Abused (Hongjoong+San)

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Mentions of
-Abuse (Almost abuse, but close)
-Mature language

Hongjoong's home was a mess. His parents were always fighting, he got yelled at over the smallest things, even when he tried to do the right thing for the family.

He has a small job that didn't pay much but he made do with it for the time being, using his money only if needed. But even then, his parents hated how he tried to act like a good child when in their eyes, he wasn't.


"Just shut the fuck up"! Hongjoong heard his mother shout, making him flinch.

"Then why don't you stop crying over the stupidest things that happen in your life?! No one's perfect"! His father snapped. Hongjoong placed his book down on the bed and covered his eyes. He hated the fighting.

His friend, San knew what happened but he never told him a few things that happened in the house. He didn't want San to worry so much.

His parents screams grew louder and Hongjoong sipped out of his window and climbed onto the room with the latter next to his room. He would sit up there for hours, sometimes falling asleep even. Soon he ended up falling asleep on the roof.


The following morning, Hongjoong slipped into his room and headed out for breakfast but opening the fridge he saw they had no milk.

"Great... I gotta get some now"... he muttered, heading upstairs to get changed. Grabbing his things, he headed out to the shops and hummed to himself as he walked.

After grabbing the milk, he headed home and sighed before walking into the house to see his mother in the kitchen.

"Where the fuck have you been"? She snapped.

"Out to get milk. We ran out and I wanted breakfast", Hongjoong spoke. He wasn't sure really what to say so he just told the truth but his mother scoffed.

"How, huh? You get hardly anything working a shithole place. Where did you get the money for it"?

"I-I have money saved up... I-I spent my money for it"... Hongjoong whispered. His mother stood up and walked over to him.

"Your a liar! You can't afford shit! So tell the truth"!

"I am"! His mother glared at him and raised a hand to him and Hongjoong moved back.

"Hit me and I'm gone. Try me. I'm not kidding mum. You hit me and I'm out of here". His mother rolled his eyes.

"Where will you go huh? You have no where"! Hongjoong placed the milk down and moved to the door.

"Anywhere is better than here"! He ran out of the house as tears fell. He had never been almost hit by his own mother before and it scared him. He grabbed his phone and dialed San.

"P-please pick up"... he whispered.



"Joong? What's going on? Are you crying"?

"I-I need a place to stay please? I-I can't stay at home"... Hongjoong whispered

"Y-yeah you can stay here. Is everything ok Joong"?

"I-I'll tell you when I get to your place. I'll see you soon"... Hongjoong hung up and ran straight to San's place.


Hongjoong got to San's house and knocked on the door, wiping his tears just as San opened the door.

"Joong are you ok"? Hongjoong shook his head and San brought him inside.

"What happened"?

"I-I can't stay at home anymore... I don't feel safe... I try and do the right thing and help but I just get yelled at... m-my mother nearly hit me"... San's eyes widened.

"Oh my... Joongie, you can stay here for as long as you need ok? You'll be safe here I promise". Hongjoong nodded and cried as San hugged him close. San was the only person that made him feel safe and he knew how much he cared and it made Hongjoong feel a lot better knowing his had someone in his life who was so careing.


This has been a while since I last did a one shot.

This one shot is kinda based off of a similar event that happened to me a few days ago. I had thought I was doing the right thing but got yelled at and nearly hit by my step mum and haven't spoke to her since.

I try to write random ideas for my oneshots but today I thought I'd write this. 

This book will also be slow updates as well.

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