Stay (Seonghwa+Wooyoung)

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"Hello my love"~ Seonghwa spoke with a smile as he walked into the kitchen. Wooyoung turned to him and returned the smile. 

"Hey Hwa". The two quickly kissed before Wooyoung returned to his cooking. 

"What smells so amazing"? Seonghwa asked, standing beside him. 

"I'm trying out a recipe I found". Seonghwa watched as he cooked, placing his things down on the counter. Wooyoung stayed focused as he cooked. 

"Go get cleaned up Hwa. I'll bring dinner to you". Seonghwa nodded and headed to the shower, humming as he did. 


Being together for only a few months, you would think Seonghwa and Wooyoung would tell each other everything by now right? Well Seonghwa told him everything about himself, but Wooyoung... He couldn't. There was something he couldn't bring himself to tell Seonghwa. 

Wooyoung had a rare sickness that was slowly eating away at him, giving him only months before he would pass. And with what time he had left, he wanted to spend it with his beloved boyfriend and not have him worry. 


Getting closer and closer to death, Wooyoung's body slowly became weaker and he found simple tasks harder to do. Seonghwa began to notice these changes and began to worry. 

"Woo? Is everything ok? Y-your looking weaker", Seonghwa spoke. Wooyoung gave him a soft smile. 

"I'm alright bby. I'm just tired". Seonghwa nodded and quickly kissed him. 

"I'm off to work. I'll see you tonight love". He grabbed his things and headed off. Wooyoung sat there as a tears filled his eyes.

"I love you Hwa"... 


Later that night, Seonghwa returned home to find the house quiet and dark. He turned the lights on and placed his things down before searching the house for Woo. 

"Woo? Love"? He called before finding him in the bedroom. He smiled and walked over, sitting on the bed and rubbed his hand softly. But feeling Wooyoung's skin, his smile slowly faded at the coldness. 

"Woo"? He whispered, softly shaking him. But Wooyoung didn't wake or move. 

"Woo"! Tears began to fill Seonghwa's eyes as he shook him. 

"No, no, no! Woo don't go! Wake up please"! Seonghwa cried. He grabbed the phone and dialed for an ambulance as he looked at his boyfriend. He couldn't process it. It was so sudden. He stuttered over the phone with the lady, trying his best to form proper sentences but he could only say a few words at a time. Seonghwa felt so broken without Wooyoung now.


A week had passed since Wooyoung's passing and Seonghwa still found it hard to accept it. He had been told he had a sickness that was slowly eating away at him and that made things worse for Seonghwa. He wasn't told by his own boyfriend. 

Seonghwa walked alone through the cemetery, holding a bouquet of flowers, trying so hard to fight his tears as he stopped in front of one grave, Wooyoung's. He bent down in front of it and placed the flowers down and soon, he couldn't fight his tears anymore. 

"G-Goodbye... my love"... 


I am back! Kinda. I'm not updating as much as I hoped but there's been drama at home and work and well, everywhere basically. But I'm still gonna try my best to keep updating my books whenever I can. 

I haven't updated my one shot in a long time because I couldn't think of any ideas but hopefully I come up with more soon. 

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