Chapter 19 - Judged by the Lord of Light

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          After it had been revealed that Sandor had been sentenced to trial by combat, his bonds had been cut and he had been given a sword

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          After it had been revealed that Sandor had been sentenced to trial by combat, his bonds had been cut and he had been given a sword. It took me a while to understand that it was his own. He swung it a couple of times before a shield was handed to him as well, he took it reluctantly but took it because he had noticed Beric had taken one for himself.

"Lord, cast your light upon us. Lord of light defend us. Show us the truth, strike this man down shall he be guilty, give strength to his sword if he is true." Thoros had started the prayer when the two men readied themselves for the fight. I had never seen Beric fight and therefore I feared for his life. Sandor was a brutal opponent. When Thoros ended the prayer with: "Lord of light give us wisdom, for the night is dark and full of terrors." The last words were said in unison, many had joined in before they dispersed against the back of the cave, giving the two fighters room.

I felt a chill go down my spine before I also backed away. It made me miss what happened next and suddenly Beric's sword were on fire. My eyes widened when the walls of the cave were lid up by the blast of orange flames that engulfed Beric's sword. The light reflected in Sandor's eyes and made me see the genuine fear in them as he ducked away almost instantly.

Then a long silence before Sandor grew frustrated enough to swing his sword at his opponent. Sandor growled loudly, exclaiming an angry sound as the two swords clashed together, the singing of metal against metal filled the cave as the fight progressed. Luckily, Beric was a skilled fighter, and he blocked every swing Sandor threw at him while also getting to swing a few at him as they moved around the cave.

Everyone jumped out of their way when they came to close. It didn't take me long to understand the brutality of Sandor's mood because the series of swings that followed from Sandor were aimed directly at the former knight's head. Beric blocked another swing, redirecting Sandor's sword towards the large stone I stood next to. A loud surprised shriek left me when the sword clanged against the stone, instantly making me jump out of the way. Sandor sent me a satisfied grin before he returned his attention to his opponent.

I frowned at him, but he didn't see it because he had already swung his sword at Beric again. Sandor wasn't as agile as Beric, but he was still quick enough to follow the man around. The battle turned multiple times, and just when I feared for Beric's life he turned the upper hand and it was Sandor I became worried about. At one point Beric had lead Sandor over a fire, making him extremely angry before he kicked an object across the room.

Beric had also noticed Sandor's initial fear of fire. Which he had used to his advantage, however it only made Sandor more agitated and angrier, which then turned the battle to Sandor's advantage again. At some point Beric swung his sword at Sandor who blocked the flaming blade with his shield. The fire engulfed it instantly before Sandor kicked the man away. Beric was then forced to take a knee, and he quickly raised his sword up to block Sandor's new swing but instead of the singing of metal against metal, Sandor's sword sliced right through the blade like butter, continuing into his opponent's shoulder.

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