Game Night (Mingi+Ateez)

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Finally finishing up their Inception comeback, Ateez was able to on a long break.

"Let's play a game"! Jongho shouted happily. The others agreed, all but Mingi. Mingi wasn't the type of person to really play games with friends. He always lost.

"Mingi, what do you say"? Hongjoong asked, seeing the boy's expression.

"I kinda don't want to play", Mingi spoke.

"Oh come on! Last time we had a long break, you locked yourself in your room! Your playing with us", Wooyoung spoke before Mingi could object. He sighed and sat down as several games were called out.

"Charades"! San called.

"Pictionary"! Seonghwa spoke. Yunho looked through all the board games they hand.

"How about we play a game using a phone? There's a game similar to charades but this time you get to talk. The rules are one person holds the phone against their forehead and the other player has to try their best to describe the word". Everyone smiled and nodded at the game. Ming said nothing as the other began setting up the game.

"Ok, first up! Yunho and Wooyoung"! Seonghwa announced. The two smiled as Yunho grabbed the phone and held it up. They were given 1 minute to get the most answers before the time ran out. Next was Mingi and Hongjoong. Mingi gulped as Yunho handed the phone to him.

"Just breath and go with your gut. I believe in you", Yunho whispered. Mingi nodded as he held the phone against his forehead, and they began. Mingi was having a hard time guessing. He hated these sorts of games. Once everyone had a go, the results were called out.

"Yunho and Wooyoung won! San and I came second, Jongho and Yeosang came third! And... Mingi and Hongjoong lost. One two right"...

"I-it's a hard game. You know I hate these games", Mingi whispered as he looked down.

"You could've tried! You made us lose! What good are you in games when you just let your team fail? You may be our main dancer but when it comes to gaming, we're all wanting to win and losing isn't something we like! You maybe, but the rest of us, we hate it"! Hongjoong shouted. Mingi flinched and moved back.

"I-I'm sorry"... He whispered.

"I don't care. You don't ever make game night fun. I understand why you lock yourself in your room", Wooyoung muttered. Mingi felt tears in his eyes before he turned and ran out of the house. He couldn't be there if his group hated him.

"They hate me... I'm no good in anything"... Mingi whispered as he walked through the streets. He looked up at the sky before it began to rain heavy, but Mingi didn't care. He found a building to enter and walked to the very top. He felt useless. He was Ateez main dancer but Mingi never truly felt like he was apart of the group. He wanted his suffering to end.

Climbing up onto the ledge of the building, Mingi smiled to himself as a tear fell down his cheek. He then let his body fall back as he fell off the roof.

"G-goodbye"... he whispered as he closed his eyes and fell into complete darkness.


"Where's Mingi? It's raining heavy out there. He wouldn't be walking out in the rain", Yeosang spoke, worried for his team member. The others began to worry too.

"I don't know. Maybe he found some shelter"? Wooyoung suggested as Seonghwa turned the tv on. But what he saw made him gasp as the remote dropped from his hand.

"Hwa"? Hongjoong asked as everyone turned to the tv and their eyes widened.

"Ateez member, Song Mingi, was found dead not far from Ateez company, KQ Entertainment. Police believe his death to be an act of suicide and believe he had jumped from building I'm standing in front of now".

"H-he's dead"? San whispered. His whole body was trembling as he saw Mingi's dead body on the tv being placed into an ambulance.

"H-he's going to the hospital! We need to go"! Everyone made their to a company van and jumped in as Seonghwa started the engine and drove off down to the hospital.


Once there, Yunho was the first to jump out and bolted towards the entrance.

"Where's Mingi"!

"O-oh, hi. You mean Song Mingi"? A lady asked as she looked up from her desk.

"Yes. Where is he"?

"He was just brought it. Sadly, he was found dead but I'll allow you to visit him. His in room 105". Yunho nodded and ran, just as the others rushed in through the door. Yunho made it to room 105 and froze as he looked in. Mingi's body laid there on a bed. He wasn't hooked up to anything. They knew he was dead.

"M-MinMin"... Yunho whispered as he walked over to his body. His skin was pale, his lips blue. Yunho could see a few bones poking through his skin and he looked away as he teared up.

"Yunho, you ran"- Hongjoong started before he saw Mingi and froze.

"He really is dead... W-we pushed him and he killed himself"! Yunho screamed as tears fell. He held Mingi's cold hand as he cried.

"MinMin"... Yunho looked down as he cried harder. Seeing a member dead was his worst nightmare and yet, his nightmare came true.

"W-why did you kill yourself MinMin? W-why"?! The others walked in and circled Mingi. Hongjoong placed a hand on his arm and the others did the same before Hongjoong whispered one small sentence.

"8 makes 1 team. Forever". 

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