Love Yourself (Wooyoung+Ateez)

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WARNING: Mentions of self harm and suicide attempt

Wooyoung sat in his bed as he read through the twitter comments after only an hour of posting a new picture for Atiny. But even with the loving comments from Atiny, Wooyoung couldn't help but notice the hateful comments he was given. The comments were all on how he didn't fit in Ateez and how he should lose weight or just disappear. 

These comments weren't new to him but they hurt him so much. He closed his phone and placed it down before he made his way to the bathroom and locked the door. Pulling his sleeves up, you could see his arms were covered in cuts. A reason he always wore jumpers around people. 

"I'm useless"... he whispered to himself as a tear rolled down.  Wooyoung grabbed a razor and held it tight. He closed his eyes tight as he slid the razor across his arm hard, creating a new cut. 

"I don't belong here"...


For the next few weeks the members of Ateez began to notice Wooyoung unusual behaviour. He wouldn't eat with them, they never saw him eat anything even by himself. He kept readjusting his sleeves on his jumper and his clothing were slowly becoming more baggy on him

"Hey Woo, Seonghwa made us all some lunch. Wanna come and eat"? Mingi asked as Wooyoung walked by.

"N-no thank you. I ate a while ago", Wooyoung lied before he dashed off to his room. 

"Odd. He's always loved your cooking", Hongjoong spoke to Seonghwa. 

"Yeah. I'll save him a bowl in case he does get hungry later".

After lunch, the members of Ateez headed to the studio to practise. Their first practise dance was Deja Vu, a song Wooyoung loved. But he had no energy to dance to his fullest and the members began to notice his lack of energy in dancing. 

"Woo do you need to sit out? You don't look well", Yunho spoke, walking over to him.

"I-I'm fine. C-can we just keep going please"? 

"Ok then. But if you feel sick, you can sit out. No one's pushing you". Wooyoung just nodded. They got into position for Wonderland and not far into the dance, Wooyoung began to feel light-headed. He missed a few steps as he danced but kept pushing himself to the limit. Until he couldn't anymore. 

His head hurt, he felt dizzy and had no energy. The chorus came and Wooyoung's eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground.

"Wooyoung"!! The music stopped and the members ran over to their fallen member. Seonghwa touched his had.

"Turn the air conditioners on! And help me take his jumper off! And someone call the ambulance"! Seonghwa shouted. Jongho ran for his phone, calling the ambulance. Hongjoong turned the air conditioner on while Seonghwa and San pulled his jumper off. When they got the jumper halfway off his arms, San caught a small red line on his arm.

"What the"... San pulled the sleeve down and his eyes widened.

"Oh my... Wooyoung"... San whispered as he saw Wooyoung's arms littered in scars and fresh new cuts. He lifted his shirt up and covered his mouth. He could see Wooyoung's ribs, he was that skinny.

"That's why he won't eat... He's starving himself"!! 

"Wait what"!? The others members of ateez turned to San.

"He's starving himself"...

"We need the ambulance fast".


Wooyoung groaned as he woke up to the sound of machines beating around him. When he opened his eyes, he saw he was in a hospital room.

"W-what happened"? He muttered before the door opened and his members walked in.

"Woo"! San cried out, running over. Wooyoung looked away before he realized his arms were covered and he tried to cover them. But San stopped him.

"Woo don't. We know what happened". The others walked over.

"Why did you do it"? Yunho asked.

"C-comments were saying I didn't fit, that I-I should lose weight and that Ateez would be better without me... T-they want me gone"... Wooyoung whispered.

"Oh Woo... Ignore them. That's just haters. They can't do anything to you and Atiny are there to protect us". Wooyoung looked at the members before a doctor walked in. 

"Jung Wooyoung, I see your awake". Wooyoung looked at the doctor.

"You have lost tons of weight from not eating. You have suffered from a bit of blood loss from your wounds. It wil take some time for you to be able to eat properly so take it slow". Wooyoung nodded as he laid there. He smiled at his friends, happy that the member cared for him. 

"I'm sorry". 

"It's ok Woo. Just please, don't do it again".

"I won't". The members all walked over and hugged him tight. 

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