Filled with pain

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I feel like this is awful but you have to survive.

Enjoy this shitty chapter.


It was quiet, not even animals made any sounds. Cold air corrupted the whole kingdom, terrible silence and pain towering in the air. Doors were closed, streets empty, lights turned off. Single cries could be heard and screams of broken hearts. Everything could feel the sadness and pain that overtook the village. It started as a normal day, but became the worst for everyone that heard the news. No one had to say anything, they quickly realized that something was wrong when they saw their King being carried on the arms of one of the guards. The second king walked next to his side, head hung low with closed eyes. His face showed only pain, as he held closely his child to his chest. Sam was walking at the very end, eyes filled with regret and pain. The young dog walked in front of the group, tail tucked between his paws and ears laying back.
People quickly realized that there was something really wrong with the young ruler. Medics quickly rushed outside to take him in, treatment started right away. But not only their king was hurt, but also his kid. The young and happy kid was held in his father's arms, eyes closed tightly and tears escaping his eyes even if he was unconscious.

Shroud was taken care of as best as possible, cleaning and healing his wound. His cut wound wasn't that bug, yet it still harmed him and his health. Medics made sure he was stable and okay, before they allowed one if his dad's inside the room. However, the king wasn't that lucky. His body was covered with fresh scars and some old ones that reopened during the fight. His energy lever was at the very bottom, leaving his heart barely beating and on the edge of life. The spend hours in his room, trying to get him back on his feet, however he never woke up. Not after patching up his scars, not after drinking some strength potions, not after healing potions. His body was devastated, as well as his mind. They did not know what happened that brought him to that state. The only thing they could do, was to let him rest as long as possible and hope for him to wake up.

Purpled was heartbroken, devastated and angry. He was furious at himself for letting Tommy and Shroud go alone. He blamed himself every second, telling that if he went with Tommy it would never happen. He swore to protect him, and what happened? He was in some sort of an coma, that no one knew if he would ever wake up. There was a small chance that he would die, but they didn't know when he would wake up. It might take day, week or even month for him to do. And they had no idea what to do, expect for praying to God to give Tommy all the strength he needed.


Purpled stood in the frame of the doors, staring at the medical bed where the lifeless body of his fiance laid. His eyes tearing up, seeing his love in such a horrible state. Tommy was wrapped in many bandage's, some weird machines controlling his stan and tired expression.
Pudding laid on the floor next to Tommy's leg, curling in a ball. Quiet and small whimpers leaving his small body, showing how hurt he was. He was there, watching it all happen, but he was too young to do anything. Even if he tried, he would be probably killed by the strange man in less than a second. Yet still, it seemed like the poor puppy was blaming himself for what happened.
In the same room, under a wall stood Techno, his eyes closed and his head facing the floor. He looked like he was sleeping, but in reality he tried to calm down. When he heard the news, his heart shattered as he left whatever he was doing and went straight to the small hospital. The scene he saw was something he never wished to see or even think off. Tommy laying on the bed, medics running in circles and stressing out, trying their best to help their king. Even the strongest potions didn't work, they only healed his wound's a little, but he was still weak and unstable. It seemed like it wasn't caused by the wounds or amount of the blood he lost but cause of something that happened inside. He assumed that after massacrating the man, Tommy felt overwhelmed and panicked to the point where he couldn't control himself. It sometimes happened to him, when the voices were too much and they took control of his actions. But Tommy didn't have voices, so what could possibly happen? What caused him so much damage?
He could only think, asking himself the same question over and over again. But Purpled caught his attention, starting a conversation.

"How was... L'manburg?" He asked, watching as Techno slowly looked up.

"Normal, still corrupted and bad." He said.

Purpled hummed, trying to think of an good question. But when he was about to ask, Techno opened his mouth once again.

"Punz visited us a couple times, you know, asking where were you and blaming Tommy" Techno said, dropping his head down again.

"What?" Purpled asked, eyes focusing back on Tommy's figure. "Why would he assume that Tommy did something?"

Techno scoffed, trying to answer that question himself. Punz was always like that.

"He assumed that you wouldn't leave L'manburg, or him, just like that without a valid reason. Trying to get to his point, he blamed Tommy and said that he was a reason why you runned away. He said something about manipulating you or forcing, I don't really remember." Purpled nodded. "Then he insulted Tommy, which I guess kinds crossed the line."

Purpled's eyes widened, hearing the last part. He wasn't expecting to hear that from Techno.

"And what did you?" He asked, curiousness taking over.

"Let's just say he got what he deserved"

Purpled smiled softly, Techno really did care about Tommy.

"You care about him, don't you?" Purpled assumed, looking at Techno with small smile.

"I-... The truth is I never stopped caring" Purpled was dumbfounded by that. "The day when he betrayed me, I felt... Hurt. You know, I kinda hoped he would be on my side and help me. After blowing up L'manburg, I felt empty and angry."

"You know why he betrayed you, right?" Techno looked up at him, nodding. "Then why?"

"I yelled at him back then, I almost killed him. I didn't think twice, before spawning withers and leaving him to death. I thought that whatever I was doing was good and he deserved it." He sighed, crossing his arms on his chest.

The younger one pushed himself off of the wall, walking towards the medical bed and kneeling on the ground. His hand played with Tommy's hairs, hoping to see any movements.

"Do you regret it?" He asked once again.

"I do. I can't just hate him, it's too hard" Techno explained, looking at the young boys. "But I'm sure Tommy hates me, at the-"

"He loves you" Purpled but him off, not taking his eyes away from Tommy's face.

Techno looked shocked, hearing his words. Tommy loved him? Even after what he did?

"What..?" He asked, eyes opened widely.

"He might not show it, he will refuse. He lies to himself, telling that he hates and you and doesn't need you, but deep down in his heart he knows that he loves you. He's hurt, but he cannot hate you"

Techno stayed silent, trying to process what he just heard. He had one question that wouldn't leave his head.

"Do you think he will forgive me?" Purpled stayed quiet, trying to find an answer.

"Just because he loves you, doesn't mean he will forget about everything and act like nothing happened. But maybe, if you try hard enough, he will forgive you one day. You need to gain his trust first, just like I did" Purpled said.

Techno felt relief and happiness. Tommy not forgiving him would be the last thing he wanted to ever experience. He cared, of course he did. He just never showed any of that. And to hear that Tommy didn't hate him was a huge relief for him and possibly his head.

"Now we should hope for him to wake up soon"

"Yeah, the sadness and pain that filled the whole kingdom is awful and painfully even for me"

Purpled nodded. Resting Land's were supposed to be filled with happiness, it was a place full of peace and passion. But right now, it was filled with pain. Not only people, but animals and nature. Everything seemed to be down a little, dying and turning sad.

"Let's hope"

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