Snow King (Seonghwa+San)

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Have you ever heard of a Snow King? Well, neither had San. Where he lived, it snowed nearly every day so he never experienced the warmth of the sun and many believed it was because of the Snow King which San thought was bull crap. 


San walked through the snow, his coat wrapped around him nice and tight to keep his body warm and he held a blue rose in his hand. He walked into the graveyard and smiled softly when he stopped and placed the rose in front of a tombstone.

"Hey bro. I'm sorry I didn't visit yesterday. It was way to bad to even go out. But I'm here today". San had lost his younger brother, Taehyun, from frostbite. At certain times of the year, it was get so cold that sometimes, even a fire wouldn't keep you warm. Taehyun had died in his sleep. Frozen to death and San was devastated. 

"People keep mentioning a Snow King. A load of bull shit if you ask me". San sighed.

"I miss you. I'm lonely without you. You were the one that made me smile so much. Your in a better place at least. I hope your ok up there". San smiled before he turned and began to walk away before something smacked his across the head, making him fall forward onto the snow and pass out.


"Wake up". San groaned as he rubbed his head. 

"W-what"? He opened his eyes slowly before he looked up to see a taller male. He had blonde hair and his skin was slightly pale. Small, blue snowflakes decorated one cheek and his eyes were a royal blue colour. He wore a white, fluffy cape and a long, blue outfit. 

"Your a handsome boy, aren't you"? 

"W-who are you"? San asked.

"Name's Seonghwa. But you may know me as the Snow King darling". San's eyes widened. The Snow King was real and he was standing right in front of San.

"You disrespected my existence".

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were real! Please forgive me"! Seonghwa frowned before he leaned down in front of San. 

"It'll take a while for me to forgive you". His hands glowed slightly as snowflakes surrounded it as he held his hand in front of San's chest. 

"Let's see how well you'll do with a frozen heart. You listen to me, then maybe I'll free you and your heart got that"? San felt something cold in his chest and held a hand to it, knowing what Seonghwa did.

"Y-yes"... His heart was frozen and San didn't know how long it would be before he froze forever. Anyone who's heart was frozen would freeze if they didn't satisfy Seonghwa and San hoped he could.


For days, San was stuck in the Snow King's castle, helping around the place and sometimes having to help Seonghwa. He was slowly freezing from the inside as he began to find it harder to breath after a few days, meaning San needed to rest a lot more than usual. 

San's skin had lost a bit of colour from the coldness and it didn't matter how warm a room was, he was still so cold 

"San, you doing ok"? Seonghwa asked after two week. San was sitting alone by the fire, resting. His breathing was heavy and his body was shaking. 

"San"? Seonghwa bent down next to San. 

"Hey, answer me. Are you ok"? San shook his head before he looked at Seonghwa. His lips were now blue and his brown eyes were now a slight blue and ice had slowly made it's way onto his face. 

"S-so c-cold"... San whispered as a tear fell. He hated what Seonghwa did to him and he knew he was gonna freeze to death, just like his brother. 

"Remember, you did this to yourself. Behave at least and your free from my spell, ok"? San nodded as he body continued to shake. 

"Good. Rest up a bit then get back to work". Seonghwa walked away as San stayed by the fire. Seonghwa was so cold. He was cruel even if he never showed it on his face. 


After 3 weeks, San began to freeze more. He stayed quiet. His hands were now slowly freezing and he found it harder to do anything. 

"S-Seonghwa"... San whispered as he walked into the Snow King's room. Seonghwa looked up from his desk. 

"San? What is it"? 

"I-I'm sorry. I-I won't d-disrespect y-you again... P-please just u-unfreeze m-my heart... P-please"... San whispered as a tear fell, this time freezing on his cheek. Seonghwa stood up and walked over. 

"Don't beg. It's pathetic on you. You've lasted longer than the rest of the people who's heart I froze".

"Y-you froze others"? 

"I'm cruel like that. One being a boy named Taehyun. He was weak". San's eyes widened.

"T-that was m-my brother... H-he was frozen in bed... Y-you f-froze him"!! San shouted. He ran out of the room, holding his frozen hands to his chest as he managed to get out of the castle before he made his wat back to the grave yard.

"T-Taehyun... I-I didn't know y-you were a v-victim of Seonghwa's... I'm s-so s-sorry... B-but I m-may be j-joining you s-soon"... San began to freeze faster from the cold. He could barely move now. 

"M-my heart is f-frozen... I-I'll be w-with you s-soon little b-bro"... San let his tears fall before he heard footsteps behind him. 

"G-go a-away"... He mumbled.

"San. I'm sorry... I didn't know you were Taehyun's brother. Please, let me fix this".

"Y-you can't b-bring him b-b-back".

"I know. But maybe I can do something for him". Seonghwa got in front of San before kissing his lips softly. San had no strength to fight so he kissed him back. Seonghwa took his cape off himself, not pulling away from San and wrapped the cape around the boy's frame. San pulled away as warmth filled his body suddenly. 

"Y-you unfroze my heart"...  he whispered. His skin had more colour in it now. His fingers weren't frozen and and the snowflakes that decorated his face was gone. 

"After hearing that Taehyun was your brother, I felt so sorry for removing him from your life. Please forgive me". San smiled softly as he looked at Seonghwa. 

"I forgive you. Just... don't freeze other people anymore ok"?

"Ok". San hugged Seonghwa. He had no idea that the Snow King would have a soft spot but San was happy he was able to get through his cold heart and warm it. 

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