Miss You pt2 (Final) (Wooyoung+San)

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After an hour of driving, Wooyoung bolted towards the bridge and went underneath. There was a small path that he walked as he looked around.

"Wooyoung, this makes no sense! The other two were found in a river miles from here"! Hongjoong called out

"And the river connects to the Han River! San floated downstream"! Wooyoung soon stopped as he caught sight a body.

"S-San".... He whispered, running over. His hair was just like his spirit, blue with purple stripes throughout. Wooyoung grabbed the body and lifted him out of the water and flipped him over.

"I-I found you... Your dead... I was talking to a ghost"... Wooyoung whispered as he fell to his knees.

"I'm sorry". Wooyoung turned to see San's ghost standing behind him.

"W-why didn't you tell me when we first met"?

"I wanted to trust you. And... I can. You found my body... Now I can be at peace".

"P-please don't go... I-I don't care if you're a ghost! You listened to me when I spoke! No one else does! I thought you were alive and I-I fell for you"... San smiled softly as he walked over to him. He bent down.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. But I trusted you in finding my body. And you found me. I'll never be gone".

"Y-yes you will! We found you and you'll go!! I finally felt comfortable with someone only to find out their dead! I-I can't have that! P-please don't go"!

"My body is dead. I have to leave... I love you Wooyoung"... San slowly faded as Wooyoung reached for him.

"SAN! P-please don't g-go"... Wooyoung broke down and Hongjoong walked over.

"I called the ambulance. I'm so sorry Woo".

"H-he made me feel comfortable... And now he's gone"... The sounds of sirens filled his ears and he looked up to see two poliemen running over.

"Jung Wooyoung"? One of them asked.

"Y-yeah that's me".

"We'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind. No one would've thought to check under here. Why did you"? Wooyoung looked down and explained everything to the policemen. He explained how he thought San was just like him, alive and well only to find out he was dead and Wooyoung had been talking to his spirit for a month.

"So, you're a friend"?

"Y-you could say that"... Soon, San's body was lifted into a stretcher and brought back up. Wooyoung reached for his hand and touched it softly.

"I barely knew you, yet you filled a hole in my chest", he whispered. He looked at San's body and thought he saw the chest move.

"Woo? Are you ok"? Hongjoong asked.

"I-I thought I saw his chest move"... Wooyoung spoke as he kept looking at San.

"Woo, he's dead. If he was alive, he wouldn't have been in the water. He would've been looking for helping or sitting here alive".

"I know... I'm just saw what I thought I saw"...


Hongjoong took Wooyoung home and the boy went straight to his room. His tv was still on and the news was playing and he looked straight at it.

"News just in, Choi San, 21 year old male, has been found after a month of being missing. It is still unclear what the doctors say about his body. So we are still unsure if he is dead or not. But his two friends, Jeong Yunho and Choi Jongho, were confirmed dead a few days after being found".

"So San could still be alive"? Wooyoung whispered. His skin had been cold to touch but he wasn't pale like a dead man, it still had full colour.

"He's alive... if he was dead, he would've had no colour"! But then Wooyoung remember the spirit and stopped. San was dead. They just hadn't confirmed it.

"I need to see him". Wooyoung ran out of his room and downstairs, ignoring Hongjoong as he grabbed the car keys and made his way to the hospital. Once there, he ran in.

"Hello, how can I help you today"? A lady asked.

"Choi San! I'm here to see Choi San".

"Are you a friend or a family member at all"? Wooyoung nodded.

"Friend. Jung Wooyoung".

"Ok, he was just brought in 30 minutes ago. He'll be in room 102". Wooyoung thanked the lady and ran down the room. Once there, he stopped and stood outside. He could here the beating of a machine and he then walked in.

"H-he is alive... no flatline"... He whispered happily before a doctor walked in.

"Oh, I didn't realize San had a visitor".

"Sorry. I'm a friend. Jung Wooyoung".

"Well, it's good to see someone here for him. His family is in Namhae and can't make it". Wooyoung nodded.

"Is he ok? I-I thought he was dead".

"He's most certainly not dead. He would've been though if he hadn't been found. Sadly, he is in a coma". That's why I saw his spirit. His spirit though his body was dead, Wooyoung thought as he grabbed San's hand softly and smiled.

"Thank god your alive... I was scared I wouldn't see you again", he whispered as he sat down. Wooyoung had been so upset about the fact he may never get to see San again, but he was alive just in a coma.

"I don't think he'll be in a coma for long. He did come in with a few broken bones but nothing more. No head injury. So I'm assuming from the stress and for how long he had been there, it's put him in a coma". Wooyoung nodded.

"As long as he's ok". Wooyoung felt a tear roll down his cheek and he smiled softly. The boy he loved was alive.

"I'll come back in later. I'll give you some alone time with him". The doctor left, closing the door as he did.

"Oh my god San. I was so scared. I thought you left forever. I felt so broken thinking I wasn't gonna get to see you again", he whispered as he lowered his head.

"I-I'll never s-scare you again"... he heard. Wooyoung looked up to see San smiling softly.

"SAN"! Wooyoung covered his mouth as tears of joy fell.

"R-really did think I-I was dead", San whispered.

"Your ok! I was so scared. I found you and I thought you were"-

"I thought I-I was too. B-but I'm not. Thank y-you for finding me".

"I-I love you, of course I would find your body", Wooyoung whispered as he cupped San's cheek. San gave Wooyoung a smile as he eyes opened fully. They held the same, soft expression he had seen the first time Wooyoung met Sanin spirit.

"Please, d-don't leave me".

"I won't. You confessed to me twice. I'd like to say something".


"Woo, I know I filled a gap in your chest that made you feel so much for me. And you filled a gap in my chest. I feel... complete. Thank you for entering my life. I love you". Wooyoung smiled big.

"I love you two". Wooyoung leaned closer and connected their lips, San smiling through it before they pulled away. Wooyoung didn't leave. He sat in the chair next to San and the two began talking. Wooyoung felt complete again. San wasn't gone and he was thankful. He finally had someone in his life that made him feel loved.

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