Our Child (Yeosang+Wooyoung)

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Yeosang sat on the toilet lid as he held a pregnancy test in his hand. He waited and waited until two lines appeared on the test and his eyes widened. 

"I-I'm pregnant"... he whispered as a smile formed. He was gonna have a child and he felt so happy. But soon, the smile faded. 

"What's Woo gonna say"? Yeosang became scared that Wooyoung would reject him and the baby. He ran out of the bathroom and made his way to Seonghwa's room.

"Hwa"! He called as he got to the room. Seonghwa opened the door, confused.

"What's going on Sang"? Yeosang showed him the pregnancy test. Seonghwa took it and his eyes widened.

"No way. Congrats Sang"!

"T-thanks. But I'm scared on what Woo will say". 

"He'll love you. But if he rejects you and the baby, come straight to me ok"? Yeosang nodded. Now he just needed to find a way to tell Wooyoung. 


That night, Yeosang slipped the pregnancy test onto the bedside table and waited for Wooyoung to enter.

"Hey Sang", he heard. Yeosang looked up to the door and smiled softly when Wooyoung walked over. He kissed him the cheek and smiled.

"How was your day"? Wooyoung asked.

"I-it was good". Wooyoung smiled as he went to place his things on the bedside table before he saw the test.

"What's this Sang"? He asked. Grabbing the test, he saw the two lines and Wooyoung's eyes widened.

"S-Sang? Is it true"? 

"Y-yes... It it. I'm pregnant". Wooyoung's face lit up and he hugged Yeosang tight.

"We're having a baby"!! Wooyoung was so happy.

"Y-your ok with it"?

"of course I am! I've always wanted a child and we're having one together"! Yeosang smiled. 

"I love you Woo".

"I love you too Sang".


Throughout the pregnancy, Yeosang went through mood swings and weird cravings. But no one judged the weird cravings. 

Yeosang laid on the bed, trying his best to sleep but was failing every time. He groaned and stood up. He was in his 9th month of the pregnancy and he was expecting any day now.

"Sang? You ok"? Wooyoung asked. 

"I can't sleep"...

"Baby giving you a hard time"? Yeosang nodded before he groaned slightly. 

"Sang"? Yeosang groaned more before he stood up and felt something run down his leg.

"W-Woo... t-the baby's coming"... Wooyoung's eyes widened as he grabbed his phone and keys. He then helped Yeosang out as he dialled an ambulance. The others were awake and noticed something was up before they heard Wooyoung and their eyes widened.

"Shit... We have a baby coming"! Seonghwa shouted, running over to Yeosang. Yeosang cried out as his contractions became painful. 

"Ambulance is on their way. They won't be too long", Wooyoung spoke. Yeosang nodded as he bit his lower lip to stop him from shouting.


The ambulance arrived quickly and Yeosang was rushed to the hospital. Wooyoung stayed with Yeosang  during the trip to the hospital. Once there, Yeosang was rushed to the pregnancy room, his contractions coming nearly every second. 

"Ok you've dilated enough. I need you to start pushing". Yeosang nodded. Wooyoung held his hand tight as Yeosang pushed as hard as he could. 

"Come on. Keep pushing. You need to keep going".

"I-I can't"! Yeosang cried out.

"Sangie, please, you need to keep pushing please", Wooyoung spoke. Yeosang nodded and kept pushing before the sound of crying filled the room.

"Congratulations. It's a baby girl". She was cleaned and wrapped up and was brought back to Wooyoung and Yeosang.

"She's beautiful", Wooyoung whispered.

"She is. What should we name her"? Yeosang asked.

"How about... Leah"? 

"That's a good name". Yeosang smiled as he held their daughter close.

"Welcome to the world... Leah".

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