Do you miss him?

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Yeaaaaah, it's not like I forgot about others in this book 😅. Gotta write some things about them and from their perspective.

It may be shorter since I don't have too much time.

Hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!


Did he even miss him? Did he even care at all about him and the situation that was happening? Well, he wasn't sure and if he wasn't sure, then his friends weren't either. He ignored him for a long time, only taking to him or spending time when Ranboo didn't have time for him. He was his second choice, a person that he always ignored and only cared when he was bored or had no else to talk to. There were times when he would cancel their plans only because Ranboo wanted to hang out. He simply didn't care about the other male feelings and pushed all the quilt and regret away to the point, when he forgot about him. That was, of course, untill Tommy left. Like everyone else, they looked for him for days and weeks, but they never found him. After some time, he gave up an decided to move on. However, that wasn't fully possible. Something in his heart told him to not give up and still try to find him no matter what, but uis kind was telling him that Tommy was dead for a long time now. He actually accepted the fact that the younger was dead and wouldn't come back as revived again. Once he caught himself thinking about making a grave for Tommy, but he quickly turned down that plan. Maybe he wasn't dead yet, maybe he was out there alive. At the end, he wasn't alone. Purpled was with him, he was able to take care of himself and probably for Tommy too.
And then he finally realized it, he was neglecting his best friend. He wanted to believe Tommy was dead but something wouldn't let him.
So he waited for Sam and Puffy to come back from their searching routine but after couple weeks, they never returned. Now they had four people missing, plus Technoblade and Philza who also disappeared in this air. He was slowly starting to get nervous, worrying that soon everyone might disappear and he might never see them again.

Ranboo tried to be supportive, promising to look for Tommy every day and he did it, only to come back empty handed every day. He still had some hope left, but it was slowly fading away with every week. What did actually happen to Tommy and Purpled? Where did they go? Are they alright? They checked most of the villages, searching for their two blond haired friends but they weren't seen by anyone. Was it possible that they went further into the world, completely cutting themselves from the world and starting a new life? It was possible, of course, but where and why? So many questions but so little answers.
The dissapontment was the only thing he felt. And no, he wasn't disappointed in Tommy or Purpled that they ran away, he wasn't disappointed in everyone else because they couldn't find two teenagers. He was disappointed in himself for not finding them or noticing what was happening earlier. Maybe if he only knew he would have helped them and none of this would ever happen. Maybe they would be all together now, living happily and in peace.
Even Punz bothered them once upon a time, threatening that if they won't tell him where did Tommy 'kidnapp' Purpled, he would kill Michael. He was too stubborn to understand that no one actually knew or had an idea where they could went. Everyone knew only on thing, that whenever they went, they were happier and more safe. But still, they wanted their duo back. It didn't matter of they would choose the easier way or the harder one. As long as it worked, they were willing to use it.


"What are your plans for today's evening?" Jack asked, helping Niki carry all the sweets she baked this morning.

"I will probably visit my family and see if Puffy is back by now. I'm kinda worried about her, what if something happened?" Niki asked, worried look on her face.

Jack only smiled gently and place his free hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure she is fine. She's with Sam, remember? He will protect her if needed and even if they are in danger, she can also fight." Jack said, carrying the basket towards the small table under the window.

Niki nodded, slowly unpacking the basket and placing the items where they belonged. Suddenly, Tommy's face appeared in her head. She hated him and always wanted him dead. Ha, she even tried to kill him multiple times, often blaming everything on the kid. But ever since he went missing, she felt emptiness in her heart. Like a piece of her was missing. Finally, she decided to ask Jack about something.

"What do you think about Tommy? And the fact that he ran away" She asked, placing her index finder ok her chin while counting the cake slices.

"Well, nothing much to be honest. I'm actually glad that he is gone, but at the same time I fell... Empty. We always blamed him every time when we saw him and now, when he's really gone I feel like some part of me is missing. I can't explain it, but it's missing" Jack replied, placing a hand om his heart for a second before going back to what he was doing.

"Same" said Niki. "He's gone now and it's something I always wanted but it just doesn't feel right. I guess I wanted him to be hurt like we were but not to actually get lost. What of he's in the forest with Purpled and they can't find their way back? What if they are scared and are calling and waiting for help that never came?"

Niki panicked a little. Truth to be told, even if she wanted to hate Tommy and to see him hurting, she always thought of him as her younger brother. Why? She didn't know. She never cared about him, or so she thought. Cause now, when he was gone, she finally realized that she actually didn't want him dead and she needed him in her life. Even if he was annoying, loud or just rude. She needed him no matter what.

"Don't worry Niki, we will find them. And when we do, everything will be okay once again" Jack said, opening his arms for Niki, which she gladly accepted and threw herself at him.

"Thank you, you don't even know how much I need this right now.."

They were going to get him back. They didn't care how long it would take them or how hard it would be. They were going to make it, this day or another. This week or month, maybe even year. As long as they will even find him, it's good.

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