Chapter 7 - Mercy

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          It should have been a beautiful summer morning, the wind almost none existing, the sun shining brightly above our head once again

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          It should have been a beautiful summer morning, the wind almost none existing, the sun shining brightly above our head once again. It was blazing down onto the sept of Baelor, and the crowd gathered there. There were many people gathered, their yells indistinguishable, the many voices fading together.

The sudden uproar of the people had dampened my other senses, keeping me focused in the moment. A lot had happened in a short amount of time. Robert Baratheon had lost his life in a hunting accident, father had rebelled against the Lannisters and now he was being brought forth to answer for the crimes he had been charged with. He had been charged with high treason against the crown. Because that pious little shit to Joffrey had now become king.

I held my head high despite feeling my tears fall. I made no effort in hiding them as they dragged our father out. He looked utterly horrible, his hands had been bound on his back. He was pale as the first snow because he hadn't seen daylight for almost a week now.

He had been brought before the people and the newly appointed king to confess his crimes, to gain mercy and then to be allowed to travel north, and thereafter live out the remainder of his days on the wall, stripped of all titles and land. All this was only happening because my stupid sister had begged for mercy, and this was the condition the new king had given.

Joffery had been crowned King after his father's death, but he had no right to that throne, he wasn't Robert Baratheon's trueborn son, he was a bastard, a Lannister bastard. Fathered by the Queens own twin brother, which made him a product of incest. I had heard the rumors flourish between the servants, but mostly because Astra had let it slip after my father had openly accused Joffrey of not having any claim to the throne before being apprehended.

It was hard to distinguish truth from fact, but I knew now that Father had believed he had the city watch with him. Even he wasn't stupid enough to confront the Lannisters without enough support. But something went wrong and someone turned on him, the only reason he had been apprehended all those days ago.

It was all I had been able to learn, and after my previous escape attempt, the Queen had kept a guard stationed outside my door at all times. Only Astra was allowed to come and go. She had become the best companion in a short amount of time. Her opinions weren't hushed and she openly shared them with me.

But she hadn't come today after I had been dressed. Instead, Sandor had come and practically dragged me from my room to the sept of Baelor where they brought out my father to finally answer for his crimes. Sansa was at my side, her eyes just as bloodshot as my own.

When the new king, turned back to me, my expression contorted in pure disgust. How I wanted to slap that bloody glee off of his lips. But if I dared raise a hand against him, I would surely loose it. Father had just renounced his previous accusations and admitted his treason, and that Joffrey was the true air. But when the pious little shit to Joffrey sent us a satisfied smirk, after he briefly had turned to Sansa and I, I knew he would never keep true to his word.

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