That's not how it works

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They sat together at the dinner table, eating dinner peacefully. It was a week since Purpled moved in and they got used to one another. Tommy slowly started talking more and more with Purpled, While Shroud played with him fir hours every day. It become their routine, just staying around the house and playing. It was for the best to isolate from the world for a while so they could think of what to do next. As for now, it was peaceful and calm. Purpled also noticed that Tommy went outside every night, just to look at the night sky. It surprised him at first, since  he would never think that Tommy would admire doing it.

And as Tommy expected, Shroud decided to learn how to talk. Even if it was only a week, he already picked out some words and started using them almost every day. It was amazing and Tommy was really happy, before Shroud started talking about everything and anything.
Instead of eating his food, he looked up at Tommy, then Purpled and back at Tommy. Purpled noticed the action and raised his eyebrow at the young one. Shroud blinked all his eyes and pointed his finger at Purpled.

"Dad!" Shroud said, hissing happily.

"Shroud, Purple isn't your dad. He's just a friend of mine that is staying with us for awhile" Tommy explained, taking another bite of his food.

But like every other day, he was ignored by Shroud. The spider frowned before smiling again.

"I want a sibling!" He yelled, when Tommy heard that, his eyes widened as he chocked on his food.

He started coughing, hitting his chest while Purpled stood up from his seat in panic and rushed towards him. He imidiatelly started patting his back, trying to help his friend. Shroud meanwhile looked confused, thinking about what was wrong with his dad.
When tommy finally could take his breath and calm down, he looked down at Shroud with awkward smile. Burning pain in his throat didn't help at all.

"Shroud, I don't think you realize that you can't have sibling whenever you want" he said, as he rubbed his throat to make it hurt less.

Purpled patted Tommy's back last time before filling his cup with water and handing ut to him.

"Thank you" Tommy muttered, drinking the water slowly to not choke again.

"But why! I want to have someone to play with" Shroud whispered, tears picking in his eyes.

Purpled sighed as he kneeled next to Shrouds chair, gently stroking his back.

"Shroud, it's not the best time to adopt a kid. It's dangerous and Tommy already has ti take care of you. Second child would mean more work and time taking care of two children" He explained.

Shroud titled his head a little, looking over at his dad. Tommy was leaning in the chair, eyes closed as he still rubbed his throat. Slowly, the pain faded away and he smiled softly at Shroud.

"But when it will be safe, can you give me a baby sister?" Shroud didn't drop that topic.

Tommy was glad he wasn't eating or drinking anything, since he was sure he would choke on it again.

"That's... Not how it works buddy" Tommy said.

"What?" Shroud asked, not really understanding.

"Well, you can adopt a kid but it takes some time and papers, since some people have to make sure you will have time and place for the kid. You can't just take a kid from someone, else not that simple" Tommy said.

Shroud frowned a little.

"What about me? You told me you took me in cause I was alone" He remembers it, of course.

Tommy groaned, standing up fron the chair and walking towards the two.

"You were in a different situation. I will explain it to you later, when the time will come" Tommy said, taking the kid in his arms.

"Okay!" Shroud said happily, small hisses escaping his lips.

Tommy smiled as he walked towards his son's bedroom. Purpled followed his figure till he disappeared in the doors of the other room. He couldn't help but wonder, what would Tommy say if he offered him help. He wanted to stay here and help him take care of himself and Shroud, but it only depend on Tommy. He didn't want to push hum or anything, it wasn't his decision. But he had to say one thing, he fell in live with the kid and Tommy. He loved Tommy like a close friend, best friend. And Shroud? He could threat him like his own kid.
Tommy and Shroud looked like a great family, family that Purpled himself wished he had. But was it possible? For him to be accepted in Tommy's family? Would be even let him stay? He knew that Tommy wasn't really trusting person, but it could only help him and his situation.

"Purpled? Everything's alright?" Tommy's voice pulled him away from his thoughts.

He turned around to face the blond haired boy, them both locking eyes together. He was worried in Tommy's eyes for a second, could he care?

"Yeah, everything's fine" he said, smiling at his younger friend.

But Tommy knew something was off about him. His smile wasn't like the one he always gave him. It was a forced smile and it wasn't hard for him to notice that. Tommy saw many faked and forced smiles, usually the ones that people gave him when he was younger. The look of pity whenever someone passed him. Just a lonely child wandering through the town, with no one to watch over him.
He did something he would never do for someone else. Something no one ever gave him.

Purpled was shocked when he felt hands wrapping around his chest, pulling him close. He looked down at Tommy, but he was hiding his face from him. He slowly wrapped his arms around Tommy's body, nice feeling appeared in his heart.

"You know you can tell me everything, right?" Tommy said.

Something in Purpled broke. Crushed in million pieces. It hit him like a memory. People always avoided him, acted like he was never here and ignored. They hated him, no matter what he did. They could yell at him Laugh, push around and do anything they wanted. But they were never proud of him, they never showed him love or gave him attention. Why? Because he was different. All because he lived in the UFO and looked like an alien. But that wasn't gus fault, he couldn't do anything about this stupid antennae. He was born like this, like a baby with alien antennae.

And then there was Tommy, hugging him. It was something he needed for a long time now but he never got it. Love.

"I thought y-you wouldn't care. Just like others" Purpled said, burring his head in the croak of Tommy's neck.

"I always cared and I always will. No matter what happens." Tommy whispered, letting the boy let out his emotions.

He didn't cared what was different about Purpled. He cared about him more than anyone else.

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