'Not So' Perfect finale (Hongjoong+Seonghwa)

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Hongjoong was rushed to the hospital as Seonghwa was taken by Jongho and Yeosang. His dress was a mess and his makeup was smeared but he couldn't care less.

"Do you know who that was"? Jongho asked.

"N-no... But thank you for that Jongie... Whoever that was wasn't gonna stop until I was dead"... Seonghwa whispered. Yeosang took his hand and rubbed his softly and Seonghwa tried to hold himself together.

"It was going amazing. Why did someone have to ruin it"?

"I don't know. But what matters is if Hongjoong is ok". They arrived at the hospital and Seonghwa ran in and towards the front desk.

"H-Has someone named Kim Hongjoong been brought in"? He asked.

"Yes. He just came in. He's been taken to get some scans done. Are you family"?

"H-his husband"... The lady looked at his dress and smiled.

"Wasn't how your perfect day was meant to go I see"? Seonghwa shook his head and gave her a small smile.


"Well I hope he is ok and congrats on the marriage". Seonghwa walked off to the waiting area as Jongho and Yeosang walked in with some clothing.

"Hwa, you should change. That dress is bloody". Seonghwa took the clothing and went to the nearby bathroom to get dressed. He looked at the ring on his finger and closed his eyes tight.

"Please be ok Joongie"... he opened his eyes and walked out. Yeosang took the dresses and rushed out to the car as Seonghwa sat down and waited for news on Hongjoong.


After a few hours, a doctor walked out towards the three and Seonghwa sprung from his seat.

"Mr Park"?

"I-it's now Kim. Is Hongjoong ok"? Seonghwa asked.

"He's ok now. From how close the bullet was to his heart, it was very hard to tell if it was gonna cause damage to it if we moved it but thankfully, it didn't. However"...

"W-what is it"?

"His head injury was almost fatal and it's put him in a coma". Seonghwa's eyes widened as he tears up, covering his mouth.

"How long will he be in a coma"? Jongho asked.

"It's hard to say. People are different but with the head injruy, I say... maybe a few months"? Yeosang hugged Seonghwa close and rubbed his back.

"You can see him if you'd like". Seonghwa nodded and the doctor led them to Hongjoong's room.

Seonghwa poked his head in and his heart ached seeing Hongjoong on the bed, connected to the machines next to him.

"We'll leave you alone with him for a bit Hwa. Come get us if you need us", Yeosang said and pulled Jongho away from the room.

Seonghwa walked over to the bed and carefully grabbed Hongjoong's hand. It broke his heart seeing him in this condition but there was no way to go back in time and stop it.

"H-hey Joongie... you probably can't hear me... today was meant to be a beautiful day for us but it turned out horrible... I-I had wanted to tell you something after the reception but I guess I can say now, even if you can't hear me"... Seonghwa looked down and carefully placed Hongjoong's hand in his stomach.

"I'm pregnant Joong. 4 months. It was meant to be a surprise for you. Sang and Jongho know. It scares me at first so I had gone to them. If you can hear me, please wake soon... I want you apart of this before our little one comes into this world"... Seonghwa leaned down and kissed Hongjoong's forehead before walking out of the room.


Days passed and Seonghwa had heard no news on Hongjoong. He visited when ever he could and still made sure the baby was healthy as well.

When Seonghwa was cooking for himself, the phone rang and he dropped everything rushed to it.


"Hi is this Kim Seonghwa"? The lady on the other side asked.

"Yes? Is everything ok"?

"We're just calling to let you know... Hongjoong's woken up". Seonghwa's eyes widen. He told the lady thank you before grabbing his things, turning everything off in the kitchen and covering his food up before he ran out of the house. He lived close to the hospital so it was easy for him to get there by foot.

Entering the hospital, Seonghwa ran straight to Hongjoong's room and quickly grabbed the wall once he was there to stop himself from falling. He smiled seeing his love sitting up on the bed.

"J-Joongie"! He cried, running in. Hongjoong looked over and smiled, grabbing his hand as Seonghwa stood beside the bed.

"Hey Hwa. It's wonderful seeing your face again". Seonghwa went to sit down before Hongjoong touched his stomach and smiled and Seonghwa looked at him.

"Y-you heard"? He nodded.

"I heard everything you said. I can't believe we're having a child. It's amazing"! Seonghwa smiled and sat down.

"I wanted to surprise you but it went downhill. I haven't been contacted by police so I don't know who ruined our day".

"That doesn't matter. What matters is I'm ok and so are you. I will always take a bullet for you Hwa. I love you so much".

"I love you too Joongie. And please... don't scare me like this ever again. I was so worried".

"I won't scare you like this again. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me". Seonghwa kissed him softly and smiled. It might not have been a perfect wedding, but his future was gonna be more than perfect.


I hope you enjoy. If anyone else has any ideas, please comment them and I will check them out.

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