Cheater (Wooyoung + San, featuring Yeosang)

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San and Wooyoung were in a happy relationship. They were always close, they told each other everything. But after a few months, San began to notice a change in his mood.


San woke in the morning to find Wooyoung wasn't home and he sighed as he headed out into the kitchen. It became common for Wooyoung to not be home when San woke and he grew it live with it.

"Your never home Woo"... He whispered, seeing a note on the counter. San just threw it in the bin and grumbled to himself before noticing Woyooung's phone. 

"Huh... he left it at home"... He whispered. He went to ignore it before it lit up and San saw a name appear, with a few hearts next to him, making his heart drop. 

"W-what"? He grabbed it and looked at the name. 

"'Yeosang'? Who the hell is Yeosang"? He whispered as tears began to fall. He knew Wooyoung was acting weird but he didn't think he would be cheating on him. There was no way...


"San I'm home"! Wooyoung called as he turned the lights on. But San didn't come running up to him as usual. 

"San"? Wooyoung placed his things down and headed to their shared room and when he walked in, he quickly dodged something that was thrown at him.

"What the fuck San"!? Wooyoung snapped. 

"Next time, don't leave you bloody phone at home! Who the fuck is Yeosang"!? San shouted, showing the name to Wooyoung.

"H-he's a friend"...

"Liar! I saw the text and the hearts next to his name! Your a cheater! You cheated on me with him"!!! 

"San I-I can explain"- Wooyoung started but San cut him off.

"Pack your fucking shit and leave now!! I don't know why I stayed with you! you were acting weird for months and I know the reason now"! Wooyoung went quiet and rushed to pack his things, grabbed his phone from San and walked out of the house.

"Don't you ever come back!! EVER"!!! San screamed. 

"I won't"! Wooyoung snapped. San's eyes filled with tears as he watched the one man he thought loved him, leave him forever. He cheated and San didn't need a cheater in his life. 


This was short I know but I couldn't think of a proper one shot.

Hope you like it

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