I'm not coming home

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Reunion? Or more likely confrontation after years? One side seems to be selfish and hurt, while the other just tries to live happily and normally once again.

The question is, on who's side are you? Are you on Tubbo's side who was left without a single word, who was too focused on himself and his business, or are you perhaps on Tommy's side who was completely forgotten and just wanted to start a new and Healthy life? Along side Tommy was Purpled, Technoblade, Philza, Sam, Quackity, Puffy and Ranboo. He went for revenge and got what he wanted. So, who will you choose?

Choose your side!

Also sorry that the chapters are short and probably boring, I'm just tired and that's all. Hope you enjoy!


Tommy's and Tubbo's eyes met together, both staring at each other with no idea what to do, say or how to act. The air was so stiff it would be easy to cut with the knife, almost suffocating like. Nervousness emanated from Tommy, who's eyes twitched as he looked away from the pair of brown eyes. Meanwhile the only thing that emanated from Tubbo was anger mixed with some awkwardness.
They weren't expecting for anything good to happen, especially since Tubbo was literally piercing Tommy's soul with his eyes. If look could kill, Tommy would be laying dead in matter of seconds.
Seeing the scene, Purpled walked towards Tommy, dropping his arm around his husband's shoulder and pulling him closer. Noticing the caught off guard look that Tubbo was giving them both, Purpled only smiled at him which made the shorter boy shiver. Rubbo quickly looked away, trying to control the anger in his voice as he spoke out loud.

"What are you.. doing here?" Tubbo's voice cracked a little as he looked back forward to see Tommy's blue eyes staring at him.

It was hard to keep eye contact, especially when Purpled was glaring at him like venomous snakes looking at their prey. The devilish smile wasn't helping either. Plus, the rest of the group standing in the background made it 10x worse.

"I'm just taking care of some business, what about you? What could you possibly need from the prison?" Tommy asked, titling his head to the side.

"I-uh.. I was near the prison and the message popped out. I came to check out what was happening and possibly.. visit Dream" Tubbo explained, nervously scratching his neck.

Tommy's eyes lit up, small smile creeping on his face as Purpled laughed in the background.

"Oh, I'm afraid that won't be possible" Tommy said covering his mouth so he wouldn't laugh.

Tubbo was caught off guard, eyes widening a little as he licked his eyes once again with Tommy's.

"What?" He asked, voice a whisper.

"Well yeah, you see that there was an small accident and Dream won't be able to welcome guests right now. Nor he will in the future." Tommy said, the smile growing bigger.

"I know you killed him but doesn't he has like.. one life left?" Tubbo asked, taking a step back.

Tommy's smile fell, frown taking it's place instead. Something sharp flashed in his eyes, while Purpled took off his arm of Tommy's shoulder and backed away a little.

"Have you already forgotten? Or were you so buses that you don't care anymore?" He asked, taking few steps closer to Tubbo, hand gripping the grip of his sword. "Remember the disc war? When Dream took us to his 'hause' for the first time? We killed him there two times, Tubbo. Two times. He lost both of his lives, which left him with only one just like you and me. Do you know what that means?"

Tommy's eyes glaring at Tubbo made it hard to answer, the suffocating feeling only worsening. He knew what that meant. Oh how good he knew. But the thought wasn't sitting right with him. Tommy would never, would he? He wouldn't murder a man, especially not Dream.

"You murdered him?" Tubbo asked at which Tommy laughed loudly.

He was followed by everyone else, who laughed or either chuckled. Technoblade glared at him, eyes red more than normally.

"I didn't kill him." Tubbo breathed out in relief. "Technoblade did"

At that the whole world seemed to freeze. His heart started to best faster, eyes widened like never. His hands started shaking as he almost tripped while backing away. Tommy only followed him, the sword resting on his shoulder now. Small flames erupting from it, gazing at Tommy's face but not hurting him. Tubbo looked at it like hypnotized, before looking back in Tommy's eyes.

"W-why?" He asked shakily, Tommy leaning close to his face.

"I promised to protect my kingdom and my people. I'm not going to break that promise because of some green bastard who's too scared to show anyone his face" Tommy said without hesitation.

"What? What kingdom?" Tubbo asked dumbfounded, trying to recall any news about any new kingdom.

That's when it clicked. The Resting Land's.

"I'm a king now Tubbo, not only me but also Purpled. Techno, Phil, Puffy, Sam and Quackity are under my protection. No one dares to hurt them, understand? And if someone's touches them or any of my people, we will have serious problems."

"Then why did you kill Dream?!" Tubbo yelled, suddenly taking defensive form.

Tommy was taken back by the sudden outburst, but he smiled slowly and spined the sword in his hand. Tubbo watched as the flames flew in the air, almost setting his jacket on fire if he didn't put it down on time.

"I needed some information but since I know what I wanted, why should I let him leave? He did nothing but got in my way anyway, can't leave him alone without guarding, you know? And I'm pretty sure that Ant won't be coming back soon" Tommy said, before taking a step back and smiling innocently.

"You're sick!" Tubbo yelled, forcing a small groan from Purpled.

"Listen man, I don't really wanna kill you but if I hear you insult him once again, I won't hesitate to plung that sword in your chest" Purpled said, threatening Tubbo.

After what seemed like 20 minutes staring contest between Purpled and Tubbo, they were interrupted by Tommy's hand placed on Purpled's shoulder as he pulled hi back softly.

"Let's go, we shouldn't be waisting out time here. We still have to get Techno's stuff and then we can come back" Philza said, turning his back and waiting for the  boys to come along.

"Right, let's go." Quackity said, following Philza and Techno.

Before Tommy could do anything, Purpled walked towards Tubbo and swiftly punched him in the face. Tubbo yelped in pain, left hand clutching his broken and bleeding nose in pain. Tommy watched in shock, trying to remember the last time when he saw Purpled this agrresive. Oh wait, he did see him like this ten minutes ago. Nevermind.

"And remember. If you try anything, not only you will have to face me but also a whole fucking army. I will hunt you down and kill you if you try to hurt anyone from the Resting Land's." Purpled said.

Tommy pulled hi away with a sigh, hands interviewing together as they walked away.

"Remember he has a son and he already lost one father. We can't take him another one" Tommy said, mentioning the fact that Ranboo was still in their kingdom.

Also, Tommy come to the realization that he haven't talked to Ranboo yet, which was weird considering the fact that it was his main thing to do. Well, he will have to take care of that when they come back.

If they come back in time.

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