Stay Away From Me pt2 (FINAL) (San+Wooyoung+Chan)

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"Ok, push"! The doctor spoke. San shouted in pain as he began to push. Wooyoung held his hand tight. 

"You can do it"! 

"I-I can't"! San cried as he let his head fall back onto the pillow as tears slowly rolled down his face.

"Keep going Sannie. I know you can do it. Keep going". San looked at Wooyoung before nodding and began pushing again. 

"I see the head! Keep going"! San kept pushing  as hard as he could. Soon, the sound of small cries filled the room and San panted. 

"Congrats, its a girl"! San smiled as he was given his baby girl. 

"She so cute", Wooyoung spoke as he stood next to them. 

"She is. I think I'll name her Hee-Young. Choi Hee-Young". 

"That's a pretty name". San smiled as he held his daughter, Hee-Young, in his arms


Wooyoung held Hee-Young as San made them something to eat before the door bell rang. He sighed and went to answer it only to freeze when coming face to face with his ex. 

"Chan. What are you doing here"? 

"San. I-I made a mistake. I never should've left. I'm sorry. I want to be apart of our daughter's life". San scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"Your never gonna be apart of MY child's life. You threw us away like it was nothing"!

"I didn't mean to! Please forgive me Sannie"! Wooyoung walked out with Hee-Young in his arms.

"Who's this"? Wooyoung asked, standing next to San. 

"My ex. Chan, leave. Your never gonna be apart of her life". Chan's face fell when he looked at Wooyoung then at San before seeing Hee-Young in Wooyoung's arms.

"I-is this her"? 

"Leave now! Before I call the police"! San shouted, standing in front of Wooyoung and Hee-Young.

"I-I just want to see my daughter".

"She's not your daughter! You didn't want a child. Wooyoung is more of a father than you'll ever be! Now leave or I will call the police for harassment".

"I'm not doing anything"!

"You wanting to see my daughter after I said no is harassment"! San grabbed his phone and Chan instantly bolted. San slammed the door shut, accidently waking Hee-Young. She began to cry and San took her from Wooyoung.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you up". San began to rock her gently, hoping she would fall asleep and eventually, Hee-Young fell back asleep, making San smile.

"I-is what you said true? That I'm more a father than Chan ever will be"? San looked at him and nodded.

"You helped me through my pregnancy with everything. I-I want you to be her father. Be the father she needs please"? Wooyoung smiled nodded before he kissed San, which shocked the other.

"I'd love to be her father. And FYI, I love you San. More than anything". San blushed hard as Wooyoung's words but couldn't help but smile big.

"I love you too Woo. Thank you for everything".

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