Lose You (Wooyoung + San)

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"San please wake up"... Wooyoung whispered. He sat in a hospital next to San, waiting for him to wake. 

San had gotten into an accident a few weeks ago, sending him into a coma and Wooyoung wasn't giving up on him. He couldn't... 

Their friends had come alot to keep Wooyoung company and see how San was holding up but the boy never woke. 

"Woo, what if he doesnt wake"? Jongho asked. 

"Don't say that! H-he has to wake up! H-he h-has to"... Wooyoung choked out, tears threatening to fall. Seonghwa rushed over to him, his mum-mode active and hugged him tight, rubbing his back. Wooyoung hid his face, fighting the tears. 

"We'll keep hope ok? He has to wake up eventually... It might take some time though ok"? Wooyoung nodded and sniffled. 

"Please wake up"...


A week had passed and San still hadn't woken and Wooyoung was starting to lose hope. He spent every day at the hospital, talking to San, hoping he could hear him. 

"Hey Sannie... I-I miss you... Things aren't the same without out... Please wake up soon. I-I don't know what to do without you"... he whispered, holding his hand softly. Wooyoung lowered his head and cried softly before feeling San squeeze his hand slightly and he looked up. 

"S-San"? He whispered.

"San if you can hear me, s-squeeze my hand again". San had squeezed his hand against slightly and Wooyoung nearly cried out with happiness. 

"Y-your alive!! O-oh my god, your still alive! Your scared me so much"! He cried. There was still hope. He prayed for San to wake soon and knowing he could hear him made everything so much better. 


After another week had passed, San had finally woken up. It had been 3 am when he woke and it was a surprise to the doctors that day. Wooyoung had been called straight away and when he heard San woke, he bolted for the hospital. 

"I-I'm here for Choi San"! He nearly shouted, as he entered the building. 

"You know the room". Wooyoung ran to the room and skidded to a stop when he got to it. 

"Sannie"! He cried out. San turned to him and smiled as Wooyoung ran in and hugged him tight. 

"I was scared I'd lose you"! San hugged him back but said nothing and when they pulled away, San touched his throat and shook his head. 

"Y-you can't talk"? San nodded just as a doctor walked in. 

"We did just run a test and looking back at the brain scan, he had gotten damage to his brain. Mostly the part that allows and helps him to speak", the doctor said. 

"S-so he won't ever speak again"? 

"Sadly no. It'll take some time to get used to but he can use sign language or even messages to talk to people". Wooyoung looked at San. 

"I-I still love you. I thought I would lose you... losing your voice is something I can live without. Losing you though... I-I couldn't live without you"... San smiled.

'I love you', he mouthed. Wooyoung took his hand and kissed him as the doctor left them alone. 

"I'm learning sign language for sure. For you. I love you forever Sannie. And I'm sorry you got into that accident". San kissed him back and leaned his head against Wooyoung's. Both were happy. Even without hearing San's voice again, Wooyoung was the happiest he had ever been in months.

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