Red mask mystery

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I had sudden motivation to write this and I hope it will turn out good.
Remember to drink and eat something, rest your eyes and take a break!
I love you and if you need someone to talk to you, you can always text me :)



Footsteps echoed through the forest, as the masked figure never seemed to stop or be out of breath. They continued to run for two hours, stopping only to look at the directions and then running again. Black mask covering their face, black hood threw over their head. The mask had small holes for eyes, graved sad smiley face and two scratches on the side. The figure disappeared behind trees, appearing seconds kater only to disappear once again in the thick woods. There was nothing that would stop them. Whatever it was bad weather, dangerous wild animal or missing piece of their path. They had completed their mission and now the only thing that was left was to deliver the good news.

And finally, much to their joy, they reached their destination. The black doors opened slowly, another two makes figures looking eyes with them before letting him in. Second he went in, the heavy doors were closed with loud this that echoed in the dark halls. Without hesitation, the masked figure made their way to the end of the hall, before carefully walking down the stairs. After jumping every two steps, another shorter hall appeared in his vision. Even tho it was dark, he could make out many doors that were pained black with white words on them. Each had a word and number, along with three white dots.  There, at the end of the of hall were the biggest doors, pained red with white claws marking.

"The master will be proud! Finally, after 4 years he will be satisfied! Maybe he will let me taste his blood~" They said happily, clawing at their mask with their gloved hands.

The red doors were pushed open, more light escaping the room and spreading on the hall before once again it disappeared. The black masked figure fell on their knees, forehead touching the ground as they shook with happiness and obsession. However, there was two more figures. One was familiar to him, simply his twin while the other figure was wearing red mask and clothes. Wicked smile and sharp eyes staring at the second person in black mask.

"Did you complete your mission?" Deep and calm voice asked.

The first figure with black masked shook on their knees, visible blood dripping down their shoulder and staining the black floor. Everything in this room was black, expect for the desk which was dark red and walls that were stained with bloody red. Years ago, this walls were grey. Now, blood covered them like new paint. The smell fresh, reaching and exciting the masked figure even more.

"N-no, I-I'm sorry. I didn't manage to-" their words were cut off when the red mask stood up and flamed their hands on the desk.

"How dare you come here without completing your mission?! You have only one thing to do and yet you can't do a simple thing!" The figure walked from behind the desk, pulling the other masked figure up. "I give you everything, power, strength and everything your mind wished for and yet you can't even kill a fucking child?!"

Second later, the same black makes figure was thrown on the ground, closely followed by loud cracking voice. A single black mask fell to the ground, blood staining it all over and the black floor.
The second figure with black mask could only look at the lifeless eyes that were staring in their own, blood slowly drilling into their open mouth and onto their clothes. Dull black eyes stared into nothingness, all emotions dried out from their eyes. There was nothing. Only black emptiness.

"And you, did you completed your mission? Or did you also came here to disappoint me and take away your useless and nothing worth life?" The red figure asked, standing tall right above the other figure.

"No, I would never try and disappoint you, master. I came here to do the opposite, master" they said, looking up with excitement boiling in their body.

"Oh? Did you?"  The black mask only nodded vigorously.

"Of course master! Every single one of them, the whole herd of cattle!" They said, ripping off their mask and throwing it to the side. "And no one even saw me!"

Excitement filled the whole room, visible in the green eyes. Green veins on their face glowing in joy and happiness, before fading away and turning back to it's normal look. The green eyes changed into black ones, veins on their face disappeared and leaving no sight of them.
The person with red mask on their face smiled, however the mask covered it. He smiled, reaching out his hand and patting the head of his 'pet'.

"Ah, excellent. It seems like you are the only one who actually wants to make me proud"

Soon, the hand left their head, making them pout before obsessed look creeped on their face.

"Maybe a small praise? For finishing my missions without disappointing you?"

The 'master' stopped in his tracks, before slowly turning around And looking down at the masked figure.

"I will think about it once you get rid of someone for me"

The black eyes lift in joy and excitement, as they crawled towards the master and held on his leg.

"I will do everything in my power to satisfy you~!"

The red mask lifted in wide and sick smile.


They were just like puppet's who lived only to satisfy their master and die when they didn't complete their mission. Drained from emotions, controlled by his eyes, desperate for his blood. Without their own mind or thoughts, without a goal in their lives and with no free will. They were there only to do their missions and job, only to be killed sooner or later with no mercy. However, this who obeyed and satisfied their master, were praised with blood of their own master.
So they did everything they had, often killing innocent people, animals or vandalizing every town. However, one day their master left everything behind and fully focused on the new kingdom. They didn't question his actions. They did what they had to. And like like, they either watched every move of the king, ambushed people leaving there or like today, killed their animals.
They would do anything for him, even if it included suicide. They were blindly in love with him, fighting desperately for his attention and admiration. Even if it was couple of words, they found it cherishing and used it to anger each other.

Meanwhile their master did not care about them. If he killed one of them he could always find another human and control them. And it was pathetically easy. Especially the last one, a young man who seemed to be blinded by his anger and pain. He didn't even fight. He simply let him control him, easily giving in and losing his free will along with life. Sadly, he was too weak to survive the process. But the body was strong and great at the same time. It would be such a water if he didn't use it. So, the body was controlled by one of the death puppets, being possessed and brought back to life.

And it was only the start of his devilish plan. At the end, the mare boy had something that belonged to him. And there was no such a thing that he wouldn't do to get it back. He may loose many of his puppets, he may loose his blood but no matter what happens, we will get it back. If not tomorrow, then next week. And he won't stop.

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