Back to normal

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Anywayyyyys, how are you doing today? Did you drink something and ate? I hope so, remember that you matter and are great!

Hope you enjoy this little chapter! And have a good day/night.


He stared mindlessly at the ceiling, his mind wandering back to the day before, thoughts filling his head. He was back, well, at least he thought he was. He was laying on the bed, in his body, but he felt literally nothing. No pain, no stress, no exhaustion. Only numbness. Voices didn't say anything since he woke up, leaving him to rest and regain his energy to the full level. It was weird to just come back to his body, after his soul separated from his body. And he didn't even knew if he died back then and medics managed to bring him back, or he didn't die at all and just slept. How long was it? Three days, maybe longer. He lost track of the time, sleeping most of the time and being unconscious for the whole days. However now, he was desperate to know what day it was. He was a king, how kong did he left the kingdom for? What if something bad happened? But then he remembered that Purpled was there who probably took care of everything with the help of other people. And maybe Philza, Techno, Puffy and Sam. Yeah no, he wasn't sure if he wanted to face them. Maybe, but maybe, expect Techno. He saw him there, worried as he stayed for the whole night, watching over him and his family. Even if he didn't know they were his family, he thought that Purled was his friend and the kids were just his friends or something else. The truth would be shocking for him along with the rest if his old family.
He blinked, eyes gazing away from the white and dull ceiling towards the doors. Where is the doctor or someone? It is boring here as hell. He could only lay down, not sure if he was supposed to sit or stand up. He didn't know much about medicine and that stuff, only about some of the potions and all that painkillers. But when it come to being sick, small flu was already to much for his liking.

Fortunately for him, five or so minutes later the doors opened quietly and someone stepped inside. His eyes met with green ones staring at him intensely, spark of happiness and shock in them.

"Are you going to star at me or check my health?" Tommy asked, smile creeping on his face.

The young boy blushed in embarrassment, bowing his head and shooting an apology before closing a small button close to the entrance and walking uo to his king. With the help if the young boy, Tommy was able to sit up and lean on the wall to stay still while the other male checked his temperature. Moment later, the doors were opened once again and older woman walked in, smiling widely as relief rushed over her body.

"Our Majesty, you are finally awake!" She said, smiling brightly and placing some pouches on the small table next to his bed. "We were worried you might not wake up again. Good to have you back, my king"

Tommy smiled back, observing the young boy who wrote something on a piece of paper before standing next to the older woman, waiting for orders.

"How long did I sleep?" Tommy asked, reaching his hand towards the woman who took a little bit of his blood.

"Almost 5 days, my king" the boy responded, looking at his king before handing him some painkillers.

He Slowly began to feel his back sore after sleeping for 5 days and small headache.

"Name" Tommy said, but the boy looked at him confused. "What's your name, young man"

The boy blushed again, scratching his neck softly and looking away.

"That's Percy my king, he doesn't talk much. He's very shy" the woman answered for him, patting his shoulder.

The boy had blue hairs, pointed ears and blue green eyes.(Any ideas who does he look familiar to?:)) He was pretty young, maybe year ot two younger than Tommy. It was visible that the boy was shy, blushing and suffering once upon a time. But in Tommy's eyes it was rather adorable.
He nodded his head, offering his soft smile.

"That's lovely name" Tommy said, laughing quietly.

"T-thank you" Percy said, galancing at the woman, who's name was Caroline.

"I will inform your family that you have finally woke up and bring them here if you want, my king" Tommy only nodded, laying back on his bed.

Heavy sigh escaped his lips, as he watched the boy stumble around the room, checking Tommy's state before flopping down on the chair in the corner, head hung low. Tommy's heart sparked a little, Percy reminded him of Shroud when he brought him home for the first time. The question was, did he have parents? If he did, that was great. But if he didn't, well, also good. Not that he wanted him to be an orphan, it was just Tommy wouldn't mind adopting another child. Well, it's not like someone would stop him from doing so anyways. More kids meant more responsibility, but also more faces to love and cuddle. And it had to be said that Tommy loved cuddling and giving someone his love and attention. Otherwise, he would he bored and grumpy all day if he wouldn't give someone even a little bit of love. It was a weird thing, but no one was really bothered by it. I mean, who wouldn't want to get some love and cuddles from Tommy?
Long time ago, he would argue and keep saying that he's a strong man and isn't clingy nor he wants to hug people all day. That was before, now it's different. He would literally cling on Purpled's arm in the bed, legs wrapped around Shroud while he played with toys and Clem laying  next to his head, face hidden in his neck. That way, Tommy could give affection to everyone he loved, while also making sure they were okay. For some it might look weird, but he payed no mind. All that matter was the fact that he could hug everyone at the some time. Why that way? Because Shroud was every energetic kid and couldn't say in one place for long time. But when Tommy held him in his lap, he could rest but at the same time play. Two in one. Clem on the other hand was rather a shy and calm kid, spending most of the time next to her dad's, clinging to their leg's.
He wouldn't ming having another person to cuddle, especially that adorable.

"Tommy! Thank God you are okay!" Purpled's voice reached his ears when the doors were suddenly opened.

Not  even second passed and he was crushed by Purpled in a hug, Shroud and Clem following close by and hugging his legs. Tommy laughed, ruffling their hairs and hugging Purpled back.

"I missed you too, guys" Tommy said, tearing up a little.

"Don't do that next time, I thought I lost you!" Purpled said, hitting Tommy in the arm gently to not hurt him.

"Sorry sorry." Tommy giggled.

"Glad you're okay" Tommy galanced to the doors and Saw Techno standing there, with relief written all over his face.

Tommy nodded at him, hugging his kids to his chest. Purpled took a step back, smiling at the view and sparing a galance at Techno. Their eyes locked together for a second, before Purpled looked at his small family once again. He noticed that Tommy was smiling strangely, looking up at him along with his kids, who were making puppy eyes.

"I know this look and the answer is no" Purpled said.

Tommy huffed, crossing his arms on his chest while the kids copied his movements. Tommy got excited, looking at Purpled again.

"You know, I was thinking about something." Tommy stared but Purpled cut him off

"No" was the only answer.

"But-!" He cut him off again.

"We will talk about this later" with that, he hushed him and took Clem in his hands while she slowly fell asleep.

When Tommy looked towards the doors, Techno wasn't there anymore. Strange. But he had something different on his mind. An evil plan, but not really. Not it was only matter of hours till Purpled breaks and he reach his goal. He just needs to wait.

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