Unexpected help

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I was at family meeting when I suddenly got this idea :) Hope you are proud of me.
Remember to take care of yourself and that I'm always here if you need me.

Sit back, relax and enjoy~


Tommy paced around the living room, his hands gripping onto his hairs as he looked out the window for the hundredth time in less than a hour. Purpled tried to calm him down, giving him some tea and trying to get him to sleep. However the stress was too much for Tommy, as he couldn't sleep or even think straight. He was worried, it was normal and understanding, especially after the previous events.
Not only someone attacked their kingdom and killed the whole cattle, but also now his children were gone.

He let Percy go to the forest to collect some flowers he needed for his potions. Clementine and Shroud were accompanying him, as well as helping him with carrying the flowers back. There was no guard with then, since the forest was right behind the main Building, where Tommy could see and hear everything.
They agreed to come back before the dinner, and yet they still weren't there. It was two hours after they finished their dinner, not before waiting a hour for the kids. That's when Tommy realized he made the stupidest decision he could even come up with. He lethis children go alone, without any protection into the forest, leaving them on their own sake. He couldn't even keep his kids safe, what type of a parent does that?

"Don't worry, I'm sure they are alright. Maybe they lost the track of the time" Purpled said, watching as Tommy looked out the windows once more.

"Purpled, you don't understand. I've already made bad decision and we lost a herd of cattle. If I lose this kids, I lose everything." Tommy said, stopping before turning around and walking again. "If I can't protect fucking children, then how am I supposed to protect the whole kingdom?!"

Tommy cried out in distress, his hands falling on the desk and clenching his fists. His nails digged in the palms of his hands, leaving deep traces of them. Purpled sighed softly, his arms wrapping around Tommy's waist snd pulling him closer to his chest. While the right arm was holding him ij his grasp, the left one started tracing comforting circles on his back, being careful to not touch the scar. Tommy bit his lower lip, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears that were forming in the corner of his eyes.
Was he so useless that he couldn't even protect three kids? Is there something that would be easy for him and he would succeed with? Apparently no, since he couldn't even keep an eye on the kids.

"I'm sure Monica is out there looking for them, since she still hasn't come back and the last time I spoke to her she said she was going to check out the forest. I'm sure they are all alright" Purpled tried to comfort him.

Tommy only nodded weakly, before turning around and wrapping his own arms around Purpled's neck. He sighed, slowly getting lost in the sweet and nice smell of Purpled's perfume. His hairs tickling his cheek, making Tommy whine s little like a kid and nuzzle his head deeper in the croak of his neck.
Purpled laughed softly, tightening the hold.

"Everything will be alright" he said. "I promise"

Little did he know, that at the same time, the worst nightmare of their was taking place in the forest. Only if there was someone to save them.


Percy picked up the last white flower, before standing up and skating the dirt off of his trousers. Small smile creeped on his face as he looked forward to see his younger sibling playing near the lake. They were throwing rocks in the water, splashing it with their shoes and running around.
The blue haired boy slowly made his way towards them, carefully stepping on the ground to not fall over. When he was two steps from them, he stopped and waved.

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