinking deeper in the darkness of his thoughts.
(Turn on music 0:20 — 0:34)

That we're at an all time


















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