Empty but together

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Hi! Hope you all are doing great! So I decided to edit some chapters, look for grammar mistakes and hopefully it will be better.

Anyways, more of Percy's backstory, hope you enjoy!


His heart felt empty, all kinds of emotions drained from his face and his body went limp. He had no strength to speak, not even mentioning standing up. The floor was weirdly comfortable for him, walls closing all his thoughts in one small and closed space. He hated being limited, being closed in small space. But this time, he didn't mind. He was the one who locked himself in and slowly drowned in his own thoughts and scenarios. He just couldn't bring myself to leave his room unless it was important. Not like he didn't care about him family, he just didn't want them to see him in such state. It was probably stupid and selfish for him to do, but it wasn't anything new. He used to do it a lot before meeting Shroud, before befriending Purpled and before running away. Earlier it was his way of protecting not only himself but also everyone around him. He almost lost his kid, because some people are after him. He can't let himself lose any of them.
He promised to take care of them and never leave them. Then why was he hiding now? He felt bad, of course he did. But he couldn't think of anything better. The darkness surrounded him and shielded from the light of the sun. Maybe at least he was safe here, away from people that he cared about, away from people's sight. But even if he physically safe, he was far from being mentally safe. The voices slowly overwhelmed him, causing sudden and small panic attacks from nowhere. They knew he was in pain and even if they tried to help him, they couldn't. They got attached to him and they knew that, but they were forced to cooperate with his emotions. That's what they were crested for. To be controlled by his emotions and make sure to either be happy with him, or upset his even more.  And they couldn't go against that. He knew that they didn't want to do that, but who he was to change it? He couldn't. And he had to live with it.

Isn't it nice?

All alone

Heart full of pain

No escape

We aren't safe

No one is


Welcome the pain

He tried to make them quiet, ignore them. But he never learned how to. He was all alone, on his own. No one to lean on, no one to help. Just him, his thoughts and his voices. They became one. Filling each other with heavy feeling and bringing it down. Was he sad? Upset? Angry? Guilty? Of course. Along with that, he was blaming himself for everything. Maybe it wasn't the best decision to start an Empire in the first place. But all this people seemed happy, finally having families and homes. He didn't regret it. He would never. But it slowly began to catch up with him that he maybe wasn't ready to rule over one.
He gave this people a new home, new chance and hope. They loved him, didn't they? He was their king, savior, hero. They needed him, just as much as he needed them. Only he needed more time and people that would wait for him till he was okay. No rush, just waiting. It wasn't too much to ask for, was it? Or maybe people finally found him annoying like rest did and only treated him with pity. No. He was responsible now, he could be serious when needed. He wasn't that childish anymore. He had an fiance and three kids. He grew up enough to start a new life.

"Dad?" Someone's voice caught him off guard.

His eyes imidiatelly moving to look at the doors. He was too tired to even think who's voice that was.

"Y-yes?" He called out, trying his best to sit up properly.

"Can I... Come in?" The quiet voice asked, hand squeezing the handle.

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