Inception (Seonghwa+Hongjoong)

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"We're sorry to say this but Hongjoong has been tested positive for Covid and will need to go into quarantine for a while", the manager spoke to Ateez. Seonghwa's face dropped at his words. 

"H-he's positive"? He whispered. Their manager nodded. 

"He doesn't show any symptoms but it's still mandatory for him to quarantine himself until he gets better. So for now, no group activities and you boys will need to quarantine for a bit as well in the house. Hongjoong will be somewhere else". The boys nodded and their manager left the room and the others were quiet. 

"We don't have our leader"... Jongho whispered, looking up at the others before hearing sniffling coming from the older. 

"Hwa-hyung? Are you ok"? He asked Seonghwa. He just nodded and stood up, walking out of the room without saying a word. 

"Him and Joong are close. This must be tough for him already", Mingi said watching their hyung before he disappeared. 


The first week for Seonghwa were challenging. He missed the cuddles Hongjoong would give him in bed, the soft kisses and funny jokes. He missed everything about the boy and it just made Seonghwa more upset. 

He wouldn't touch his food or even leave his room after a week and the others were getting really worried for him. 

"Hwa, please eat something. I don't want you to starve. None of us do", Yeosang spoke, standing next to Wooyoung outside Seonghwa's door. 

"I-I'm not hungry"... Seonghwa called but his stomach kept saying otherwise. 

"Ok then... We'll leave the food at the door in case you change your mind hyung", Wooyoung said, placing the food down and the two walked off. 

Seonghwa had curled himself up into a ball on the bed, snuggling up to one of Hongjoong's jumpers. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and his body was already becoming weak from the lack of food he was eating. But he didn't care. He missed Hongjoong too much. 


"Sannie, I'm worried for Hwa", Wooyoung spoke as the group sat in the lounge room together. 

"We all are. He's starving himself. Hongjoong won't him to do this to himself", San said as he looked at the others. 

"We have a week before he comes back. Once he's back, Hwa's bound to change", Yunho spoke. The others nodded but all couldn't help but continue worry for their oldest hyung. 

After 2 weeks

A knock at the front door caught all of Ateez of guard. Mingi walked over and opened it before he smiled big. 

"Joong hyung"! Hongjoong smiled as he walked into the house and looked at the others before noticing Seonghwa was missing. 

"Where's Hwa"?

"I-in his room... You might wanna see him", Yeosang said. Hongjoong nodded. 

"It's good to have you back captain", San said, smiling. 

"Thanks San". He walked over to Seonghwa's room and slowly opened the door. The room was dark and quiet expect for the soft sniffles coming from the bed. 

"Hwa"? A head poked up from the bed and Seonghwa rubbed his eyes.

"J-Joongie"? He whispered. 

"Yeah it's me". 

"Joongie"!! Seonghwa jumped off the bed and ran into Hongjoong's arms, nearly knocking him over. 

"Woah easy there. Why are you crying"? 

"P-please don't leave again! Please"! Seonghwa cried. Hongjoong rubbed his back and smiled. 

"I won't. I'm sorry I had to Hwa. But it won't happen again. The boys sounded worried when I asked about you. What happened"? They pulled away and Seonghwa sniffled. Hongjoong could see his red, puffy eyes and his heard ached at the sight. 

"Hwa what happened while I wasn't here"? 

"I-I stayed in here... I d-didn't leave at all... I missed you too much"... Seonghwa whispered. Hongjoong sighed, turning on the bedroom light before his eyes widened. 

"H-Hwa, have you been eating"? He asked. Seonghwa looked down. He had gotten skinny really fast over the 2 weeks. 


"Hwa! You were starving yourself!? You know that's bad for you"!

"I-I'm sorry"... Hongjoong breathed slowly and took his hand.

 "L-lets get you something to eat ok? Don't ever starve yourself again". Seonghwa looked at him and nodded before following Hongjoong out of the room.



"I may have been sleeping with one of your jumpers"... Hongjoong laughed and looked at him.


"I missed you so I grabbed something of yours". 

"Well you have me now so you can cuddle me when you sleep". Seonghwa smiled. He had missed Hongjoong so much in the 2 weeks and now, he had his Hongjoong back. 

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