Don't Make A Promise You Can't Keep pt1 (San+Yunho)

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San and Yunho had been together for nearly 3 years now. When they first met, San was shy and timid but the more he hung out with Yunho, the more he changed. He became more talkative, more bubbly and he smiled a lot more.

One night, San and Yunho laid down on the bed together and Yunho kissed his forehead.

"Can I promise something"? He asked. San looked at him and noded.

"I promise I won't ever hurt you. I won't break your heart".

"I really promise"?

"I promise". The two cuddled together and San smiled to himself


A few weeks later, San started to notice a change in Yunho's behaviour. He wouldn't give him small kisses when they were in bed, he didn't get given hugs and Yunho soon began coming home later than usual.

"YuYu, why are you getting home so late"? San asked one night.

"Work's been busy so I stay back to help", was all Yunho said before he disappeared into their shared room. San sighed as he finished the dishes. He then walked into the room to see Yunho on his phone, smiling to himself. San looked down as he slipped under the covers and turned away from his boyfriend, falling asleep as he let a few tears roll down his face.


When San woke the next morning, he saw that Yunho had already left.

"I'm gonna surprise him in the office today", he muttered to himself. Jumping out of bed, San got dressed and headed into the kitchen to make Yunho something nice. San had always loved baking. He found out he was a good baker when he baked something for his grandmother. She had loved it so San continued baking throughout his life.

San decided to make cupcakes. They were easy for him to make and they didn't take long. So, he began baking.

Soon, the cupcakes were baked and decorated and San placed them into a container and made his way to Yunho's office. Once there, San walked in and was immediately given weird looks, which had never happened before.

"Hi, how may I help you"? A lady asked as San arrived at the desk.

"Hi I'm here to see Yunho? I'm his boyfriend and I wanted to surprise him with some cupcakes". The lady tilted her head and gave San a weird look.

"Another male just came in not long ago, claiming to be Mr Jeong's boyfriend". San's face fell.

"C-can I at least see him"? The lady nodded and San stormed off towards Yunho's office. He threw the door open and what he saw was something he wished he could unsee. Yunho was on top of another young male as the boy laid on his desk. Yunho looked at San.

"S-San? What are you doing here"? He asked as he helped the other male off his desk.

"W-who's this"? San asked as he voice turned shaky.

"I'm Mingi, his boyfriend. Who the fuck are you"? San looked at Mingi then at Yunho.

"Y-Yunho? Is that true? I-is he your boyfriend"? Yunho rolled his eyes.

"Why do you care"?

"Because you made a promise to me!! Don't you remember? You promised you would never break my heart yet you took it and crushed it like it was nothing! Do I not matter anymore"!? San shouted as tears began to fall.

"No you don't matter to me anymore. What happened to the quiet, timid San I used to know? You changed for the worst. Your loud, clingy and just so annoying"! San snapped his mouth shut as he stared at Yunho as tears fell down his cheek.

"YuYu, don't you think that was a bit too harsh"? Mingi asked softly.

"I don't care. He's not my boyfriend". San dropped the container of cupcakes.

"Fuck you Jeong Yunho"... He whispered before he turned and walked out of the office. Mingi shot Yunho a look.

"I'll be back". Mingi then ran out to San and grabbed his arm.

"Hey. I'm sorry. He told me he was single. I didn't know he had boyfriend".

"H-he's yours now so why bother apologising"? Mingi sighed.

"Your right. But if you want someone in your life, I can set up a date with one of my friends. Kang Yeosang. He's never dated anyone. He's trying to find the right person. Maybe you could be the right person for him".

"W-why are you trying to set me up on a date"? San asked.

"Cause no one should be treated the way Yunho treated you. Give him a go. Please"? San sighed and nodded.

"I'll give him a go. Thanks Mingi". Mingi smiled before he disappeared back into Yunho's office, closing the door behind him.


A few days after what happened, San received a call from an unknown number.


"Hi, is this San? Choi San, I mean".

"Y-yeah. This is San".

"Oh thank god. I thought Mingi set me up again". San realized who it was and his eyes widened.

"Y-your Kang Yeosang"?

"Yes I am. I-I was wondering if you, maybe wanted to meet up? I-if you want". San smiled as he looked at the boxes around him. Yunho was forcing him to move out so Mingi could live there.

"Sure. We can meet up".

"Great! How does the café near the photography company sound"? Yeoang asked.

"That's sounds great".

"Awsome. Today? I'll see you there today"?

"Yeah. I'll be there. See you there". San hung up the phone and smiled. He was going to meet Yeosang. He just hoped he could forget about Yunho and Mingi. He decided to find something comfortable to wear before he grabbed his things and headed to the café.


Yeosang waited outside the café, a drink in front of him as he waited for San. Mingi had shown him a picture of the boy and he thought he looked really cute. His purple hair suited him. As he waited, a young boy walked over to the café and Yeosang recognized him.

"San"! He called, standing up and walking over. San turned and smiled.

"H-hi. Yeosang right"?

"Yeah". Yeosang led San to his table and the two sat down.

"I-it's nice to meet you", San spoke as he sat down at the table.

"Yeah. Mingi told me about what happened. I'm sorry for how Yunho treated you". San looked down and sighed.

"I-it's fine. I was bound to get my heart broken anyway. He made a promise and broke the promise". Yeosang could see a tear fall down and Yeosang pulled his chair around so he was next to San and grabbed his hand.

"No one should make a promise they know they can't keep". San looked up at Yeosang and smiled softly.

"Let me make things better for you. I'll mend your broken heart and treat you with kindness".

"Y-Yeosang, we barely know each other".

"I don't care. I saw you and knew you were the right person for me". San didn't say anything. Yeosang leaned in and kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Yunho will regret everything he did to you. I'll fix that heart and make you feel better ok"? San nodded and smiled before he hugged Yeosang.

"Thank you".

"Your very welcome Sannie".

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