When the blood spills

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I suck at describing a war or battle of any sort😥 so if it's disappointing or not something you imagined, I'm sorry. My creativity is literally almost non-existing. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Remember that I love you and you matter! Take a break and rest your eyes, drink and eat something and remember to not overwork yourself!

Have a good day/night and I hope you enjoy!

Mention of blood and violence :)


Every mind was as much a battlefield as the sand at their feet. Before the invaders beached their vessels each soldier had time for their minds to bid farewell to far away lovers and children while trying to wipe all emotion clean away, to focus on the task at hand. Every gaze lay resolutely ahead, none able to take in the emotion of their friends as well as their own. They could hear Thier familie's loud cries and praying, pain accompanying them the whole way. Soon, they crossed the main gate and disappeared in between the thick line of trees. Shadows casted upon them, the bright sparkles of their armors dying down when the sun left it untouched.
Sweat covered their hands and forehead's, their grips even tighter than before. Many could feel the blood running in their bodies, some noticed how red their faces were and how white their knuckles turned. The stress only pumped the strength and hatred, mixing it and turning into dangerous aura that could be felt from miles. Two flags were carried at the very front, right besides the Two King's. The name of the Resting Land's written boldly and large to assure everyone and make them feel more confident and stronger.
Their King's walked in front of everyone, their horses carrying diamonds armors for protection. Long blue capes normally sitting comfortably on their shoulders now felt like an undesirable weight that pulled them down and almost choked. Even the golden crows felt odd, almost like cursed with horns.

The air in the forest was thicker, cooling the warriors and easing their stress. The wind worked like magic, refreshing them but also taking away some tension in the air. Some small talks filled the crowd, nothing more than whispers and muffled sounds.
The young's King mind itself was filled with whispers, whistles and even hysterical laughs and some useless jokes. Not being in the mood to joke or argue, the young King decided o shut off his head and focus on the path in front of him. His horse black like night neighed softly, shaking it's head. Tommy patted it's neck, trying to calm it down. Even their four legged friends knew what was going on, the tension and fear very much visible.
Suddenly, a small coo was heard and most of the soldiers held their chin's high in the air. The familiar owl flew from between the trees, slowly gliding towards Tommy. As usually, Tommy outstretched his hand and the bird landed on his forearm, resting and titling it's head to look at it's friend.

"I still don't understand how you can turn your head around like that.." Tommy whispered, his finger gently tracing the beak of the bird.

Giving Tommy's finger a little nip, the owl cooed and ruffled it's small wings.

Giving Tommy's finger a little nip, the owl cooed and ruffled it's small wings

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