Don't Make A Promise You Can't Keep pt2 (San+Yeosang)

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Months after Yeosang and San met, the two hung out more and soon, Yeosang had asked San to be his boyfriend.

"Hey Sannie"? Yeosang asked as he walked into their new house. San was in the kitchen and he threw Yeosang a smile.

"Hey Sangie. Your home early".

"Work was fast". Yeosang walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Hey I wanna ask you something".

"Of course". San turned around in Yeosang arms and looked at him.

"M parents want to meet you. I told them I found the right guy for me and they asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with them. Would you want that"?

"Of course. I'd love to meet your parents". Yeosang smiled.

"Great. They want to meet in 2 days. So we have time to prepare before then". San smiled before he quickly kissed Yeosang's cheek and turned back to what his was doing

"Whatcha making"?

"I'm making brownies. I've always enjoyed baking and my grandmother had loved a cake I had made her when I was younger". Yeosang smiled as he dipped his finger into the batter and tasted it.

"That's gonna taste amazing". San blushed. His boyfriend always managed to find a way to make him blush. Yeosang giggled and walked over to the lounge room, grabbing the remote and turning it on.

"Everyone has gathered around the Seoul Dance Studio to congratulate Jeong Yunho and his now husband, Song Mingi. Photos of them have been posted all over social media and everyone is dying to meet his new lover". Yeosang turned to San to see his shoulders shaking slightly.


"H-he ruined my life... promised me he would keep my heart safe and wouldn't break it... He fucking lied to my face"!! San screamed as he turned to face the tv. Mingi and Yunho were seen exiting the building, a large crowd waiting for them to ask questions. Yeosang quickly turned the tv off and rushed over to San, pulling him into a hug.

"It's ok. I'm nothing like Yunho. I won't make a promise cause no promise can be kept but I will tell you this. I love you with all my heart and I'll do whatever to keep your heart in one piece, ok"? San hid his face in Yeosang's neck as he nodded.

"O-ok"... was all he whispered.


San and Yeosang spent their time avoiding places San knew Yunho would take Mingi. He couldn't look at his ex the same after his heart was ripped out and crushed so easily.

"Want a coffee"? Yeosang asked as they passed a café.

"Sure". The two walked in holding hands and walked up to the counter.

"Hi what can I get for you today"? A young boy asked.

"Hi, can I please get two large flat whites, one with a hazelnut shot and another with a caramel shot please"? Yeosang ordered. San loved his coffees with a shot of caramel as he thought it gave the coffee a yummy taste. Yeosang paid for the order an the two went to take a seat. As the two talked, the doors open and San face falls. Yunho and Mingi had walked in.

"Great"... He muttered as he looked away from the door.

"Just breath Sannie. It's ok. He does anything, you have me".

"Thanks Sang". San heard Yunho order something for him and Mingi and looked over before Yunho turned and the two locked eyes before San looked back at Yeosang.

"I just want my coffee then I'm out of this café", he whispered. Yeosang giggled and nodded before Yunho walked over, Mingi trailing behind him. Mingi gave San a smile, seeing the boy was happy with his friend.

"Didn't expect to see you here. Thought you were avoiding me", Yunho spat.

"I am. So go away", San spoke, not looking up at Yunho.

"Why don't you look at me and say that to my face? Or are you a chicken"? Yeosang went to speak but San grabbed his hand and shook his head before he looked at Yunho, standing up.

"You want me to say it to your face? Fine. Fuck off. You ripped my heart out and crushed it so easy. I found it hard to move on with Yeosang because you broke the fucking promise you made. Remember? You promised me you would never break my heart and yet you did. You fucked Mingi on your desk while I was making a surprise for you"!! San shouted. Everyone in the café turned to them, all speechless. So was Yunho.

"You're a player. You find someone to date then fuck them over by going after another person. You'll do it to Mingi. You won't change. So keep the fuck away from me and Sang because next time I see you and you decided to fuck around me with at a café, I won't hesitate to fuck you up". Mingi walked forward and grabbed Yunho, pulling him back. San had managed to scare the two of them. Yunho blinked before he pulled away from Mingi and walked forward, throwing his fist at San.

He punched San in the face before he grabbed him and kneed him in the stomach, causing San to shout in pain and fall.

"Next time, don't threaten me. Your pathetic. You could barely protect yourself just then". He then walked off.

"Sannie"! Yeosang got down next to San. The boy coughed and held his stomach.

"H-hurts"... he whispered. Yeosang picked him up and rushed out, not bothering with the coffees. He rushed San to the hospital, not knowing if Yunho and damaged him badly or not

"Hi, I need a doctor quickly please", Yeosang spoke as he rushed to the front desk.

"There is one available. I can send you to a room and she'll be down shortly". Yeosang nodded.


"Ok. Room 23 is available". Yeosang nodded and made his way to the room. Once he entered, he placed San down on the bed, who curled up in a ball and held his stomach.

"Sannie? Are you ok"? Yeosang asked.

"H-hurts... h-he hurt t-the"... San coughed before he could finish the sentence. Yeosang eyes widened when he realized what he was about to say.

"Y-your pregnant"? Before San could even say anything, the doctor walked in.

"Hi, I'm here for you two, is that correct"?

"Yes. San was hurt bad. H-he's pregnant". The doctor was a shocked as Yeosang.

"Oh wow. Well, I'll see if there is any damage done to the baby". Yeosang nodded. San was taken to get an ultrasound and to their happiness, the baby was unharmed. San smiled softly as the pain soon disappeared.

"How long are you"? The lady asked.

"O-only a few weeks"...

"You didn't tell me"? Yeosang asked

"I was scared. After what happened with Yunho, I found it hard to trust people. I love you Sang but I was scared you wouldn't want to baby"... Yeosang grabbed San's hand.

"Sannie, I'll always want you. And if you get pregnant, it doesn't matter. I want a family with you and this baby will need a loving father. I'm not going anywhere".

"Thank you Sangie"! San hugged Yeosang tight and smiled.

"You'll never be alone in anything".

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