Fallen For A Siren pt2 (Seonghwa+Yeosang)

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When Yeosang was under the water with Seonghwa, he felt, safe somehow. It was beautiful. There was so many bright colours in the ocean. 

"You ok Yeosang"? Seonghwa asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok. It's just so colourful under the water". Seonghwa smiled.

"It is. This is my home". They arrived at a small house and Yeosang smiled as they swam in. It wasn't much but Seonghwa seemed to love it.

"Welcome to my house. It's not much I know, but it's my home". Yeosang looked around. 

"It's really nice".

"Thank you". Yeosang looked at him and smiled.

"So you can help me with my hearing"?

"I can try. Our magic can differ with different species. For fish and our kind, it's simple and magic works quickly. But we've never tried on a human before".

"So there's a chance that the spell won't work"? Seonghwa nodded. Yeosang looked down.

"It's worth trying". Seonghwa nodded as he grabbed a book from his shelf. He read the spell and sighed as he closed his eyes and concentrated. Yeosang held his breath, worried as he looked at Seonghwa. He heard a small ringing in his ear but ignored it, hoping it was normal until multiple sounds filled his ears and his eyes widened. 

"I-I can hear... I can hear myself!! It worked Hwa"! He cried out happily, swimming over and hugging the siren. Seonghwa smiled and hugged him back.

"That was alot easier. Humans are different to us so for you to get your hearing back fast is confusing to me... You sure your human"? 

"Of course I'm human. W-why wouldn't I be"? Yeosang pulled away from the hugged, looking confused. 

"Sirens and sea life heal faster with spells. Not humans as far as I know. You can't just be human if my magic healed your hearing fast".

"W-well, both my parents are human... I'm human". Seonghwa just nodded. 

"Your gonna hate me for this", Seonghwa muttered before he popped the bubble around Yeosang head.

"Hey! Why did you do that"!? Yeosang half shouted when the bubble was popped. He suddenly stopped when he realized he could breath. 


"You aren't just human". Yeosang looked at him in shock as he breathed slowly. 

"I can breath underwater... I-I'm not fully human"... 

"I'm sorry I popped the bubble. I really didn't mean to scare you", Seonghwa spoke as he hugged Yeosang.

"I-it's ok. But warn me next time please". Seonghwa nodded and smiled.

"Let's get you back to the surface".

"No, I-I wanna figure out my life. I'm not just human. I wanna understand what's going on with my life. My parents were hiding this from me". Seonghwa sighed. 

"The only thing I can think of if that one of your parents are a siren, like me". Yeosang looked down. 

"I can ask them".

"You can try. So let's get you back to the surface ok"? Yeosang nodded and the two swam back up to the surface. 

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